Timeshare Termination Team, formed in 2011, is a veteran owned company formed that was co-founded by former Marine, Brian Wilbur and his wife, Holly. The timeshare exit company is headquartered in Aurora, Colorado and has 2 additional locations in Tampa, Florida and Tempe, Arizona at the time of this review. Their CEO is Joanna Brown.
This timeshare exit company offers a unique “You First Approach™” that includes a Straight Facts Guide™ that provides education, insights, and knowledge so a potential client can make an informed decision about what to do with their timeshare. Secondly, the approach offers a Money-Back Exit Guarantee ™ that will safely, legally, and permanently get you out of your timeshare. Lastly, it includes a Step-by-Step Exit Map™ that outlines the process and how the exit process will work for their client.
And to make our readers aware and for transparency, upon reviewing their business profile, we also noticed that this company is also known as Vindaloo Travel Network, LLC. other than an alternate business name, there is nothing else significant to report as using alternate business names in any industry are common practice.
An Analysis of Timeshare Termination Team’s Website
First impressions of the Timeshare Termination Team’s website is that it utilizes a modern, mobile friendly website that makes it easy to find information. A visitor is immediately greeted with a form with a request to complete if you are ready to be financially free of your timeshare.
Along the top and bottom is plenty of navigation that will bring you to additional areas full of information including links to the social media sites which include Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, Yelp and Google. You can also find some of their interviews, also posted on YouTube here on the “Experts” page.
We always like to check out the “About Us” and found more about the company and the team on the “About Us” page and the “Our Team” page.
This gives us some insight into learning more about the company and who is behind it. On the main landing page for “About Us” they quickly describe why the company was formed and why it was formed. We found a list of company values:
- We live integrity.
- We value people.
- We bring passion.
Under each value, is a brief description of each. Right off the bat, you get a sense that this is an emphatic company that understand the financial stress and dilemma their potential client may be in.
After getting a sense of who and why, we jump over to their “Our Team” page so we can hopefully see faces and names of their team. We were not disappointed as the page is full of names and pictures each clickable that brings you to a separate page that contains a blurb and a quote about each person. Some are populated with the extra information and some are not.
We also noticed that the company has two in-house attorneys, so it appears the company does not outsource the legal portions to an outside vendor.
Overall, a great “About Us” page. It appears that the company has a small team. We took a quick look at their LinkedIn profile and do see the company has a total of 15 employees listed on LinkedIn.
Our second stop is the “Client Testimonials” page found under the “About Us” page. The page contains some very nice lifestyle pictures along with quotes from former clients. Honestly, the pictures seemed so nice, its hard to know if they are actual pictures of the reviewers but we cannot confirm and will assume they are genuine.
The company refers to testimonials as “Freedom Stories” which has a nice “sound” to it and admittedly, Timeshare Termination Team has a nice way of displaying the testimonials which feature a quick blurb, pleasing pictures and a link to a professionally made video of the happy client providing their testimonial. This company may have a nice marketing budget which allows for such polished testimonials and pictures. We also noticed the same videos and testimonials are cross posted on other platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.
Overall, the company website has plenty of information to help educate and steer people away from potential scams. We found lots of call to actions to complete their form for a FREE consultation which is great because every situation and contract is unique so its best to discuss your specifics with any timeshare exit company as there is not a “one size fits all” exit approach.
Timeshare Termination Team Reviews
As mentioned before, Timeshare Termination Team features video testimonials of customers positively reviewing their services. This speaks highly of the company’s reputation due to the amount of effort such customers had to have put in to express their gratitude towards the business. The company also links to outside reviews, showing confidence in their own reputation. You can find the links to Yelp, Facebook and Google along their bottom navigation.
Reviewing “off-site” reviews is a great way to learn more about the company and overall, Timeshare Termination Team reviews are very positive.
As of 2/20/2021, Timeshare Termination Team has an “A+” ranking on Better Business Bureau (BBB) specifically for their Colorado location. The company currently has a 4.74 star rating out of 5 and only 27 reviews. The oldest rating is 2018 and have zero complaints.
We looked at the lowest rating and it seems like the low ratings were due to scheduling issues:

