Free Consultation: 833-416-8796

Disclosure: We receive compensation if you choose to speak to one our recommended timeshare exit companies. The following information is for educational purposes and is not to be considered professional or legal advice.

July 26, 2020

Cancelación de un Tiempo Compartido en Garza Blanca

Garza Blanca es un resort y spa con dos ubicaciones, una en Puerto Vallarta y otra en Los Cabos. El complejo turístico cuenta con lujosos pent-house y suites de lujo de varios dormitorios. Cenas gourmet, tirolesa, observación de ballenas y degustación de tequila son solo algunas de las amenidades que se ofrecen a los huéspedes. Después de viajar a este destino, pudiste haber sido tentado por vendedores calificados para comprar un tiempo compartido, ahora deseas saber cómo deshacerte del tiempo compartido de Garza Blanca.

Tal vez te hicieron creer que estarías ahorrando dinero en vacaciones futuras y haciendo una inversión inteligente. Muchos propietarios de tiempos compartidos creen que su tiempo compartido aumentará en valor como en el mercado inmobiliario, y luego se decepcionan al saber que no pueden ni regalarlo por $1 cuando ya no lo quieren.

¿Sabías que los tiempos compartidos disminuye en un 50% en el preciso momento después de la compra? Es similar a comprar un auto nuevo. En el segundo que se compra y “se saca del lote” pierdes mucho dinero.

Puedes comprar un tiempo compartido en eBay y otros mercados en línea por tan solo $1. Muchos propietarios de tiempos compartidos anuncian su tiempo compartido a la venta por una cantidad tan pequeña con la esperanza de deshacerse de el y detener sus tarifas de mantenimiento. Cuando no se vende por $1, puede parecer que estás atascado y no tienes más opciones para deshacerte de tu tiempo compartido en Garza Blanca.

Has firmado un contrato legalmente vinculante y el desarrollador puede no estar dispuesto a ayudarte a salir de ese contrato. La cantidad de dinero que están ganando con las tarifas de mantenimiento y los intereses de los préstamos que podrías estar pagando, hacen que las posibilidades de que te ayuden sean pocas. A veces, el desarrollador puede estar dispuesto a ayudarte para deshacerte de tu tiempo compartido para que puedan aumentar su inventario y venderlo a los nuevos propietarios, pero eso rara vez es el caso. Muchos desarrolladores de complejos de tiempo compartido preferirían vender nuevos tiempos compartidos para que sigan pagando sus tarifas de mantenimiento.

Las compañías de cancelación de tiempos compartidos existen por esta misma razón, porque pueden ayudarte a deshacerte de tu tiempo compartido cuando no puedes vender y su desarrollo se niega a ayudarte. Solo recomendamos utilizar una empresa de cancelación de tiempos compartidos que ofrezca depósito en garantía como método de pago para evitar pagar una tarifa por adelantado.

El deposito en garantía es importante y es un método de pago seguro para usar al cancelar tu tiempo compartido porque no requiere de pagar por adelantado. En cambio, pagas a una compañía de depósitos en garantía y la compañía de cancelación de tiempos compartidos solo recibe el pago de después de que se cancela tu tiempo compartido. Las compañías de cancelación de tiempo compartido que ofrecen una opción de pago por depósito en garantía son la opción más segura por mucho, ya que garantiza que se hagan responsables. Si no concluyen el trabajo, no se les paga. Un servicio de depósito en garantía proporciona protección tanto para el propietario del tiempo compartido como para la empresa de cancelación.

Obtén más información sobre el depósito en garantía y por qué es importante. O inicia el chat en vivo, llámanos o envía un formulario de contacto para una consulta sin costo de cancelación de tiempo compartido.

