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Disclosure: We receive compensation if you choose to speak to one our recommended timeshare exit companies. The following information is for educational purposes and is not to be considered professional or legal advice.


Diamond Timeshare Reviews

For travelers considering buying into a timeshare system to open up opportunities to see new places, Diamond Resorts International is surely one brand that will get consideration. This is a points-based system, which is a format favored by many timeshare buyers for the flexibility that it can offer. And, with so many destinations included in the system not only domestically but around the world, there is a strong sales pitch to be made by the sales team for this brand.

So, is buying a Diamond Resorts International timeshare all that it might seem to be? That’s an important question to answer before you think about putting down any of your hard-earned money for a purchase. Take your time to explore a range of reviews and comments about the ownership experience with Diamond before making your choice on how to proceed.

For those who are already timeshare owners and are thinking about trying to end their ownership in the near future, we have assembled some resources that may be of assistance. As a starting point, check out our best timeshare exit companies page for some of the top options in this industry. Even if you don’t yet know what path you are going to take, exploring your options and learning more about the possibilities is a good first step.

Diamond Timeshare Pros and Cons

It’s typical for pros and cons to exist with any type of purchase, from small to large. Making a buying decision is the act of determining whether or not the money being requested is a fair trade for the goods or services you would obtain. That is true for buying a Diamond Resorts timeshare just as it is true for anything else on the market.

To help you get started in making this value judgment for yourself, we have added some pros and cons below. These are points that you may experience if you decide to become an owner, although everyone’s ownership experience is different and you might not find that things play out exactly the same way in your situation.


The potential for truly global travel is what sets Diamond apart from many of its competitors. Few, if any, other timeshare brands can offer owners the options that Diamond has available in terms of traveling to far-off destinations in some beautiful locations. If you are interested in a timeshare that is going to go well beyond the standard options that are seen in the portfolios of most other brands, Diamond might be an intriguing pick.


As you are probably aware, there are some common downsides that come with getting involved in the timeshare industry. Diamond Resorts International faces some of the same complaints from its owners as many other companies in this space, so you’ll want to factor any concerns about these points into your buying decision.

The Sales Pitch

We might as well start with this drawback, because it’s one of the things that comes up over and over again in the world of timeshares. This is a business model that thrives on using sales presentations to secure new owners, and those presentations are often rather aggressive in nature and can go on for hours. Some people are comfortable saying no again and again, but that is an uncomfortable situation for others. If you put yourself in a position where you attend one of these presentations and are faced with an aggressive salesperson, you might wind up feeling compelled to purchase something without thinking it through completely.

Booking Challenges

As is the case with many timeshares, owners will sometimes find that it is not as easy as they expected to book trips to the properties they wish to visit. The impression many have when first signing up is that they will be able to travel with ease, picking and choosing when they would like to travel, and where they would like to go. However, some of the locations within the program are extremely popular and prime dates can be hard to come by. So, if there are specific destinations you’d like to use, make sure to dig deeper into how available those spots will be at the times you like to travel.

Diamond Timeshare Complaints

In the process of trying to decide whether or not a Diamond Resorts timeshare is the right option for you, one step you’ll likely take is to read a variety of comments from various current and past owners on the web. This is an easy way to get some insight into what their experiences have been like and what you can expect should you decide to join in.

If you are looking for such information, one place to head is the Better Business Bureau. The BBB website collects customer complaints for nearly all businesses, so you can use this resource to see what issues people are having and if those issues are being resolved. There is a page you can review for Diamond Resorts, and you’ll find that plenty of complaints have been levied by many owners in recent years. We have included screenshots below of a couple of those complaints to give you a sample of what you’ll find if you visit the BBB for yourself.

It should be noted that Diamond Resorts International recently merged with Hilton Grand Vacations Club, so the BBB page where you can find feedback from owners of these timeshares has been merged together, as well.

Is Diamond Timeshare a Good Investment?

In the vast majority of cases, a timeshare is not going to prove to be a good investment over the long term. It may be tempting to think about buying a timeshare as something you are doing with your financial future in mind, but rarely does it play out in a way that has this purchase bringing you back a nice return in the end.

You can look at the state of the secondary timeshare market for a demonstration of this issue. There is a weak level of demand for timeshares that are being listed for sale by current owners. If owners are listing their timeshares and are unable to sell them, or can only sell them for pennies on the dollar, there is no way to translate timeshare ownership into a positive investment. And, when the maintenance fees are added into your calculations, you’ll find that the math looks even worse. Whether or not you decide to purchase a timeshare as a way to travel with your family is another matter and your decision in the end, but this type of purchase should not be looked at as an investment opportunity.

Is Diamond Timeshare Worth It?

It’s always tricky to dive into the topic of whether or not something is “worth it”, as there is always going to be an element of subjectivity in that debate. What you get out of an experience is different than what other people may get out of it, so you’ll have to decide for yourself in the end if a Diamond Resorts timeshare is worth it or not to you.

What is clear is that plenty of previous and current owners have felt the experience was not worth it to them in terms of what they have to pay to be an owner. This is again seen in the way the second-hand market behaves. Plenty of owners are looking to sell their timeshares, and many are willing to take whatever they can get simply to be rid of the obligation that comes with the maintenance fees.

Does that mean no one finds value in their experience as an owner? No – there are thousands of owners, and certainly some of them have enjoyed what they’ve gotten out of their vacations and the memories that have been made. But you’ll need to think carefully about the costs that come with ownership, along with the obligations, before you decide if spending your money in this way is the right option for your family.

