When you think of travel destinations around the U.S., you probably think first about states like Hawaii, California, and Florida. Virginia might not be high on that list initially, but once you have visited the area to see what it has to offer, your priorities can quickly change. For many people, this is how they become owners of a Kings Creek Plantation timeshare, as its location in Williamsburg offers everything they want out of a travel experience.
Deciding to leave your Kings Creek Plantation timeshare almost certainly has more to do with the timeshare experience than it does the property itself. This is a beautiful place with a lot to do, but you may find that you simply don’t enjoy the responsibilities that come with being an owner. If that is the case, I’d like to help you understand your options on this page so you can plan your next move.
What is a Kings Creek Plantation Timeshare?
As mentioned above, Kings Creek Plantation is found in Virginia. While that might not be the most popular tourist spot in the country, it does offer a lot to like. Those who visit Kings Creek Plantation, and maybe become owners at the property, will have access to golf opportunities, swimming pools, great dining options, and much more. There is also a ton of history in the area to explore, so those who love feeling like they are going back in time will find plenty to do around the nearby towns.
It’s not likely to be any dissatisfaction with the Kings Creek Plantation experience itself that leads you to want to cancel. Plenty of great vacations can be had here, to be sure. More likely, you’ll find yourself wanting to cancel because the timeshare lifestyle has started to get expensive and it might not fit into your schedule any longer. If that is the case, you could start to look for a way out that will save you money and bring more flexibility back into how you travel from year to year. It could take some time and effort to get out of your timeshare and no longer have any obligations, but doing all of that work will be worth your time and effort.
How Long Have You Been a Kings Creek Plantation Owner?
This section only applies to people who have very recently purchased a Kings Creek Plantation timeshare. If that sounds like you, there might be good news – you could get out of the timeshare without any penalty and without needing to provide any reason to the developer.
You could potentially get out of the contract because of something called a recission period. In the state of Virginia, this period lasts for seven calendar days from the date of purchase. You have until midnight on that seventh day to notify the developer that you would like to cancel the deal. If you do so, you are protected under the law and they have to honor your cancellation. Of course, this won’t apply to you if you have owned your Kings Creek Plantation timeshare for years, but if you are just returning home from making the purchase and are starting to regret it, there may still be time to get out.
It’s worth noting that it’s only going to get harder from here to cancel once the sale is “official” and the recission period is in the past. There are going to be plenty more hoops to jump through in the future and it might cost you money to find a way out. While this period is still open, and while you are having second thoughts about the decision you made, take the chance to get out and reassess your financial future and what you’ll do for travel.
Preparing for an Attempted Timeshare Sale
One of the many ways you might be able to get out of your timeshare is to sell it to someone else. Right from the start, you can probably see the issue with this approach – if you want to get rid of it so badly, why would someone else take it on? That’s a valid question, and it gets at the heart of why it is so difficult to sell a timeshare successfully.
Difficult is not the same thing as impossible, however, so it’s probably worth your time and effort to list it for sale and see what happens. What you shouldn’t expect is to get much in the way of a meaningful offer for the timeshare. It probably has basically no value on the open market at this point. So, what you are looking for is a willing buyer who will take over the responsibilities that come with owning a timeshare, even if they only want to pay you as little as $1 to buy it. Focus less on the purchase price and more on the down-the-line savings that you will enjoy by no longer being tied to the timeshare contract.
If you are going to have success in selling your timeshare, you’ll need to be particularly patient and you might have to wait quite a long time to find an interested buyer. Should the right person come along, make sure to do things properly, get all of the necessary paperwork signed, and keep copies of all of it for later.
Trying to Get Help from Kings Creek Plantation
As part of the process of getting out of your timeshare, have you thought about simply reaching out directly to Kings Creek Plantation to see what they can do for you? That might sound like a long shot, and in some sense it is, but the requirements on your end are quite low. All you need to do is send an email or make a phone call to ask if there are any programs available for owners who would like to cancel.
Of course, you shouldn’t be expecting them to do you any favors – this is a business, after all. However, they might have their own motivation for agreeing to let you cancel your contract and move on. If they have low inventory and want more deeds available to sell to new owners, they could be motivated to take yours back. That won’t always be an option, but it does come up from time to time with certain timeshares, so the best thing you can do is ask.
Since this kind of program isn’t always available, you might be told no the first time – only to have an opportunity come up later. Be persistent in terms of getting in touch with Kings Creek Plantation regularly to find out about such opportunities, and if one does come up, don’t wait long to jump on it.
Working with a Proven Timeshare Exit Company
Timeshare exit companies have become more and more popular in recent years as an increasing number of timeshare owners seek to cancel their contracts. If you aren’t able to get this done on your own, working with a good exit company is a possible solution. I included the word “good” in the previous sentence because that’s an important distinction – not all of these companies are good, and finding a trustworthy one is a big part of the process.
You’ll want to make sure that your chosen timeshare exit company has experience in this field, has gotten results for past clients, and offers rate rates. On the topic of rates, you should also confirm that they aren’t going to take all of your money upfront with no assurances that they will deliver results. And no, just saying that they offer a “100% satisfaction guarantee” isn’t really an assurance. After all, what good is that guarantee if the company just disappears entirely?
The real protection that you should be looking for comes in the form of the use of escrow. When your money is held in escrow, it’s not fully released to the exit company right away, and you have some form of recourse if the job isn’t done. Put this feature at the top of your priority list, right along with experience, as you try to find a partner for the project.
Take a Step in the Right Direction Today
It’s hard to know exactly how the process will play out when you work on leaving your Kings Creek Plantation timeshare. For some owners, getting out will be rather quick and easy, while others will face a long and winding road. Either way, it’s important to understand that getting started right away is going to be in your best interest. Once you’ve made the decision that you’d like to cancel, start exploring the various ideas above to see which one is going to work in your situation. For more information about leaving a timeshare, call 833-416-8796 or use our live chat feature. I appreciate your time and good luck!