Cancelación de Tiempos Compartidos en Bahía Príncipe

Bahía Príncipe es un club vacacional de tiempos compartidos que ofrece a sus miembros ofertas exclusivas en sus hoteles y resorts. Cuenta con ubicaciones en el Caribe y las Islas Canarias. La membresía al Privilege Club de Bahía Príncipe te da acceso a beneficios y descuentos exclusivos que la compañía ofrece en sus desarrollos, incluidas las playas privadas, salones y bares con servicio. Si posees un tiempo compartido en Bahía Príncipe pero ya no recibes el valor que tenías cuando te uniste al programa por primera vez, es posible que te estés preguntando cuál es la mejor manera de deshacerte de tu tiempo compartido en Bahía Príncipe. Afortunadamente, hemos reunido los siguientes consejos sobre la cancelación de tiempos compartidos en Bahía Príncipe para ayudarte.

Cómo deshacerse del Tiempo Compartido en Bahía Príncipe

Existen muchos métodos para deshacerse de un tiempo compartido en Bahía Príncipe. Sin embargo, algunas formas de lograr la cancelación de un tiempo compartido en Bahía Príncipe son mucho más efectivas que otras. Por ejemplo, podrías considerar anunciar tu tiempo compartido de Bahía Príncipe en el mercado de reventa de tiempos compartidos. A diferencia de algunas compañías de tiempos compartidos, Bahía Príncipe es un poco más exclusivo. Mientras que algunos tiempos compartidos se anuncian en eBay por solo unos pocos dólares, los propietarios de tiempos compartidos en Bahía Príncipe parecen salirse con la suya al publicarlos por unos pocos miles. Dicho esto, una búsqueda rápida usando la “búsqueda avanzada” de eBay muestra que la mayoría de estos listados de tiempos compartidos en Bahía Príncipe en realidad no se venden. Los tiempos compartidos son notoriamente difíciles de vender a través de la reventa, a diferencia de lo que puedes haber creído anteriormente.

A partir del 6/19/19, Bahía Príncipe no cuenta con ningún programa propio de cancelación de tiempos compartidos en su sitio web. Sin embargo, pueden estar dispuestos a ayudarte si los contactas. Algunas compañías ofrecen programas para lograr la libertad del tiempo compartido directamente con ellos; Sin embargo, muchos no lo hacen. Piénsalo: ¿por qué te ayudarían a finalizar un contrato del que se benefician continuamente?

Compañías de Cancelación de Tiempos Compartidos y opciones de pago por Deposito en Garantía

Lo más probable es que el mejor método para deshacerte de tu tiempo compartido en Bahía Príncipe sea utilizar una empresa de cancelación de tiempos compartidos.

Las compañías de cancelación de tiempos compartidos solicitan la ayuda de profesionales legales para ayudar a los propietarios de tiempos compartidos a deshacerse de sus contratos de un tiempo compartido no deseado. Si estás considerando esta opción para tu cancelación de tiempo compartido en Bahía Príncipe, asegúrate de investigar a fondo las compañías de cancelación. La industria de compañías de cancelación de tiempos compartidos está repleta de fraudes que toman tu dinero y escapan y nunca cancelan tu tiempo compartido. Es por eso que recomendamos trabajar solo con una empresa de cancelación de tiempos compartidos que le ofrezca la opción de una opción de pago por depósito en garantía sin pago inicial, lo que te permite depositar el pago en una cuenta de depósito de garantía externa que solo libera los fondos a la compañía de cancelación después de cancelar con éxito tu tiempo compartido. Obtén más información sobre el depósito en garantía y por qué es importante.

Aquí en nuestro sitio web, hemos reunido guías sobre compañías de cancelación de tiempos compartidos para ayudarte a elegir la mejor. Para una consulta gratuita, inicia un chat en vivo o envía el formulario de contacto en el lado derecho de la página. O llámanos.

Mexico Timeshare Scams & Complaints

There are several different types of Mexico timeshare scams and complaints to be aware of. Some scams happen before you buy a timeshare in Mexico and other scams happen after you buy the timeshare.