Diamond Timeshare Lawsuits

The timeshare industry is no stranger to legal action, and Diamond Resorts has been involved in its fair share over the years. Looking at ongoing legal activity is a good way to get an understanding of what is going on either with a specific company, or with an industry in general. As this space is constantly changing with new suits being brought to the table and various rulings being handed down, the best way to keep up with the latest news is to search the web for stories about the process of various lawsuits impacting timeshare companies and their customers.

You Have Options

We know that it can feel like there is no way out of your timeshare ownership. Perhaps you’ve already tried to sell on the open market and found that there weren’t any interested buyers ready to take a deal. Whatever the case, don’t give up on getting out of your contract. Call 833-416-8796 as a starting point to get more information about timeshare exits. You can also fill out our form and we’ll get in touch, or use our live chat feature. Take a moment to get started today!

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Bluegreen Timeshare Reviews

Many people first come across the Bluegreen Corporation as the result of a trip to Bass Pro Shops. This timeshare company has frequently partnered up with Bass Pro Shops to promote their destinations and seek new owners. If you have some across this brand either in a store or at some other location, you might be thinking about attending a sales presentation to learn more.

Before you take the time to attend a sales presentation, and before you consider making a purchase, it’s good to gather as much information as possible about what you can expect from the experience of being a Bluegreen timeshare owner. Armed with information, you’ll then be able to make the best choice for your situation.

Do you already own a timeshare? If so, and if you are ready to leave the timeshare behind, you might want to check out our list of the best timeshare exit companies as a good starting point. This list will present you with some options that you may want to explore further as you think about your future as a timeshare owner.

Bluegreen Timeshare Pros and Cons

If you decide to purchase a Bluegreen timeshare, there are certain to be some pros and cons that come along with that purchase. Of course, there are pros and cons that come along with every purchase, as nothing is perfect. So, it’s not a matter of finding something to buy that doesn’t come along with any drawbacks, but rather as a consumer, you are looking for purchases where the good outweighs the bad.

Is that the case with Bluegreen? Well, that’s up to you to decide in the end. We’ve touched on some possible pros and cons below as a helpful starting point to get your mind around this potential purchase. Take a moment to review these points, along with doing plenty of your own research, before you make any decisions one way or another.


For many people, what causes them to be motivated to purchase a timeshare is the destinations that are offered by a given brand. After all, the whole ownership experience is about being able to visit places and have experiences, so it makes sense that this is the primary selling point.

When you review the destinations offered by Bluegreen Vacations, you will see that it’s quite a nice list. Although there is only one international destination – in Aruba – there are locations across the United States, including many in attractive tourist spots with nice weather and beautiful scenery. So, if you are looking for the primary benefit of buying with Bluegreen, this is sure to be it.


As you start to picture yourself vacationing in some of these nice places, it’s worthwhile to slow down for a moment and also see the other side of the coin. There are some cons that are commonly seen across the timeshare industry from one brand to the next, and Bluegreen is not immune from those issues.

Quality Concerns

Some owners report issues with the quality of the accommodations they found upon their arrival at various destinations. This is a problem that is found in various parts of the timeshare industry, as perhaps not enough money from the maintenance fees that are collected goes toward the actual upkeep of the properties and investment for the future of their condition.

Lack of Responsiveness

Another problem that is common among timeshare companies is difficulty in getting a response from the corporate office regarding an issue. Whether it is issues with trying to cancel a contract or get more information about other matters, calls and messages frequently either go unreturned or take a long time to be answered. It can be frustrating for owners to not feel like they are being attended to after spending a significant amount of money to purchase their timeshare.

Bluegreen Timeshare Complaints

To get more information on how current and past customers feel about a timeshare like Bluegreen Vacations, or about any kind of business, you can head to the Better Business Bureau website. No one single source is going to give you everything you need to learn, but the BBB is a good starting point as it collects complaints from customers and displays those issues on the site for anyone to read.

Going down the list of complaints that have been filed against Bluegreen, you’ll see that there are a few common themes. These are the same themes that are typically repeated across the timeshare industry from one company to the next. The two screenshots below capture some of the sentiments that have been echoed by many other people.

Is Bluegreen Timeshare a Good Investment?

It’s always smart to keep at least one eye on the future when deciding how to use your money in the present day. When you buy a timeshare, you are opting to spend a significant amount of money to own a recreational opportunity, rather than using it for another type of investment that could grow larger over time. But what if the timeshare could serve as a useful investment vehicle at the same time?

That would be great, but it just isn’t likely to happen. Timeshares are not known to be positive investments as the years go by, and you shouldn’t expect to get any significant portion of your money back when you are done with the timeshare. In many cases, owners aren’t able to get any of their money back, as the timeshare might have close to no value on the open market. Just getting someone to take legal ownership and responsibility for the maintenance fees is hard enough.

If you want to invest your money, it’s likely best to consider a range of other proven investment vehicles that have worked for countless people over the generations. You’ll never have a guarantee of significant growth with an investment, but you will have the opportunity to enjoy such success – which really isn’t on the table if your money is tied up in a timeshare. Not only should you not expect positive growth, but you will also need to pay maintenance fees along the way as part of your contract.

Is Bluegreen Timeshare Worth It?

When asking the question of whether or not a timeshare is worth it in terms of the costs that come with ownership, there are both the upfront purchase price and the ongoing maintenance fees to consider. Remember that the maintenance fees are likely to go up over time, as well, so you’ll want to factor in some growth in those costs over the years when doing the math.