The Timeshare Termination Team responded and apologized for the misunderstanding. See below for the company’s response:

Timeshare Termination Team also has a second BBB page for their Tempe, Arizona location.
The company currently has an A+ rating along with a 5-star rating based on one review. Both BBB locations show that this company has been in business for 9 years.
We did not see a link from the company website to TrustPilot ratings however the company is rated high with a 4.4 star rating out of 5. The company has 15 reviews with 87% of them rating “excellent” and 13% of them rating Timeshare Termination Team as “great”.
On Google, Timeshare Termination Team has 2 sites for Google ratings. If you want to review the Google ratings for Colorado, be sure to type in, “Timeshare Termination Team, Colorado” so you are brought to reviews for the headquarters.
As of February, the company has 24 reviews with a 4.7 star rating out of 5.
The Arizona location shows one review and its only a 1 star. The reviewer complained about not receiving a timely response, however Timeshare Cancellation Team noticed that the reviewer was not in the company’s system and that perhaps the reviewer confused them with another timeshare exit team. To date, the comment remains on Google.

Overall, the reviews are very positive and in accordance with this company’s value statements. We see a lot of comments mentioning great customer service, all questions were answered and a dependable staff.
We also noticed that Brian and Holly, the co-founders are highly involved in networking in the Colorado area as reviewers mentioned meeting one or the other at events like Race for the Cure, Taste of Colorado, Trade Shows and other networking and community events.
Timeshare Termination Team Cost for Services
The Timeshare Termination Team cost is not displayed online. This is like other timeshare exit companies due to the individualized nature of the services timeshare exit companies provide. Costs for timeshare cancellation services vary based on many factors, and so fees vary on a case-by-case basis and the Timeshare Termination Team company mentions this in several places on the company website.
Also, at the time of this review, upon a page refresh we received a pop up in the bottom right corner displaying a message, “This month only: Get a Maintenance Fee Credit. Learn More.”
We clicked on it and was taken to a form to complete for FREE consultation.
Regarding the free maintenance credit, the offer was that if you terminated your contract with Timeshare Termination Team “this month” which at the time of this review was February, you will get what you paid for in 2020-2021 maintenance fees back in the form of a credit towards the cost of services. While a nice offer, this appears as though the company does have up-front fees for services.
We were able to locate a December review where an unhappy client mentioned the timeshare termination team cost of $4,000.

Another client mentioned it was not a “cheap” process but was well worth it. In all fairness, we do not know the specifics of the cases and we understand that every case is different so costs will be based on the client’s unique case. However, we do recommend using a company that offers escrow services instead of paying fees up front.
Timeshare Termination Length of Process
Like most Timeshare exit companies, a timeframe is not listed on the website.
However, we found some insight from reading customer reviews where times frames were vaguely mentioned to be several months to “quick”.
One Google reviewer cited 14 months:

Timeshare Termination Team’s 100% Money Back Guarantee & Concluding Thoughts
Timeshare Termination Team mentions a 100% money-back guarantee on the “Our Process” webpage and as part of the company’s “You First Approach ™”.
This implies that the company charges its clients up-front for services.
While, overall, Timeshare Termination Team appears legitimate and has a positive reputation, we always like to recommend that our readers work with a timeshare exit company that offers a low up-front fee escrow payment option. This option allows for the charge of the timeshare cancellation service to be initially made to a third-party holding account that only releases the funds to the timeshare exit company itself upon the successful cancellation of the timeshare contract, ensuring protection from scams where the business could charge directly up-front and disappear with the money.
Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.
If you want to find out more about low up-front fee escrow payment options or timeshare exit companies, engage in our live chat or fill out our contact form.