Mexico Timeshare Scams Before You Buy a Timeshare

To start, most timeshares can be considered a poor value when bought from a resort developer directly. It doesn’t matter if the timeshare is in Mexico, Canada or the United States. When you buy a timeshare from a resort developer directly, it almost always decreases in value by 50% or more the second it is purchased. This happens because a significant portion of the purchase price goes towards paying the sales staff commission, the sales facilities and the free gifts used to lure vacationers into the timeshare tour. There are not many products on earth that immediately decrease in value by several thousand dollars the second they are purchased. While this might not be considered a scam, it is certainly a poor value.

If you finance the timeshare through the resort developer directly, there is a good chance you’ll be paying a very high interest rate above 10% as well. Again, this isn’t necessarily a scam because it is disclosed to you in the timeshare documents, but it is certainly not a good value.

A timeshare becomes a scam when a sales agent chooses to lie to you about what a timeshare is and how it can be used. For example, a timeshare is not an investment, and if a sales agent chooses to tell you that it is, they are attempting to scam you because that is simply not true. Almost all timeshares do not go up in value after being purchased from a resort developer directly.

We’ve heard of some timeshare sales agents in Mexico telling current timeshare owners that they will buy their current timeshare if they buy a Mexico timeshare instead. The current timeshare owners believe this and buy the Mexico timeshare, and later find out that they still own their current timeshare. Any time a timeshare sales agent lies, it can be considered a scam, so watch out for this one.

If you really want to buy a timeshare in Mexico, a resale timeshare from a current owner will almost always be a better value. Timeshare resales in Mexico can be found on Ebay for as little as $1. Some sellers are even offering to pay the first year’s maintenance fees just so they can get rid of the timeshare, which would mean a free vacation for you the first year.

Mexico Timeshare Scams After You Buy a Timeshare

Mexico timeshare scams after you already own a timeshare have been popping up recently. A company by the name of Global Business Consultants is calling many Mexican timeshare owners and offering them a ridiculously high price for their timeshare. The company calls timeshare owners out of the blue and says they will buy your timeshare at a high price, but you will need to wire them a few thousand dollars for a “transfer fee” or “closing fee” first. When you wire them the money, they will not buy your timeshare and will instead pocket your money and disappear. This is one of the oldest scams in the book and it takes a variety of forms.

Another form of this Meixco timeshare scam is often performed by “listing” or “advertising” companies that offer to “advertise” your Mexican timeshare for you in exchange for an up-front advertising fee. You’ll pay the up-front advertising fee, and your timeshare will likely not sell. Again, many Mexican timeshares can be found on Ebay for as little as $1, so paying several hundred dollars in an attempt to sell your Mexican timeshare for more than $1 is not a good idea. Advertising your timeshare for sale on Ebay is only a few dollars.

If you’d like to get rid of your Mexican timeshare and are unable to sell it, you may want to contact your resort to see if they will take it back. If the Mexican resort won’t take the timeshare back, you may want to speak with a timeshare exit company. Timeshare exit companies work with lawyers to get your timeshare cancelled.

If you choose to speak with a timeshare exit company to cancel your timeshare, we typically recommend choosing one that offers an escrow payment option for extra piece of mind. When you pay with escrow, the timeshare exit company does not get paid in full until after your timeshare has been cancelled. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

For a free timeshare exit consultation, give us a call, submit a contact form or initiate live chat on the right side of the page.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

Our goal is to help timeshare owners find a reputable timeshare exit company to work with. That’s why we’re offering a $1,000 Satisfaction Guarantee to timeshare owners that choose to work with one of the qualifying timeshare exit companies that appear on our website.


To be eligible for the $1,000 Satisfaction Guarantee, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You requested a free consultation through from a timeshare exit company that is covered by the $1,000 Satisfaction Guarantee.
  • You paid the timeshare exit company for its services using its escrow payment option. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.
  • You allowed the timeshare exit company at least 365 days to cancel your timeshare.
  • You did not receive your money-back from the escrow account within 30 days from the time in which you requested a refund from the timeshare exit company. You made this request after 365 days had passed since you fist hired the timeshare exit company.

