One of the longest-standing players in the timeshare industry, Vacation Internationale – often referred to simply as “VI”, has tens of thousands of owners and many properties to explore. Like all timeshare programs, however, there are some problems you might encounter as a VI owner that will cause you to question whether or not you want to continue being part of the system.
On this page, we’ll talk about how you can go about canceling a Vacation Internationale timeshare. Maybe you have already been trying to cancel without any luck, or perhaps you just now decided that you’d like to get out. Either way, the information below should be helpful as you get started.
Understanding Vacation Internationale
Without a doubt, one of the big appeals of a VI timeshare is the diverse collection of properties that are available. With locations throughout North America, owners are far from stuck with just one or two types of trips that they can take. Properties are offered throughout the American West, in Hawaii, Canada, and Mexico. One quick look at the map of properties available might have been all it took to convince you that this membership was going to be a great fit for your family.
The problem is that you can travel to these places in many different ways without being a timeshare owner. In fact, owning a timeshare is probably one of the most expensive ways to visit such great places, as you are locked into your contract and don’t have flexibility from year to year. So, you may have come to realize that even though there are some great places to see through Vacation Internationale, you’d rather not be an owner any longer. What’s next? That’s what we will highlight below.
A Quick Exit Might Still Be Possible
If you happen to be in a situation where you just purchased this timeshare within the last week or so, you might be in luck. Depending on exactly where you made the purchase, a rescission period may still be active for you to cancel without any penalties. The exact length of this period of time varies from one place to the next but is usually around a week.
Getting out of a timeshare contract this way is pretty much the best possible scenario. When you exit using the rescission period, you are able to walk away with no financial damage done and you won’t be stuck in a contract for years to come. Even if you are just a little bit unsure about the purchase you have made, it’s better to get out now while you still can. Remember, there will always be timeshares available to purchase later if you change your mind and do want to get involved, so you won’t be missing out on anything important if you back out of the deal and walk away.
Ask If You Can Leave
While it might be a little bit surprising to think of this as a strategy, it’s possible that you will simply be able to ask to leave your timeshare and have that request granted. To be clear from the start, there is no guarantee that this will be a successful path and more than likely, you won’t get a good offer from the developer when you want to leave. With that said, it’s worth your time to try, as you never quite know what the answer will be.
There are some reasons for developers to be willing to take back timeshares from owners in their resorts. If the resort has been sold up to the limit, taking back some ownership stakes would allow the developer to sell those again and potentially make more money. So, it’s possible that they’ll let you out of your contract in order to take the ownership back and sell it again, but you might have to get a little lucky on your timing for this to work out.
If no program is available to take back or buy back your timeshare, you can check in again from time to time with the developer to see if anything becomes available. Remember when you are trying to get out of your Vacation Internationale timeshare that the goal is just to get out from under the responsibilities of the contract however you can. If that means just giving the deed back to the seller and calling it a day, you should feel like that is a win.
Pursuing a Sale of Your Timeshare
One possible path out of your Vacation Internationale timeshare is to sell it to someone else. Just as you might look to sell your house when you want to move, you could try to sell your timeshare to pass on the responsibilities that it comes with to someone else. Unfortunately, unlike a traditional house, timeshares typically don’t have a strong market, and you might struggle to find a buyer who is interested enough to make an offer.
While it’s important to know the reality of the situation going into it, that doesn’t mean that you can’t try to sell the timeshare and see what happens. If you don’t spend any money on the endeavor, and only invest a bit of your time, there really isn’t anything lost. Even if you could find someone to make you an offer for $1, that would be a great deal – you could sign over the obligations that you have as a timeshare owner and be done with the whole experience.
Use the internet to your advantage when trying to sell a timeshare by looking for various places to put up a listing. Also, you can take a traditional approach by asking around to friends and neighbors who might be interested in taking the contract from you. Of course, you should always be upfront and honest about what fees and other costs you incur as a timeshare owner. If a deal works out, your experience with VI will be over and you can move on at long last.
Stick With It
Canceling a timeshare isn’t for the faint of heart. You are going to need to be stubborn in this process – unless you get very lucky – and you’ll need to have the patience to see it through even when it seems like it’s not going to work out. If you can maintain your patience and keep working at this week after week, or sometimes day after day, it will pay off eventually.
While you are going through the process, be sure to keep track of all communications that you have along the way. There are times when you will be told something by one person only to get another story from someone else. If that happens, you’ll want to have documentation to turn to as proof of your side of the story. When you talk to someone on the phone and receive an offer, for example, ask for it in writing so you can save it. You might feel a bit paranoid while documenting everything along the way, but there is a chance that those documents will wind up saving you at some point down the line.
Hiring a Professional Timeshare Exit Company
It simply might not be possible to do all of this timeshare cancelation work on your own. You probably have plenty going on in your life other than wrestling with a timeshare, and it could easily take up far more of your time than you would have ever believed. If that is the case, or if you do have the time but just aren’t comfortable dealing with this situation on your own, timeshare exit companies can come to the rescue.
These are companies that have been formed specifically to help people leave the timeshare life behind. They will have knowledge in this field, have a range of tactics they can use to work on getting you out of your contract, and will fight hard for your rights in this matter. If you go in this direction, opt for an exit company that uses escrow to hold your money so you have some protection while they work. There are no guarantees, but with a good exit company working on the situation you might be able to get out in the near future.
Try to Cancel As Soon As Possible
Every day that passes is another day that your timeshare ownership experience gets more expensive. You might not be able to get out of it right away, but you can take the first step today and move closer to being free of this obligation. To learn more about what timeshare exit companies might be a good fit for your needs, give us a call now at 833-416-8796, or use our live chat feature to get in touch. It would be an honor to help you hopefully get out of this burdensome contract and move on with your life!