It’s almost hard to believe how many different timeshare exit companies are in this business today. That speaks to the demand that is present from people wanting to leave timeshares, of course, but it also speaks to the low barrier to entry. Pretty much anyone can put up a website and claim that they will help you get out of your timeshare – but only some are actually going to get the job done.
On this page, we’ll turn our attention to one of the many options out there – Timeshare Consumer Law. I’m not going to tell you for certain whether or not you should partner with this company, as that is your decision to make, but we’ll go over some of what we find and hopefully, you’ll be able to move forward in one way or another with confidence.
What is Timeshare Consumer Law?
As much as I would love to answer the question in the title of this section, there isn’t much to be learned online about a business called Timeshare Consumer Law. It is present in some online listings of exit companies that offer services to clients, but that’s about it. I have been unable to find a website that you can use to learn more about the company, or a BBB listing, or anything else. So, if this is or was a company that worked in this space, it doesn’t appear to be active at the moment.
This fact does offer an important lesson about the timeshare exit industry. Generally speaking, it doesn’t take much at all to open up a business in this space. As quickly and easily as someone can come up with a name and put up a website, the new “business” can be open. That doesn’t mean that it will actually be able to serve customers successfully, of course, but the digital doors can be open and people can start to trust them with their timeshare problems.
Take that as a warning to always do thorough homework regarding what companies you are going to trust with your business in this pursuit. Don’t just sign up with the first exit company that you find and hand over some money with the expectation that they are going to get you good results. Be patient, carefully go over all of the possibilities, and make sure you have protections in place.
Are Past Clients Impressed with the Service?
There is no way to know if past clients are happy with the service provided by Timeshare Consumer Law because no reviews are available to read. That, of course, is an indication that this business is likely not operating any longer, if it ever did manage to serve customers. When a business is active and is able to deliver services to clients, at least some of those clients will typically take the time to leave a review about what they received for their money.
When you do start to read reviews for timeshare exit companies that are active, remember not to put too much weight on any one review. It’s entirely possible that a single bad review isn’t real, or even if it is real, the reviewer might not be offering a fair assessment of the situation. Emotions tend to run high when timeshares are involved, after all.
Leaving a Timeshare: Consider These Strategies
For many timeshare owners, it’s hard to even know where to start when trying to get away. They know that they don’t want to own the timeshare any longer, of course, but beyond that there isn’t much of a plan in place for how to move on. If that sounds like the situation you are in currently, I’d like to help by outlining some of the ways people are actually able to get out of timeshares once and for all.
One of the first things you might think of when getting ready to leave your timeshare is selling it to someone else. On that point, I have good and bad news. The good news is that yes, you can sell your timeshare, and that might prove to be an effective way to get out. On the downside, the market is going to be modest at best, and it could take a long time to find a willing buyer. Even further, you shouldn’t expect to get much out of the sale – you might have to sell it for a single dollar just to get someone to sign on the dotted line.
If you aren’t able to sell your timeshare, you can ask your developer if they are offering any “deed back” programs at the moment. As the name would suggest, this is an offer where the developer just takes your contract back so they can sell it to someone else. This is an easy exit process that will allow you to move on with your life, so don’t pass on the opportunity if it does come up.
There is one other point I need to mention here, although there is a good chance that it doesn’t apply to you. If it so happens that you have just recently purchased your timeshare – within the last week or so – you might be able to use the legal recission period to cancel that purchase and get your money back. Check the rules that apply in the jurisdiction where you made the purchase to see if this is still an option.
The Costly Mistake I Don’t Want You To Make
If you could go back in time, I’m guessing that you would have not purchased your timeshare in the first place. We can’t make that change now, of course, but it is possible to make good decisions moving forward to avoid any further financial complications related to this situation.
One way to improve your outlook for the future is to steer clear of putting even more money at risk when you work with a timeshare exit company. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t work with an exit company – they can be quite helpful in the right situation – but you want to make sure your money is protected during the process. That can be achieved by using an escrow service to keep your funds safe while the exit company does its job.
Don’t simply turn over your money to an exit company that says they will be able to get the job done. Instead, look for a company that will be happy to do the work while your money is in escrow and will only expect to get that money once you are no longer a timeshare owner. This should be a non-negotiable feature and it will go a long way toward keeping you away from troubles in this process.
Frequently Asked Questions
I want to be able to help as many people as possible avoid timeshare-related troubles, and that means sharing as much education about the industry as I can on these pages. Here are some questions and answers that may help you better understand the timeshare landscape.
Q: Will a charity take my timeshare as a donation?
A: It’s possible that you will be able to donate your timeshare to a charity, but don’t count on this as a surefire exit strategy. Remember, there are liabilities that come with owning a timeshare, which is probably why you are hoping to exit in the first place. You can ask various charities if they will accept a timeshare, but it might take a while to find a willing partner.
Q: Are there any more ongoing fees after I have exited my timeshare?
A: No – once you are officially no longer the owner of a timeshare, you don’t owe the developer anything else. Of course, it’s essential to make sure that you properly left the timeshare and that they no longer consider you to be the legal owner of the deed.
Q: How do I know if I’m eligible to cancel my timeshare?
A: The best way to know where you stand with your timeshare is to reach out directly to the developer to talk about your account. If they have any programs available to cancel or “give back” timeshares, you’ll be able to find out about those options when you discuss things with them over the phone or via email.
Leaving Your Timeshare Behind Starts Today
Too many people are stuck with timeshares that they no longer want. If that sounds like the situation you are currently facing, rest assured that it doesn’t have to be that way – getting out might not be simple, but it is possible. As a first step, call us today at 833-416-8796 to discuss your situation and get some help understanding what you may want to do next. We also offer a live chat function here on our site if you would like to get in touch that way, instead. Be proactive with the timeshare exit process by reaching out today and let’s make sure you can leave ownership behind as soon as possible.