Please email us at if you meet these requirements. Please include the company you chose to work with along with documentation that shows your name and the date in which you became a customer of the timeshare exit company.

How Does a Timeshare Exit Company Qualify For the Satisfaction Guarantee?

To earn the Satisfaction Guarantee, a timeshare exit company must meet the following qualifications:

  • Offers an escrow payment option to cancel your timeshare.
  • Has an A rating with the BBB and no pattern of complaints reported.
  • Has employees with more than six years of experience in the timeshare exit industry.

If you have any questions about the Satisfaction Guarantee, please contact us through live chat or the contact form on the right side of the page.

Resolution Timeshare Cancellation Review


Resolution Timeshare Cancellation is another timeshare exit company that may be able to help you cancel your timeshare. The company is based in Madison, NJ and has been in business since June 2019.

When reviewing the company’s homepage, the first thing that stands out to us is the recommendation to contact your resort first to see if a voluntary exit program is available. Some resort developers, such as Wyndham, have exit programs that you can use to exit your timeshare on your own without the help of a timeshare exit company. Many timeshare exit companies will not tell you that your resort has an exit program of its own because the timeshare exit company wants you to pay them thousands of dollars for a service you could easily do yourself with a simple phone call to your resort. Resolution Timeshare Cancellation has chosen to take the high road by only working with timeshare owners who were not able to cancel their timeshare directly with their resort. The company gets a major endorsement from us for its transparency.

Get your free consultation from Resolution Timeshare Cancellation

The next thing we notice on the homepage is the mention of a low up-front fee escrow payment option. We like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option because it allows owners to protect themselves from all possible scams. When you pay a timeshare exit company high up-front, you lose all control. The timeshare exit company could take your money and never cancel your timeshare. When you pay with an escrow account, the timeshare exit company does not get paid in full not until they’ve cancelled your timeshare. This gives the timeshare exit company incentive to complete the task it was hired to do. Resolution Timeshare Cancellation gets another endorsement from us for its escrow payment option.

Resolution differs from the competition by offering a true 100% low up-front fee escrow payment option. Many other timeshare exit companies require owners to pay a high fee up-front while the rest of the fee for the exit service is held in escrow. Resolution allows owners to put 100% of the exit service fee into an escrow account with low small up-front fee required.

Heading over to the Attorneys page and we see this company works with former New York attorney general, Myron G. Lasser. Experienced and ethical legal council is an important quality for a timeshare exit company to have because timeshare exit lawyers in the past have been disbarred for unethical activities.

Heading over to the About Us page and we see that Resolution Timeshare Cancellation is very different from other timeshare exit companies. This company does not employ sales people and offers a low, affordable flat fee for timeshare cancellation. Avoiding a commissioned salesperson is always a good idea because anyone who works on commission rarely has your best interests in mind.

Resolution Timeshare Cancellation Reviews

Resolution is a relatively new timeshare exit company, so reviews are hard to come by at the moment. We’ll update this section as reviews become available.

Resolution Timeshare Cancellation Costs

Resolution is the only timeshare exit company we’ve found that displays its costs directly on its website. The fee for its service if you don’t owe a mortgage on your timeshare is $2,500. If you owe a mortgage on the timeshare, the fee increases to $3,400. These are some of the lowest fees in the industry.  This is likely because the company does not employ sales people and offers a low, flat fee pricing structure.


In summary, Resolution Timeshare Cancellation is a timeshare exit company we can recommend with confidence because it offers an escrow payment option. When you pay with escrow, you are protected from all possible scams.

Get your free consultation from Resolution Timeshare Cancellation

Still have questions about cancelling your timeshare? Contact us using the contact form on the right side of the page or initiate live chat in the bottom right hand corner. You may also call us at the number shown at the top of the website.