It’s hard to see how a Bluegreen Timeshare, or any other kind of timeshare, will work out in your financial favor over the long run. As one way of thinking about it, you can compare the maintenance fees that you pay each year to how much you would have spent to take a vacation otherwise outside of the timeshare system. You might find that there isn’t much difference between those two numbers – and that doesn’t even factor in the cost of making the purchase in the first place. So, you could wind up spending nearly as much each year on travel as you would have anyway, and you’ll be out your initial investment.

Only you can decide if something is worth it, as you know your situation better than anyone else. Before making any decisions, however, be sure to look at all of your options, consider how past timeshare owners have fared with this experience, and think about the big picture. It just might be that paying for your vacations as they come along is a better bet than committing to a timeshare for the long term.

Bluegreen Timeshare Lawsuits

It’s a sad reality of the timeshare industry that many owners wind up resorting to legal action against their chosen timeshare company in order to seek justice. If an owner feels that they have been wronged and the company is not willing to work with them to make it right, legal action might be the only way. Sometimes, these are individual lawsuits, while in other cases they are class-action filings against the timeshare company. Either way, Bluegreen has been the target of some of these types of cases over the years, so it’s important to think about whether or not you want to become an owner if other owners are turning to legal means to seek the resolution they desire.

An Experienced Partner

Getting out of a timeshare that you already own isn’t easy. There is a reason that so many listings online offer timeshares for as little as a dollar – people just want to exit their contracts in any way possible. If you are in this situation, take a moment today to give us a call at 833-416-8796, or get in touch through our live chat or website form. Our team will be happy to help you understand your options and learn more about ridding yourself and your family of the burden of timeshare ownership.

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Westgate Timeshare Reviews

If you live or travel in Florida, you have almost certainly heard of Westgate Resorts. This is a prominent business in the state and has grown from a small operation in the 80s to a prominent player in the state’s huge hospitality industry.

Given the profile of Westgate Resorts, it wouldn’t be surprising if you came across an offer from this company to attend a sales presentation in exchange for some kind of bonus or special offer. Or, perhaps you have already attended one of these presentations, and you are trying to decide if you’d like to become an owner. Making that decision can be easier when you look at some of the comments that have been left by current and past owners with opinions on exactly what the experience is like.

If you already own a timeshare, whether it is with Westgate Resorts or another group, you might be thinking of trying to exit that timeshare and move on. Should you want to do so, start by reviewing our best timeshare exit companies page to see what your options are to get help.

Westgate Timeshare Pros and Cons

Do you have a process that you go through when making important financial decisions in your life? If you are like most people, you probably start by looking at some pros and cons that relate to the upcoming choice. Pros would include whatever type of value it is that the purchase is going to bring to you and your family, while cons would include not only the price, but any shortcomings that are known to exist with that product or service.

This is a good framework through which to look at the possibility of buying a Westgate timeshare. Below, we’ve quickly touched on some points that have been seen as pros and cons by past and current owners with Westgate. Of course, you’ll also want to do your own further research to evaluate how these points play into your decision, so you can be confident in the choice you make.


Westgate Resorts has grown from its early days to offer a wide-ranging portfolio of destinations. While there are certainly some popular spots in Florida to book, you won’t be limited to just that one state – there are other options in various locations that you might want to visit. If it is one of your goals to get out and experience different places with family and friends, being an owner with Westgate might help you accomplish that mission.


As is so often the case with timeshares, however, some drawbacks quickly appear that will leave you wondering if becoming an owner is the right option for you. Some of those potential issues include the following.

Potentially Disappointing Accommodations

What you are presented when considering a Westgate Resorts timeshare purchase is certainly going to look good, but past reviews make it seem as those some of the properties are not quite as luxurious as what is represented. If your room is outdated and not up to your standards, the purchase you made might not feel worth it in the end.

Cancellation Challenges

This one is common across the industry – it’s simply very difficult to get out of a timeshare. You’ll need to be sure you want to commit to ownership when you sign the papers initially, as getting out of it later can be an ordeal.

Limited Availability

Any timeshare you own is only as useful as the availability that is offered for you to take trips. Some owners report that the competition for booking rooms is stiff and it can be hard to find an attractive time to take your vacation to some of the best properties in the portfolio.

Westgate Timeshare Complaints

The Better Business Bureau’s website is an easy place to stop by and check out complaints that have been lodged against any business. Most, or nearly all, businesses that are found on the BBB website will have at least a few complaints, but Westgate and other timeshare companies seem to rack up more than their fair share.

Reviewing these complaints is a convenient way to see what owners are saying about their experiences with Westgate and what problems they have had in their ownership experience. Below, you’ll find a couple of screenshots from the BBB that highlight some complaints registered by owners. To read more of these for yourself and see what common themes come up in the complaints, you can visit the BBB site directly.

Is Westgate Timeshare a Good Investment?

As you weigh the decision of whether or not to buy a timeshare, you might look at the investment potential of such a purchase as a way to help you make the choice. If you are able to get some enjoyment out of the travel opportunities that the timeshare provides, and then you can sell it for a profit at some point in the future, that would be a pretty good deal all the way around.

That’s not the experience you are likely to have, unfortunately. Across the board, timeshares tend to perform terribly as an investment, as they don’t usually grow in value and they are hard to sell when you want to get rid of them. In fact, the entire timeshare exit industry has popped up around the fact that so many people want to unload timeshares and are having trouble doing so. If a timeshare was a good investment, this industry would not exist – people would simply sell their timeshares to willing buyers for a good price when they were ready to be done.

