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AMS Timeshare Exit

There is a sense of excitement that comes with starting to work with a timeshare exit company, as you might feel like the end of the road is finally near. If your timeshare has been taking up more of your time, money, and energy than you would like recently, the thought of getting out and closing this chapter is certainly appealing.

With that said, not all timeshare exit companies wind up delivering on their promises. And, when an exit company isn’t able to get the job done – and walks away with some of your money at the same time – you could find yourself in an even worse position than where you started. This is frustrating, to say the least, and you might not know where to turn next.

Given the stakes at hand, you’ll want to carefully review the various timeshare exit companies available to you and what they offer. Only when you have a good understanding of the options and what they provide can you make an informed and confident decision. On this page, we’ll take a closer look at AMS Corp, a timeshare exit company that offers to help owners move on as soon as possible. Review the information below to make up your own mind on whether or not this exit company is the right choice.

Taking a Different Tone

One of the first things that is noteworthy when exploring the website of AMS Corp is that they make a point of saying they are not here to “bash” your timeshare. Rather, they are simply taking an even, balanced tone with regard to timeshares and trying to help people who are unhappy with their experience get out.

This is notable because it’s a different tone than is used by most of the other players in this space. Generally speaking, the marketing of timeshare exit companies is decidedly anti-timeshare, as you would probably expect. The business is all about getting people away from timeshares, and those people are likely frustrated with the situation the timeshare has created, so taking that side is understandable. If you don’t feel strong animosity toward your timeshare and just want a professional partner to help you wrap up your ownership properly, the approach taken by AMS Corp could be appealing.

One other thing that seems to make them a bit different is the fact that they will work with consumers who have problems with companies other than timeshare developers, as well. Most businesses in this space are specifically designed to target timeshares, but AMS Corp talks on their site about also helping you get your money back “from other companies”. So, it seems that no matter what type of business you are facing in a disagreement, AMS Corp might be a partner to consider.

Gain an Outside Perspective

You can’t just go by the promotional materials on a company’s website when trying to decide if they are a good option for your needs. Turning to reviews is a good way to get an outside perspective on the matter, and in this case, we can look to the Better Business Bureau to see what some past clients have said about AMS Corp.

Unfortunately, on the BBB page for AMS Corp, there are comments from quite a few clients who have not been happy with the services they have received. Reviews like the one below can be found on that page and speak to some of the issues that some people have had.

Of course, not all of the reviews are negative, and there are many positive reviews that claim to be happy with the services of AMS Corp that deserve to be seen, as well. One example of a positive review of this service is below –

As with all online reviews for any kind of product or service, it’s up to each individual to go over the comments that are made and determine how to soak in the information and use it to make an appropriate choice.

The Infamous Challenge of Selling a Timeshare

When you first make a purchase of a timeshare, you might have in your mind that you are buying a form of real estate that could accumulate value over time and serve as an investment. By now, however, you probably realize that this vision was never going to come true, and it was one that may have been promoted by the timeshare company in an effort to give you one more reason to sign on the dotted line.

Not only does a timeshare not typically accumulate any value over time, but they are often difficult to sell for a price as low as a dollar. When you strip away the fancy sales pitch and just offer up your timeshare on the open market like any other product, it doesn’t look so appealing and most people are hesitant to buy. Purchasing a timeshare means taking on the responsibilities of making maintenance fee payments and being on the hook for assessments, something that is going to be a hard sale.

You can certainly try to sell your timeshare, and if you are fortunate enough to find the right buyer, it might actually work out for you. But don’t be surprised if your efforts fall flat in this area and you still need to look for other options in order to get out.

Several Benefits Available from Exit Companies

If you have reached this point because you have tried to sell your timeshare and you weren’t successful, or because you don’t even want to bother with the effort of trying to sell it on your own, you’ll be happy to find many potential benefits of working with exit companies. Some of the advantages you might enjoy are listed below –

• Saving time. On a very basic level, working with an exit company can save you a significant amount of time in this process. Trying to get out of a timeshare is hard work, and it can easily take up far more of your available time than you would like. If you find that you are constantly dealing with this matter and it is getting in the way of your regular life, working with a timeshare exit company might be the right solution.
• Interpreting your contract. Timeshare contracts, like most legal documents, can be difficult to read and hard to interpret accurately. Assuming you don’t have legal training, you might read your contract and finish the document without much of an idea as to what it was saying. Timeshare exit companies are staffed by people who do this kind of work all the time and they will be able to help you clearly understand the terms of the contract and what it means for trying to leave.
• Get results quickly. The longer you remain a timeshare owner, the more money you are going to wind up spending on fees and assessments before you get out. If a timeshare company can enable you to leave faster, that service will be well worth what it costs.
• Relieve stress. Along with all of the time that this process can take up, you will also be feeling a lot of stress and anxiety over having to battle the timeshare company. Outsourcing the work to an exit company will go a long way toward cutting down on those negative feelings.

Avoid Making This Expensive Mistake

After dealing with a timeshare ownership situation that you wish you could get out of, the last thing you want to do is wind up wasting more money. You’ll have to pay for timeshare exit services to work for you, of course, but you want to be absolutely sure that the money you spend is going to deliver value in the end.

One problem that comes up with some exit companies is that they take payment upfront and then never wind up delivering the results that are desired by the customer. This is why it’s best to use a company that offers to have your money placed in escrow at the start. With escrow, you have a layer of protection and are far less likely to be taken advantage of in this deal. For AMS Corp, their website states that you will get your money back after 12 months if they don’t get results. Or, you can ask for your money back any time within the first 30 days. While those offers are nice, be sure to also ask about the use of escrow, as that’s the safest way to do business.

Going Over Your Options

There are so many exit companies available today that it can be hard to know where to begin. While it might be tempting to just throw up your hands and give up, that’s not going to lead to the results you desire. Instead, give us a call today at 833-416-8796 to discuss your needs and we’ll help point you in the right direction. You can also contact us through the live chat here on our website. Either way, it will be our pleasure to serve you!


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