Legitimate Companies That Buy Timeshares

If you own a timeshare that you no longer want, you may be looking for reputable and legitimate companies that buy timeshares. Your search will be very difficult because very few companies want to buy a timeshare. Most charities won’t even want your timeshare if you were to offer it to them for free.

The reason for this is that timeshare is not an investment like traditional real estate. It typically does not go up in value after you purchase it. It’s more like a new car where it loses value the second it is purchased. Unlike a new car that retains some of its value, a timeshare often doesn’t much value at all unless it is a Disney Vacation Club or a high value timeshare in Hawaii. Need some proof? Head over to Ebay and do a search for “timeshare.” You will likely see many timeshares being advertised for sale for as little as a $1 with no bids. If all these timeshares are advertised for a dollar and no one is buying them on the resale market, why would a company want to buy one from you? Charities don’t want them for free because they don’t want to be on the hook for the rising maintenance fees.

An old timeshare resale scam involves a random person / company calling you out of the blue and offering you a high amount to purchase your timeshare. This person will usually offer you more than the amount that you originally paid for your timeshare to get you excited. Once you’ve agreed to sell your timeshare to them, they will ask for a bogus fee to cover a “transfer fee” or a “paperwork fee”. You’ll pay this bogus fee and the company will disappear with your money and never buy your timeshare. A company by the name of Global Business Consultants is currently running this scam as of 11/25/19.

Many timeshare resale scams operate the same way. Timeshare resale companies will make you believe that your timeshare has value, and all you need to do is pay them an up-front “listing” or “advertising” fee to sell the timeshare. Once you pay the up-front “listing” or “advertising” fee, there is a very good chance that no one will ever buy the timeshare and you will be out the “listing” or “advertising” fee.

The safest way to sell your timeshare is through a licensed real estate broker because brokers are not allowed to charge an up-front fee to sell your timeshare. However, timeshare brokers work on commission, so if your timeshare has no value, as many do not, a timeshare broker will not have an incentive to sell your timeshare.

So, rather than looking for reputable companies that buy timeshares, you may want to reach out to a timeshare exit company instead if your resort won’t take the timeshare back. Timeshare exit companies work with lawyers to cancel your timeshare and stop your future fees. These companies do not buy timeshares or advertise your timeshare for sale.

We typically like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option, so the timeshare exit company does not get paid in full until after your timeshare has been cancelled. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

Before working with a timeshare exit company, give your resort a call and see if they will take it back. Sometimes a resort developer will take the timeshare back if you agree to pay them the equivalent of one- or two-year’s maintenance fees and are current on maintenance fees and don’t owe a mortgage. Giving the timeshare back to the resort will always be cheaper than working with a timeshare exit company. Typically, a timeshare exit company will charge more than $2,000 for its services. Be careful when talking to your resort developer because they will likely try to sell you more timeshare rather than help you cancel your current timeshare.

For a free timeshare exit consultation, give us a call, submit a contact form or initiate live chat on the right side of the page.

How To Get Rid of Marriott Timeshare / Vacation Club

Marriott is one of largest timeshare companies in existence. It has timeshare properties in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii and more. If you purchased a Marriott timeshare that you no longer want, you may be wondering how to get rid of Marriott timeshare or Vacation Club.

Selling Marriott Timeshare

Many owners looking to cancel Marriott timeshare first try to sell their timeshare on the resale market. Marriott is different from other timeshare resort developers in that it offers its own internal timeshare resale marketplace for its owners. Marriott timeshare owners can advertise their timeshare for sale on Marriott’s website and they may be able to find a buyer.

When owners are unable to sell Marriott timeshare through Marriott’s own resale program, they may look to sites like eBay and Craigslist to sell the timeshare. This can lead to disappointment because often times there are hundreds of timeshare for sale on these platforms for as little as $1 with no one buying them.

Unlike traditional real estate, timeshare does not increase in value after purchase. In fact, it typically depreciates in value by 50% or more. This is why many owners choose to simply give the timeshare back to Marriott or use the services of a timeshare exit company.