Along with a weak aftermarket for timeshares, there is also the issue of the ambiguous upfront purchase price that comes along with a timeshare. You don’t really know what the market value of the timeshare is when you buy it, and in all likelihood, the true market value is way below what you paid – and it might even be close to zero. So, you’ll be starting from a bad position when you first make the purchase, and that is only likely to get worse over time as more and more timeshares flood the market and become readily available for anyone willing to take on the maintenance fees.

Is Westgate Timeshare Worth It?

With less-than-great news about timeshares in our investment section above, it’s a logical time to talk about the overall picture of buying a timeshare and whether or not it is worth it in the end. Ultimately, that’s a decision only each individual can make, as what is worth it to you might not really be worth it to someone else.

With that said, it’s important to look at all factors in this matter before you decide one way or another. First, there is the matter of how much the timeshare will cost to purchase – which is often going to vary from one buyer to the next. Additionally, there are the ongoing maintenance fees, and the matter of how you will use the timeshare once you own it. If you are able to take regular trips to great places, you might be more willing to spend quite a bit and still see it as a win.

For most people, buying a Westgate timeshare or any other kind of timeshare just isn’t going to add up in their favor. With so many other vacationing options available, such as rental houses, it’s easier than ever before to travel one trip at a time without being locked into a contract. Taking that approach to travel avoids the commitment that you might later come to regret, and it makes it easier to customize each trip you take to suit your needs just right.

Westgate Timeshare Lawsuits

No one wants to be involved in a lawsuit. Even if you aren’t the party being sued, the fact that you had to take legal action indicates that something has gone wrong. Unfortunately, timeshare owners often find themselves in the position of feeling like they need to take action against the timeshare company to get out of a contract or to get compensation for a wrong they feel has been committed. Westgate has dealt with legal action like any other company in this industry.

The random lawsuit or two might be seen as nothing more than part of doing business in any market, but the pattern of legal action that is taken by timeshare owners speaks to something a little more serious. Why do owners of timeshares seem to so often need to resort to filing legal claims? That’s not a great sign in terms of their satisfaction with being an owner, and it should be a major red flag for anyone who might be considering purchasing a timeshare of their own.

Put an End to Maintenance Fees

If you don’t often use the timeshare that you currently own, or if you are simply tired of paying maintenance fees and want to move on, call us at 833-416-8796 right away. With plenty of experience helping people in your position, we can present some options and guide you toward the path that may finally be able to set you free. In addition to our phone number, also feel free to use the form here on our site, or the live chat feature. We are excited to hear from you today!

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Orange Lake Timeshare Reviews

Across the country, the Orange Lake Holiday Inn Resort likely doesn’t have the name recognition of some of the other big players in this industry. Closer to Orlando, however, where the resort is located, this is a well-known spot that does bring travelers in from near and far. If you happen to be familiar with Orange Lake Holiday Inn, you might be looking for reviews as you contemplate whether or not to become an owner. We’ll present some information below that might help you make your own decision.

With a timeshare purchase, it’s important to look past the shiny parts of the resorts and amenities to see what is really going on with the underlying financial picture. Is the opportunity as good of a deal as they make it sound in the sales presentation? Or would you be better off traveling another way? Only through educating yourself from a variety of viewpoints can you feel confident in whatever your choice is in the end.

For those who are currently timeshare owners and are hoping to get out, our list of the best timeshare exit companies is a valuable resource. Take a moment to check out that page if you are ready to be done with your timeshare and one of those companies should be able to help you move forward.

Orange Lake Timeshare Pros and Cons

If you are thinking about buying a timeshare at Orange Lake, one of the first things you’ll want to do is figure out what kinds of pros and cons you can expect with such a purchase. Knowing what you’ll be getting into, at least to some degree, will help you decide if you want to move forward. You can use the pros and cons below as a starting point for this process.


The easiest factor to identify as a pro in favor of this timeshare is that the Orange Lake Resort is a nice place. It is easy to see why many people are sold on this as a vacation destination when you have a chance to walk around the grounds – or even just look at the pictures.

This resort property offers a variety of water features throughout, there are plenty of activities for the family, golf courses, and much more. And, given the location in Orlando, it also offers easy access to nearby attractions, such as Disney World. As far as places to spend fun family time are concerned, you could certainly do a lot worse than Orange Lake Resort.


So far, things sound pretty good, and there is little doubt that timeshare owners are able to have a good time at this property. But things aren’t always as positive as they seem at first, and some issues do start to pop up when you look a little closer.

Significant Costs

The enjoyable vacations that you may be able to take to Orange Lake Resort will likely come at a significant price. If you are to own enough points to be able to book a desirable accommodation at this property, you’ll need to spend a significant sum up front, and that initial expense will be followed by annual maintenance fees that tend to grow over time. Ultimately, you might feel like the cost of your timeshare is more than you would have needed to spend to take a similar vacation somewhere else.

Limited Other Options

Beyond Orange Lake, there are other properties within the portfolio that you may have access to as an owner. That can help you enjoy some diversity among your vacations from year to year, but you might find that the options are not as plentiful as you would find with some of the other prominent timeshare brands. So, if you are strongly considering a timeshare and want to have as many travel options as possible to keep exploring new destinations, you may find that another brand winds up delivering more of what you are looking for.

