Timeshare Cancel Center is another timeshare exit company that may be able to help you cancel your timeshare. The company is based in Orlando, Florida and has been in business since 2015.
As we review the company website, we notice that there is no address in the footer or the About Us page. Eventually, we were able to find an address, but it seemed hidden. A Google search of the address, 5036 DR. PHILLIPS BLVD. # 221 ORLANDO, FL 32819 UN, does not bring up any buildings, so it might just be a PO box. Most legitimate companies have a physical office location, but that’s not always the case. Just something to think about.
Reviewing the website further and we are not able to find the names of anyone that works at this company. A search for the company on Sunbiz.org shows the company owner as “RM Murray.” Can’t say we’ve ever met anyone with a first name of “rm”, but that’s what Sunbiz.org says. A Google search for this name doesn’t bring up anything positive or negative about this person.
Looking at the company homepage and we see a mention of a “100% Money-Back Guarantee.” This generally means that you will need to pay Timeshare Cancel Center up front first before the company cancels your timeshare. This can be dangerous because the company could take your money up front and never cancel your timeshare. This is why we like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option so the exit company is not paid in full until AFTER your timeshare has been cancelled. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important.
When reviewing the FAQ page, we learn more about the company’s timeshare cancellation process. It appears that this company is not a law firm and is only able to help timeshare owners that qualify for its program. This is a good sign because timeshare exit companies that take all owners regardless of their situation tend to not stay in business very long. For example, many timeshare exit companies are not able to help owners who inherited the timeshare because these timeshare owners weren’t misled in a sales presentation (their parents were).
Timeshare Cancel Center Reviews
Timeshare Cancel Center Costs
Overall, our recommendation does not change. Using an escrow service when hiring a timeshare exit company is one of the smartest things you can do. If you pay the company up-front, they could just take your money and run or go out of business. We’ve seen several examples of this recently with companies. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.
Still have questions? Submit a contact form on the right side of the page or initiate live chat for a free consultation. You may also call us at 833-416-8796