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Disclosure: We receive compensation if you choose to speak to one our recommended timeshare exit companies. The following information is for educational purposes and is not to be considered professional or legal advice.

How to Cancel My Timeshare in Myrtle Beach?

Vacationing in Myrtle Beach is a tradition for countless families from the South and beyond. And what’s not to love? Myrtle Beach enjoys beautiful weather throughout much of the year, and has countless golf courses to be played, peaceful beaches, water sports, and more. It’s common for people to take annual trips to Myrtle Beach for years before deciding to buy into a timeshare as a way to take even more vacations in this area.

Sadly, that timeshare purchase often turns into something that is regretted more than rejoiced. Timeshare ownership comes with a number of notable downsides, such as the inability to book trips during peak times, ongoing maintenance fees, occasional assessments, and other issues. If you have purchased a timeshare in Myrtle Beach and you are ready to get away from that timeshare to move on with your financial life, we’d like to offer some help below.

Explore the Rules for Canceling Your Purchase

When you purchase a timeshare, you are led to believe that the purchase is done and official as soon as you sign the paperwork in the office. That might feel like the official end of the transaction, but that’s not actually the case. In reality, the state of South Carolina requires that the seller provide you with a five-day cooling-off period during which you can reconsider the transaction. If you are having second thoughts, and those five days haven’t yet passed, there is still time to turn back.

Why would you want to get out of your timeshare so quickly? Timeshare sales presentations can be particularly compelling, and you may get swept up in the moment and agree to make a purchase that really isn’t in your best interest. Is that what happened to you? There is no shame in that, but now that a day or two has passed, you may see things more clearly and realize that the timeshare isn’t going to be the best use of your money.

This is why the cooling-off period was put into place by most states across the country. Knowing the power of a good sales team, governments decided to protect consumers by giving them some leeway to think about their decisions more closely. If your examination of the situation leads you to decide that it’s not the right purchase for you, simply get in touch with the developer right away to cancel before the five days have passed. No, they won’t be happy about your choice, but it’s yours to make – they have no say in the matter.

The Developer Might Be Willing to Help

Generally speaking, timeshare resorts and their developers don’t have a particularly good reputation for being helpful. They are mostly focused on making sales, and not so much interested in delivering great customer service later on. That’s why so many people wind up wanting to get out. With that said, even if you are outside of the cooling-off period window after buying a timeshare, it’s still worthwhile to reach out to that developer to see if there is anything they can do to help.

That help might take the form of a program that they have available to take back your ownership and relieve you of the responsibilities of your contract. It’s possible that you would have to pay some kind of fee to take advantage of that type of program, but the cost might be worth it to you in the end just to get away. Get in touch with the developer as a starting point and tell them your situation. It’s entirely possible that they won’t offer to do anything for you, but this is the first stone that you should overturn.

One other note about interacting with your developer – try to leave your frustrations and feelings about the timeshare experience to the side and just focus on the situation at hand. If you are angry about the situation that the timeshare has put you in, that’s understandable, but letting that frustration boil over while trying to come to a resolution isn’t going to be helpful. Keep the bigger picture in mind and be calm and patient while trying to find a solution.

Selling Your Timeshare Would Be Ideal – But It’s Difficult

At this point, you might be thinking that it would just make the most sense to sell your timeshare and get back some of the money you have spent along the way. Wouldn’t that be better than just giving the timeshare back to the developer, if they will even take it back? Yes, selling would be a great outcome, but that’s only going to work if you can find someone to buy it.

All markets come down to supply and demand. On the supply side, there is no shortage of timeshares available – both those that can be purchased from the developer and those that are on the market from current owners who would like to get rid of their ownership in the resort. Unfortunately for owners, that generous supply is not countered by strong demand. There simply aren’t that many people who are anxious to get into the world of timeshares. Without the aggressive, professional sales pitch that is often delivered in timeshare presentations, the proposition doesn’t sound so appealing and most people will just pass on the idea.

We have painted a grim picture of trying to sell your timeshare, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try. There are platforms available for completing such a transaction, and you might be able to find a buyer who will be willing to take over your ownership and the responsibility of making maintenance fee payments and dealing with assessments. Don’t expect to get much in return for the timeshare, but if you can simply sell it all just to get rid of it, that should be seen as a win.

Record the Journey of Timeshare Cancellation

If you find yourself in discussions with the timeshare developer about canceling your ownership and moving on, make sure to keep track of all of those discussions in a way that is documented and can be proven later, if necessary. It’s often a problem where people talk to the resort about a path to move on, only to have the resort later claim that nothing was said or offered. As with anything financial, it’s a good idea to get things in writing – digital is fine – so you can save those records and keep them on hand just in case.

Checking off this box is as easy as setting up a folder within your email account to save any messages between yourself and the developer. Even if you don’t see why you would need these messages later on, just go ahead and save them anyway. It only takes a moment and doesn’t cost anything. If a situation should arise where you need to prove what was said and when, you will certainly be glad you took this step. If you get anything in physical form from the developer – such as pieces of mail – save those as well, and even make a copy that you can scan into your computer for digital storage.

Good Help is Available

If there is one thing that might make you feel a little better about the situation that you are in regarding your timeshare, it’s this – you certainly aren’t alone. Countless other Myrtle Beach timeshare owners are tired of their experience and would like to get out, as well. Timeshares usually don’t play out like the sales pitch would lead you to believe, and as a result, many owners are looking for a way to be done with this whole experience.

Given the need for help getting out of timeshares in Myrtle Beach and elsewhere, an industry of timeshare exit companies has formed in recent years. These are businesses that specialize in nothing but helping people get away from their timeshare as quickly and easily as possible. This is the kind of professional help that you might want to secure if you find that none of the other options are working and you feel stuck. When hiring a timeshare exit company, make sure you pick one that uses escrow to hold your money while they are working on your behalf. Without escrow protection, you could be taken advantage of by a company that isn’t able to deliver good results.

Explore Other Ways to See Myrtle Beach

If you plan to continue to visit Myrtle Beach for many more trips over the years to come, you need to understand that plenty of options exist beyond timeshare ownership. Moving on from your timeshare doesn’t mean you have to move on from Myrtle Beach – far from it. You’ll always be able to book trips to this beautiful place in a variety of resorts and other facilities, even if you don’t have the burden of owning and paying for a timeshare. Call us right now at 833-416-8796 to get the information you need, or try our live chat for support here on our site.


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Our goal is to help timeshare owners find a reputable timeshare exit company to work with. We like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer a low up front fee escrow payment option, so you are protected from scams. Contact us to receive a free timeshare exit consultation.


Always contact your resort or timeshare developer first before contacting a timeshare exit company. Some have exit programs of their own that can assist you with a timeshare cancellation

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Free Consultation: 833-416-8796