Orange Lake Timeshare Complaints

It’s part of the reality of the timeshare industry that plenty of current owners have complaints about their experiences. Searching the web makes it easy to find some of these complaints, which you can review for yourself to decide whether or not you’ll want to proceed with making a purchase from a company like Orange Lake Holiday Inn.

Below, we have collected a couple of complaints that have been registered with the Better Business Bureau. There are hundreds of such complaints that have been lodged, so you can take some time if you would like to read even more than the couple we have displayed below.

Is Orange Lake Timeshare a Good Investment?

To put it plainly, timeshares are not a good investment. When you are looking for a place to put your money with the hopes that it will grow over the long run, there are a couple of key elements to keep in mind. First, you want to find something that has shown the ability to grow for past investors – no investments are perfect, but you want to at least see that there is the potential for financial gain. Also, you want to find something that is relatively easy to sell when you want to cash out on your investment and hopefully realize your gains.

Unfortunately, with a timeshare – whether it is Orange Lake or any others – neither of these two points looks good. Rarely do people who purchase a timeshare wind up selling their ownership down the line for more than they paid. There is little chance for growth here based on what has been experienced by so many past owners.

If that wasn’t enough bad news, there is also the issue of trying to sell your timeshare to consider. Far from being easy to sell, many timeshares are downright impossible to unload. No matter how long some people keep their timeshare listed for sale, they aren’t able to find anyone to take it off their hands. Between a lack of growth in the value of the timeshare and the lackluster secondary market for sales, it’s hard to see a timeshare as any kind of positive investment decision.

Is Orange Lake Timeshare Worth It?

To determine if something is going to be “worth it” to you and your family, you need to think about a couple of factors. For one, there is the financial cost of whatever it is you want to purchase. That’s an obvious starting point, and from there you can add on the layer of matter of what you hope to get out of it in return. Only when you compare the cost to the return can you really decide if something is worth it to you.

With a timeshare, it’s not that you don’t get anything at all out of it – you probably will take some vacations that you will hopefully be able to enjoy with family and friends. But it’s when you do the comparison between cost and value that you might start to not see this as a great option. Given the amount of money you might need to spend to become a timeshare owner with Orange Lake Holiday Inn, and the cost of paying for maintenance fees along the way moving forward, you might struggle to get good value out of your purchase. Then, when you add on the issues we talked about above in terms of the realities of timeshares as an investment, you can see where the math might not work out in your favor.

Orange Lake Timeshare Lawsuits

Lawsuits and timeshares tend to go hand in hand. If you like to keep up with the world of timeshares by reading stories online about the latest news, you are sure to see stories about lawsuits that have been filed by owners who are unhappy with the company that operates the timeshare. This is true across the industry, and Holiday Inn – the company behind Orange Lake – has certainly dealt with its own share of legal action.

The frequency of lawsuits in this space says a lot about the state of the timeshare world and how owners feel about their overall experience. If owners were consistently happy with the value they received from their timeshare, it’s unlikely that they would be taking legal action so regularly. Given how many cases are going on across this industry at any one time, you might have cause for concern about getting involved with any type of timeshare.

There is No Time Like Today

If you are simply tired of paying your timeshare maintenance fees while not getting your money’s worth on that spending, it’s time to look for an exit. Take a moment to give us a call today at 833-416-8796 to see how we can help. If it’s easier for you, please feel free to use the form on our site, or our live chat feature, to get in touch. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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Holiday Inn Vacation Club Reviews

Anyone who has ever spent time in hotels has certainly heard the name Holiday Inn. This is one of the most recognized brands in American travel, and that long-standing brand recognition may serve to help boost the trust that is placed in the Holiday Inn Vacation Club. But is this a brand that is worthy of your trust? Should you think about buying a Holiday Inn Vacation Club timeshare in the near future?

It’s these questions that we are going to attempt to address in the article below. Once you get a clear picture of how past buyers have felt about their experience, and what you can expect to find if you give them a try, there is a good chance you’ll decide to spend your vacationing dollars elsewhere.

For existing timeshare owners who are hoping to find a path toward life after timeshare ownership, our list of the best timeshare exit companies is a great place to start. We have compiled this list to help you get the assistance you deserve in getting out of your contract and moving on without the maintenance fees that have been dragging you down.

Holiday Inn Vacation Club Pros and Cons

To get this article started, we’ll go ahead and take a look at some of the pros and cons that you might experience with Holiday Inn Vacation Club. When making an important purchasing decision like whether or not to commit money to timeshare ownership, reviewing some pros and cons and deciding what those points mean for you personally is a good idea. This way, rather than making a rash, emotional decision, you can lay out some useful arguments and use those to guide your thinking.


Many prospective timeshare buyers like the idea of a points system. With points-based ownership, you can decide to use your points at a variety of destinations, depending on the size of the timeshare network and how many properties it manages. Holiday Inn Vacation Club uses a points system, so if you are interested in that type of ownership, you may be satisfied with what you find here.

It is worth noting, however, that the range of properties available within the Holiday Inn Vacation Club is not as sizable as some of the other timeshare options on the market. It’s important to check out exactly which properties are in the network that is available to you based on your membership level.


If a points-based system sounds like a positive selling point to you, it’s important to look at what downsides you might find, as well. Below are a couple of issues that other owners have reported experiencing over the years.

Ongoing Sales Pressure

The initial sales presentation from a timeshare business is often a long affair, with plenty of pressure to make a purchase. Unfortunately, even if you agree to buy into the timeshare, that might not be where the sales tactics end. Some owners report that they are regularly encouraged to purchase even more points, or to open a credit card. Being pressured to make an additional purchase or upgrade might not be exactly the kind of experience you desire while on vacation.