Marriott offers a deed back program where they will take your timeshare back from you. Working with Marriott directly is always your best option if you’re looking to cancel Marriott timeshare. If, for some reason, Marriott is not interested in taking your timeshare back, you may need to employ the services of a timeshare exit company. Sometimes resort developers will not take your timeshare back if you still owe a mortgage on the timeshare.

Using a Timeshare Exit Company

Timeshare exit companies exist to assist timeshare owners with a timeshare cancellation when their resorts won’t help them. These companies typically work with lawyers to cancel the timeshare. If you choose to work with a timeshare exit company, we recommend choosing one that offers an escrow payment option for extra piece of mind.

When you pay with escrow, the timeshare exit company does not get paid in full until after the timeshare is cancelled. This gives the timeshare exit company an incentive to complete the cancellation of your timeshare. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

Some other things you may want to look out for when choosing a timeshare exit company include:

  • The company’s BBB rating. If the company does not have an A+ with the BBB, don’t work with them. There are plenty of timeshare exit companies with an A+ that perform this service.
  • The company’s years in business. Many fly by night companies exist in the timeshare exit industry. Companies that have been open for less than one year may be a scam. If a timeshare exit company has been in business for several years, it is less likely to be a scam.
  • Does the company have video testimonials from its customers? Video testimonials are harder to fake and are more likely to be true than a written testimonial.

Overall, the best way to protect yourself when using a timeshare exit company is with the use of an escrow payment option. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

No More Fees LLC Review

No More Fees LLC is another timeshare exit company that may be able to help you cancel your timeshare. The company was started in 2012 and is located in Waunakee, WI.

Taking a look at the company’s homepage and we see that this company is run entirely by a man named Clyde Masten. A quick Google search on this name doesn’t bring up anything too alarming other than an old story about hunting. This is a good sign. Sometimes we find that owners of timeshare exit and resale companies have a felonious past. The timeshare industry is riddled with scams so it can attract some nefarious characters at times.

The homepage of the website talks about the difficulty timeshare owners face in selling their timeshare on the resale market. This is true. We agree with the company’s advice of not paying an up-front fee to sell your timeshare. We take it one step forward and advise timeshare owners not to pay a high up front fee when cancelling their timeshare as well. This is why we like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

The homepage states that if your timeshare is paid off, No More Fees will do a legal transfer of your timeshare to stop your fees. It is unclear what the company is doing to “transfer” your timeshare, but if they are simply transferring the timeshare back to the resort in which you bought it, there really isn’t a need to use their services. Just call your resort yourself and ask if they will take it back. If your resort doesn’t help you, No More Fees may be a good option. If you owe a mortgage on the timeshare, No More Fees says it will attempt to cancel the timeshare if you feel you were deceived when you bought it. Many timeshare exit companies will only be able to help you cancel your timeshare if you feel you were deceived when you bought it, so this makes sense.

Having a look around the website and we see a lot of information about Clyde Masten on the About Us page. It appears that his marketing strategy is to share details about himself and his family to make his clients feel comfortable working with him. Not a bad approach for a small business.

No More Fees Reviews & Testimonials

Heading over to the Testimonials page and we see a mix of testimonial emails from clients and even video testimonials. Although No More Fees reviews posted on the company website can easily be faked, we like how the company takes screenshots of email conversations they’ve had with customers. This makes the testimonials a bit more authentic.

There are not many video testimonials, but there are a few and that’s a great sign. A video testimonial is hard to fake and video testimonials are typically the highest level of review a customer will make.

Looking off site and we see this company has 50+ positive reviews on the BBB with an A+ rating. Many reviews mention a pleasant experience with good customer service.

No More Fees cost

Like most timeshare exit companies, No More Fees LLC does not display its costs on its website. Being that it is a smaller, family run business it is possible that the No More Fees cost is lower than other timeshare exit companies.


