Few places in the world have as many attractive timeshare destinations as the coasts of Mexico. Given the countless hours of sunshine, warm temperatures, friendly people, blue waters, and great food, it’s not hard to understand why these places are so popular. A timeshare sales pitch in this part of the world can be very persuasive, given the kinds of vacations that can be had here.
As a Pueblo Bonito timeshare owner, you may have enjoyed your share of such trips – but you also may be ready to be done with the experience. I know that many timeshare owners think about canceling but aren’t sure how to proceed, so this page will offer some helpful advice. Take a moment to read through the page and be sure to reach out if you need any assistance.
What is a Pueblo Bonito Timeshare?
Owning a timeshare that offers you access to just one resort on the coast of Mexico could provide plenty of great travel memories – but having access to eight resorts takes the experience to a higher level. That’s what Pueblo Bonito provides, as it offers owners the use of a total of eight properties between Cabo San Lucas and Mazatlan. No matter which location you select, plenty of sunshine and beautiful beaches are sure to be on the menu.
If you are thinking about canceling a Pueblo Bonito timeshare that you purchased recently, that choice probably has nothing at all to do with the location itself. These are beautiful places and offer many great memories on vacations. It’s just that owning a timeshare isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be at first. You could find that it’s more expensive than you expected, and that the costs keep rising year after year. And, if something about your lifestyle has changed to where you can’t travel as regularly as you would like, the choice to get out becomes clear.
At that point, your attention will need to turn toward figuring out how to get away from your timeshare effectively. This can be a notoriously difficult task, although it is certainly not impossible. Patience will be required, and you’ll want to be stubborn enough to keep trying different options – or, perhaps, trying the same option again and again – until it finally works out and you can move on from your ownership for good.
If You Recently Purchased, You Have Rights
When you walk out of a timeshare sales office having signed paperwork on a purchase, you might feel like the deal is done at that point. Technically, it is done, but it can still be undone. The recission period is a timeframe during which you can still cancel your purchase, get your money back, and erase the whole experience. For those who have only recently purchased a timeshare with Pueblo Bonito and now no longer want to be owners, taking advantage of the recission period would be a smart move.
In Mexico, this period lasts for just five business days. So, you don’t have long to act if you want to use this law to your benefit. If you decide to go this route, you need to make sure to notify the seller in writing and keep copies of what you send to them so the case can be proven later on, if necessary. Also, if you still have a couple of days until the five business day limit is up, don’t wait until the final moment – do it as soon as possible so you have a little wiggle room.
Understanding the recission period law is important because you don’t want to find yourself tied to a contract for years that you wish you never would have signed. If there is any doubt in your mind about owning a timeshare, using this chance is the best way to get out without dealing with complications later on.
The Task of Selling Your Pueblo Bonito Timeshare
Is it possible to sell a timeshare as a way to both exit the timeshare and get some of your money back? Yes and on. First, on the positive side, yes – it is possible to sell a timeshare. You have that right as an owner, as presuming you can find a buyer, you could opt to sell it and move on. That would be an excellent way to leave the timeshare and plenty of people certainly that this approach. As long as the paperwork is done correctly and ownership is officially transferred with the timeshare developer, you’ll be all set.
So, why did we say “yes and no”? Well, selling a timeshare isn’t quite as easy as you might like to believe. In fact, it can be downright difficult to find a buyer, and if you do find someone who will sign on the dotted line, they probably won’t offer to pay much for the exchange. You shouldn’t be expecting to get much money back out of this deal, but you could find your way out of the contract, which would be a win in its own right.
There are plenty of reputable places online to list timeshares for sale. You can use those platforms, or even speak to friends and family members about the possibility of buying it from you. Whatever the case, you should know that it can be a long and slow process to try selling a timeshare, and there is no guarantee that you will ever find a buyer – but if you do, this could serve as a desirable exit strategy.
Check In with Pueblo Bonito to Explore Options
For the timeshare owner who is pretty frustrated with their situation and just wants to get out, calling the developer directly might not be something you feel like doing. You expect that they are just going to hold you to your contract and continue to make you pay every maintenance fee and assessment for as long as possible.
And yes, it’s possible that the situation will play out that way. But not necessarily. Sometimes, timeshares are willing to take back deeds from owners who would like to leave. You won’t get any money back if you take this kind of offer, but you also will be able to leave and stop spending money on something you no longer want to own.
To find out if any kind of take-back program is available from the timeshare, simply call or send an email to ask. In fact, don’t just call or email once – get in the habit of checking in regularly to see if anything is offered. You might be told no a few times before you finally get an opportunity to cancel directly. This is a great way to leave if it becomes available and you’ll love the relief that comes from being able to walk away without any further obligations.
Timeshare Exit Companies Can Help – If You Find the Right One
If you have been working on finding a way out of your timeshare for a while now, you probably have thought at least a few times that it would be nice to have someone on your side in this journey. After all, it can feel like you are up against a big corporation and you have no resources on your side to stand up for your interests. That’s where a timeshare exit company can enter the picture. Exit companies exist solely for the purpose of helping timeshare owners get out of their contracts and move on. With a good exit company on your side – one that has a lot of experience in the industry and understands the nuances of timeshare contracts – you’ll stand a good chance of success.
I always advise people who are going to hire a timeshare exit company to be sure to use an escrow service. When you hire the company, your money goes into an escrow account – rather than directly to the company – and they get to work before getting the money paid out. This protects both sides nicely and helps you feel confident that the exit company is actually going to give this project their best effort.
Does a timeshare exit company mean that you are guaranteed to get out of your timeshare in the near future? No – but it is a good start and could be the step that you’ve been missing up until this point.
The Cancellation Process Can Start Today
There is no reason to wait any longer on canceling your Pueblo Bonito timeshare. If you have decided that you would like to cancel, the next step is to think about your situation, understand your contract, and determine how to move forward. Toward that end, I invite you to give us a call at 833-416-8796 for more information or to use the live chat feature we have here on the site. Thank you for taking a moment to stop by!