Increasing Maintenance Fees

This is an issue across the timeshare industry. If you do the math on whether you can afford a timeshare based on what those maintenance fees are currently, you’ll be in for a surprise in the future when they start to climb. Also, you won’t know exactly how much they are going to increase, so it can be hard to plan your budget accordingly.

Holiday Inn Vacation Club Complaints

Learning from the experiences of others is always a valuable opportunity to help yourself make better decisions. Reviews are extremely popular across the web because they represent a chance to get feedback from people who have experienced something first hand that you are yet to experience.

When trying to learn about a business, the Better Business Bureau – and the records of complaints they collect and display – is a good place to start. Unfortunately for timeshare businesses, these pages are often not very flattering, and that’s the case with the page for Holiday Inn Vacation Club. With more than 900 complaints lodged in the last three years alone, there is a concerning track record here that is worth a closer look.

The two screenshots below are just a sample of the complaints that have been posted on the BBB website. They represent complaints that are typical within the timeshare industry, including issues with misleading sales tactics, high-pressure situations, increasing maintenance fees, and more.

It should be noted that Holiday Inn Club Vacations replies to virtually all of these complaints with a detailed argument from their perspective. Those replies appear to rarely satisfy the requests made by the owners, but they do provide an insight into how the business sees these issues. If you care to learn more about the complaints and associated replies, you can easily spend hours reading through them on the BBB website.

Is Holiday Inn Vacation Club a Good Investment?

Depending on the specific timeshare that you purchase, becoming an owner can involve spending a lot of money – both on the upfront purchase and for the ongoing maintenance fees year after year. Spending a lot of money is never easy, but it can be a little more tolerable when you can view the expense as an investment that could pay off in the long run.

So, can buying a Holiday Inn Vacation Club timeshare be considered a good investment? Probably not. It is not typical for timeshares to gain value over time, so you shouldn’t plan on using this purchase as an investment vehicle as part of a greater financial planning strategy.

The biggest problem with seeing a timeshare as an investment is the weak resale market that you are sure to encounter if you decide to try and sell. As countless previous timeshare owners can attest, heading out to the open market to look for a buyer is a frustrating experience. There are many other owners trying to do the same thing, and interested buyers are few and far between. The only way to turn this purchase into a worthwhile investment is to be able to sell it for a good price at some point in the future, and that will certainly prove to be difficult, if not impossible.

Is Holiday Inn Vacation Club Worth It?

The concept of “worth it” is something that will vary from one person to another, as people value different things and have varied ideas of how they want to spend their money. However, despite those differences, it’s pretty easy to say that for almost anyone, becoming an owner in the Holiday Inn Vacation Club is not going to be worth it.

As a starting point, we can look at the points made above regarding the investment side of this purchase. You aren’t likely to wind up in a good investment position after holding your ownership for some time, so if your definition of “worth it” involves making back a significant portion of your money when you sell, this process is likely to be a disappointment.

At the same time, you might not get as much enjoyment out of the experience as you hoped in terms of travels and great times with family and friends. Timeshare owners, including some within Holiday Inn Vacation Club, often complain of having difficulty booking trips for their ideal times, or for their preferred properties. So, if you can’t have as much fun as you would like along the way, and it doesn’t turn into a good investment, it’s going to be hard to see how your initial investment and the ongoing maintenance fees would be worth it to you and your family.

Holiday Inn Vacation Club Lawsuits

Timeshares are sued regularly. The reasons for those lawsuits can vary, but you’ll often see active, ongoing litigation involving many – if not all – of the biggest brands in the timeshare industry. Holiday Inn Vacation Club is no stranger to its own legal battles, as a quick Google search will reveal. If you would like to know more about any ongoing lawsuits that the company is dealing with, you can search the web for reputable sources and read various filings and reports. Of course, a business facing legal challenges isn’t reason enough on its own to avoid it, but you might want to learn more about the legal situations so you can draw your own conclusions.

It’s Time for a Change

Have you been making maintenance fee payments on your timeshare for years without getting any value back for that money? Let’s put an end to those expenses once and for all. Give us a call today at 833-416-8796 and we’ll be happy to speak with you about potential options. You can also contact us through our live chat feature or by filling out our form. Don’t wait any longer to seek a resolution that will allow you to finally move on from your unwanted timeshare.

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Capital Vacations Reviews

Capital Vacations is a notable player in the timeshare industry. Specifically, this is a brand known to many travelers in the eastern half of the United States, with properties in that region making up a large portion of their portfolio. A quick look at the pictures from some of their locations throughout this part of the world would leave many people thinking that owning a piece of Capital Vacations would be a great opportunity.

Sadly, the reviews for Capital Vacations seem to tell a different story. You’ll notice online that the reviews for this company are overwhelmingly negative, with complaints that mirror many of the issues seen throughout the industry. In this article, we’ll get into the details of some of those complaints and discuss whether or not Capital Vacations makes sense for the average family.

Before we get started, we’d like to make you aware of some resources we have in place to help people who already own a timeshare get out of their ownership if they would rather be free from the contract. Countless people want to leave their timeshares behind, and this list of the best timeshare exit companies is an excellent place to start that process.

Capital Vacations Pros and Cons

The best place to start this kind of article is with some of the pros and cons that are seen with the timeshare. By looking at what Capital Vacations might have to offer as a benefit, and where there are some drawbacks, you’ll have an easier time figuring out if you should be interested in what they are selling.