Overall, No More Fees appears to be a legitimate company. It is unclear from their website if they offer an escrow payment option. Our recommendation does not change. We like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option because it holds the timeshare exit company accountable to complete the cancellation of your timeshare. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

Still have questions? Submit a contact form on the right side of this page or give us a call or initiate live chat for a free consultation.

Oasis Exit Solutions Review

Oasis Exit Solutions is one more timeshare exit company that may be able to relieve you of your timeshare. The company has been in business since 2015 and is located in Atlanta, Georgia.

Taking a look at the company website and we see that Oasis Exit Solutions claims it can help timeshare owners either recoup losses or cancel their contracts. Recouping loses is extremely difficult, but not entirely impossible to do. The only case we know of where owners were able to recoup loses is with a timeshare in New York called the Manhattan Club. Owners were able to recoup loses because Manhattan Club sold more units than it had available in its inventory.

Next we see that Oasis Exit Solutions says it has helped thousands of people get out of their timeshare contract. That is a bold claim considering the business has only been around since 2015, but not entirely impossible.

Heading over to the What We Do page and we see some information explaining that Oasis Exit Solutions will get rid of your timeshare and stop your fees, but there aren’t any details about how they go about doing that. On this page they also mention that they are “America’s most trusted timeshare consulting firm.” Not sure how they came to that conclusion… Marketing fluff we suppose.

Heading over to the FAQ page and we see something of great concern. Under the “Can you cancel a timeshare contract?” headline we see that Oasis Exit Solutions says the following:

“We won’t take your case if we don’t believe we can successfully help you cancel your timeshare and in those rare instances that we have been unable to cancel their timeshare, we return 100% of any fees that are charged.

The fact that they say they will “return” your fees is a big red flag. We never recommend paying a timeshare exit company to cancel your timeshare before they’ve cancelled it. Here at, we recommend working with companies that offer an escrow payment option. With escrow, you put your money in escrow while the timeshare exit company is cancelling your timeshare. The timeshare exit company is only paid in full from this escrow account AFTER they’ve cancelled your timeshare. This is extremely important because there have been several horror stories of timeshare owners paying timeshare exit companies to cancel their timeshare, and then the timeshare exit company disappearing with their money. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

There is some other good information on their FAQ page such as the section on “What is the timeshare cancellation policy of my resort?” It is true that some contracts include information about how to cancel your timeshare right in your contract. It’s always advised that owners read their contracts and talk to their resorts before hiring a timeshare exit company.

Oasis Exit Solutions Cost

Like pretty much all timeshare cancellation services, the cost is not available online. According to the company’s FAQ page, the Oasis Exit Solutions cost varies from case to case.

Oasis Exit Solutions Reviews

Oasis Exit Solutions reviews online are generally positive. The company has several positive reviews on its website, but this is no surprise. It is rare for a company to post negative reviews on its website. The company has an A+ with the BBB as of 12/31/18 and no complaints, which is a good sign.

Overall, we still recommend working with timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option, so you are 100% protected from all possible scams. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

Contact us through the contact form on the right side of the page or initiate live chat for a free consultation.

What Is The Average Cost To Get Out of a Timeshare

The average cost to get out of a timeshare will depend on the method you choose to use to get rid of it. There are about seven different methods you can use to get out of a timeshare. These include:

Timeshare Exit Method
Rescission (give back) Most states have timeshare rescission laws that allow you to return the timeshare directly to the developer for a full refund.
The time available to rescind a timeshare differs depending on the state in which the timeshare was purchased. Usually, new timeshare owners have between 3 – 14 days to rescind.
Deedback directly to the timeshare resort developer.
Usually a fee involved between $500 – $2000.
This is the best option available if you don’t want to try and sell your timeshare. Most of the time you will need to pay the timeshare developer to take the timeshare back. The fee varies depending on the timeshare developer.

This option is not available to all timeshare owners because not all timeshare developers offer a deedback program. You will usually need to be current on maintenance fees and have the timeshare paid in full to use a deedback program.
Selling the timeshare on your own.