With some timeshares, ownership grants you access to a single location – or perhaps even a single, specific unit – for a week or two per year. With that kind of timeshare experience, you are locked into visiting that one place as the years go by.

Capital Vacations is different, in that this timeshare has a portfolio of locations throughout the United States, as well as some international spots. As mentioned above, many of the properties are found in the eastern U.S., although there are also some locations offered in the west, including California, Oregon, Idaho, Hawaii, and Utah.

So, for people who like to explore many different places when they travel, the list of options available through Capital Vacations would be seen as a notable positive. Owners aren’t locked into a single destination, meaning they can adjust as family needs or preferences change over the years.


If the positive side of Capital Vacations involves getting to go to plenty of different places, the negative side is highlighted by the difficulty that you might face when trying to book travel to some of the best places on that list. Unfortunately, availability is only the start of the issues you may face, so we’ll get into a few different points below.

Availability Struggles

Let’s start with the problem of finding space in the places you really want to visit. While there are many options listed by Capital Vacations for owners to explore, the reality is that a large percentage of the owners are going to want to book trips to a relatively small percentage of the most desirable spots. For example, properties on the warm beaches of Florida or Hawaii are likely to be booked well in advance, making it quite difficult to secure a booking for your vacation at a time that works for your family. You might wind up taking trips to places you aren’t as excited about visiting just because it’s what was available.

Inconsistent Accommodations

If you are picturing beautiful, well-appointed accommodations when you travel as an owner with Capital Vacations, you might be disappointed with the condition and age of some of the properties. Some of the newer locations might offer an enjoyable experience, but there seems to be some inconsistency within the portfolio as far as what you are going to find when you take a trip.

Misleading Promises

As is the standard in the timeshare industry, the overwhelming negative that comes with Capital Vacations is the misleading nature of what you are offered and how it will actually play out. Whether it is making promises during the sales presentation that aren’t delivered on, or offering booking availability that is later changed when the owner is told the property isn’t available on those dates, it can be hard to trust what you are told by this business.

Capital Vacations Complaints

If we are being honest here, it’s not uncommon for timeshare businesses to rack up a lot of complaints. Making a visit to the Better Business Bureau website and reading the pages of some of the top timeshare companies will review countless complaints from a range of individuals. These include people who are owners, as well as those who were subjected to long and aggressive sales presentations.

When you view Capital Vacations on the BBB, you’ll find much of the same. Page after page of reviews on the BBB website feature complaints from people who feel they were misled, mostly during the sales presentation process. One particularly concerning note is that some feedback indicates that Capital Vacations tries to act like they operate differently than “standard” timeshares, in an effort to move themselves away from the industry norms. If these hundreds of reviews are to be believed, however, it’s just more of the same.

The two screenshots below capture a sentiment that is representative of many more reviews.

Is Capital Vacations a Good Investment?

You might be told as part of a sales presentation that buying a timeshare from Capital Vacations is not only a great way to have fun with family and friends, but that it can also be a solid investment option as a place to put some of your money. This does not tend to be true in the real world.

Most people who purchase timeshares find that, over time, they do not prove to be a good investment. Due to a lack of a strong resale market, and unclear valuations to determine what a timeshare is actually worth when you buy it, counting on your timeshare purchase to play out as a nice investment is likely to lead to disappointment. There are plenty of other ways to invest your money in modern markets that have a stronger track record of success than timeshares.

Is Capital Vacations Worth It?

In the end, it’s unlikely that you’ll find Capital Vacations to be worth your money, or your time. Although the portfolio of properties does represent a nice selection of destinations, not all of those destinations will be reasonably available to you as an owner, and some of them won’t be in the condition you might expect. If you avoid timeshare ownership and just travel by paying for one trip at a time, you’ll have more flexibility and will almost certainly save money.

Speaking of saving money, don’t forget to account for the ongoing maintenance fees when thinking about whether or not Capital Vacations is going to be worth it to you. There isn’t only the initial purchase price to consider, but also the maintenance fees that just keep coming year after year – and will go up in time. Once you start to do the math including those fees, you’ll find that these vacations could wind up being very expensive, and you’ll be locked into a contract that can be difficult to exit.

Capital Vacations Lawsuits

Timeshare businesses are regularly sued by unhappy owners. The reasons for these lawsuits are many, but they often come back to the central theme of the timeshare not delivering on promises that were made during the sales presentation or the time immediately after that presentation. Some people who are led to believe one thing only to be delivered another will wind up taking legal action in an effort to recover money or at least get out of their contract. Capital Vacations is no exception to this pattern, and you can find stories about various lawsuits easily by searching the web.

Of course, businesses are regularly sued for various reasons, so the simple existence of some lawsuits does not mean that you should never deal with a given business. However, the regularity of this issue in the timeshare world might cause you to think twice about exactly why so many owners are upset enough to take their issue to court.

The Solution You Need

Paying ongoing maintenance fees on your timeshare gets old in a hurry. Ready to be done with those fees? Take the first step toward getting rid of your timeshare by calling 833-416-8796 to speak with a member of our team. It can be hard to work through this process on your own, so getting experienced help is the way to go. Of course, you can also contact us here through our website, either by filling out the form or using our live chat. We are excited to serve you!

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WorldMark Timeshare Reviews

WorldMark is one of the most recognizable names in the timeshare industry. With locations found at many of the top tourist destinations around the globe, it’s hard to travel without at least encountering the WorldMark name. And, along the way, you might find yourself in a sales presentation with WorldMark as a member of their team tries to sell you on the benefits of ownership.