$50 – $125 to advertise the timeshare for sale on the following websites:
  • Craigslist (free)
  • Ebay ($50)
  • ($34.95)
  • ($15/year membership)
  • ($59.99 – $125)

Do not pay a high up-front fee more than $150 to advertise your timeshare for sale on the Internet. This is almost always a scam.

Very High
Can take years of advertising to find someone willing to buy your timeshare.
Most timeshares are extremely difficult to sell, even for $1. Most timeshares decrease in value significantly after purchase.
Selling the timeshare with the help of a timeshare broker.

About 50% of the final sales price.

Timeshare brokers work on commission. It is illegal for a timeshare broker to charge an up-front fee in most states.
This option is great if your timeshare has value. Disney timeshares typically hold their value well as well as timeshares on Hawaii. Unfortunately, most timeshares are difficult to give away for as low as $1. Timeshare brokers work on commission so they won’t have an incentive to sell a low value timeshare.
Timeshare Transfer Company

Sometimes the timeshare developer will pay you to take the timeshare back if they are in need of inventory. The timeshare developer won’t pay much, but you can usually expect to receive between $1,000 – $2,000 depending on the timeshare, number of points, week number etc.

Other times you’ll need to pay a fee. The fee can be anywhere from $500 – $3000, but it is usually less than a timeshare exit company or law firm.

This is another great option if your timeshare developer is in need of inventory. Sometimes this is referred to as “Inventory recovery.”

Sometimes timeshare developers work with third party timeshare transfer companies and timeshare real estate brokers to collect inventory. This is usually done behind closed doors because the timeshare developers don’t like to advertise that they are taking back weeks because they don’t want their members to exit their timeshares and stop paying maintenance fees.

To use this option, you’ll need to find a reputable timeshare transfer company with a lot of experience and connections within the industry to use this option.
Timeshare Exit Companies that Work with Lawyers.
$4,000 – $15,000. If you owe a mortgage on the timeshare, the fee can go up considerably.

Although this can be an effective way to get rid of your timeshare, it’s usually the most expensive option. You will also likely need to write a statement describing your situation and how you feel you were lied to or misled during the sales presentation, so there is some work involved on your part.

This is usually one of the only options available to those who owe a mortgage because selling a timeshare with a mortgage is next to impossible. Most timeshare developers won’t allow you to use their deedback program if you owe a mortgage as well.
Timeshare Exit Companies that Do Not Work with Lawyers.
$2,000 – $15,000. If you owe a mortgage on the timeshare, the fee can go up considerably.

This option can be cheaper and faster than working with a timeshare exit attorney, but it doesn’t always work. You will also need to put some work in by writing various letters describing your situation and how you feel you were lied to or misled during the sales presentation. You will likely need to write more than one letter.

Again, this is usually one of the only options available to those who owe a mortgage because selling a timeshare with a mortgage is next to impossible. Most timeshare developers won’t allow you to use their deedback program if you owe a mortgage as well.

Still wondering “how much does it cost to get out of a timeshare?”

Generally, the more effort you put in to cancel your timeshare the cheaper the exit will be. This can ring true for many things in life. For example, you could cut your own grass for free or hire a company to do it for you.

See Your Timeshare Exit Cost Now!

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We hope this information was helpful to you. For those wondering how much lawyers charge to get out of a timeshare, now you know! If you’d like to learn more about how to cancel your timeshare, initiate live chat, give us a call at 833-416-8796 or submit a contact form on the right side of the page.


Our goal is to help timeshare owners find a reputable timeshare exit company to work with. We like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer a low up front fee escrow payment option, so you are protected from scams. Contact us to receive a free timeshare exit consultation.


Always contact your resort or timeshare developer first before contacting a timeshare exit company. Some have exit programs of their own that can assist you with a timeshare cancellation

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Free Consultation: 833-416-8796