To be sure, everything you’ll hear in one of these presentations sounds pretty good. You’ll be told about the great facilities that are available to owners, the relaxing times you’ll have with family and friends, and much more. At the same time, there are plenty of negative reviews floating around the web regarding WorldMark timeshares – so, who should you believe? Let’s take a closer look in the content below.

If you have landed on this page in the process of trying to get rid of a timeshare, we’d be happy to help. Many current timeshare owners across all different brands are trying to get out of their contracts, so we have built a page that features the best timeshare exit companies to help individuals in this position. Check out that page as a starting point and feel free to reach out to us directly for more information.

WorldMark Timeshare Pros and Cons

It’s common to have some trouble deciding whether or not to buy a timeshare. As you sit in the sales presentation, things sound great and you get excited over the possibilities. Yet, as mentioned above, lots of people have bad things to say about becoming a WorldMark owner, making the decision much harder. To help you navigate this choice, the pros and cons below are a useful starting point.


Like the other clubs within the Wyndham portfolio, one of the big selling points for WorldMark timeshares is the variety of properties that are available. From family-friendly destinations to spots that make for a great couples weekend away and more, you’ll see a rather impressive portfolio when being presented with this opportunity. If your image of a timeshare involves going to the same unit time after time in a specific location, the freedom that WorldMark seems to present can be quite intriguing.


While a glance at the portfolio of WorldMark properties will impress on first look, it’s when you dig deeper that you start to see some problems come up with this approach to travel. There are plenty of downsides to mention, but we highlighted three of the biggest issues below.

Lack of Flexibility

One of the things that are likely to be promoted during a WorldMark sales presentation is the versatility that comes with being an owner. You can travel to any of these beautiful destinations! That sounds great, but can you really get spots at those locations when you want them? Often, the answer is no. When trying to book a vacation that will work with your family’s calendar, it might be hard to get a spot where you really want to go. Additionally, when you are able to get a desirable week, you will likely need to book it a year in advance, making personal planning a challenge.

Rising Costs

As a timeshare owner, you not only have to make the upfront purchase, but you also need to pay the ongoing maintenance fees that are included in your agreement. Those might not seem too bad at first, but they just keep coming year after year – and they are sure to increase over time. So, the costs that started out reasonable may soon become more than you want to spend and your WorldMark timeshare will feel like more of a drag on your budget than anything else.

Quality Concerns

Despite the title of “owner”, you won’t have much – or any – say in how your timeshare properties are cared for over the years. You’ll have to pay the maintenance fees, of course, but you won’t be able to ensure that those fees wind up leading to properties that are well cared for and enjoyable to use when you arrive for a vacation. It’s common for complaints to come up from owners who feel like the facilities are not in the condition they expect given the money they have spent.

WorldMark Timeshare Complaints

Complaints are common in the timeshare industry, and WorldMark by Wyndham has racked up more than its share. When viewing the Better Business Bureau page for WorldMark by Wyndham, there are more than 400 complaints that have been closed in the last year alone.

Unfortunately, reviewing the comments from those who have left reviews with the BBB reflects issues that are seen for nearly every brand in the timeshare business. Many of the issues come back to what people feel are deceptive sales practices that make big promises without following through on those promises later on. The screenshots below demonstrate some of the issues people have had with this company recently.

Similar reviews go on and on, with variations on the same few themes. It’s a good idea to read some of these comments prior to buying a timeshare from WorldMark, or even before agreeing to attend a sales presentation. Learning from the issues that others have had previously is a good way to guide your own decision-making.

Is WorldMark Timeshare a Good Investment?

Rarely will a timeshare of any kind prove to be a good investment, and that story is the same for those sold by WorldMark. If you decide to make a purchase after a WorldMark sales pitch, don’t expect to see a positive return on this investment over the long run.

The problems with viewing a timeshare as an investment are many. As a starting point, there is the nebulous nature of timeshare pricing to consider. When you buy a timeshare, you can’t be sure that you really paid fair market value, whatever that might be. There are no firm values attached to what you purchase, unlike when buying a piece of traditional real estate. As a result, the price you pay might be far more than what anyone would be willing to pay on the open market, meaning you are “upside down” on this purchase right from the start.

Additionally, there is no reason to think that your timeshare will accumulate value over time, as is often what happens with standard real estate. A quick look at the market for timeshares that are being offered up by existing owners shows just how undesirable these purchases have proven to be. With so many owners trying to give their ownership rights away for virtually nothing, making the case that buying a timeshare is a shrewd financial move is difficult if not impossible.

Is WorldMark Timeshare Worth It?

Given what we have learned so far on this page, you can probably see where this section is heading. No, a WorldMark timeshare is not going to be worth it for most people. While there are a number of desirable locations included in the WorldMark portfolio, the many downsides that come along with timeshare ownership are just too much to overcome.

It’s the overall value that you will be getting – or not getting – from your WorldMark timeshare that makes it a hard purchase to justify in the end. If you do some math on how much it will cost to take individual vacations to the various destinations you’d like to visit over the years, you are almost certain to find that paying for each trip as it comes along will be a far more affordable option. Additionally, the restrictions and limitations of when you can use your timeshare and where you can go will make it even harder to use. Just booking a trip when you have a chance to take a vacation is more convenient, affordable, and practical for almost everyone.

WorldMark Timeshare Lawsuits

Another concerning sign regarding WorldMark timeshares is the number of lawsuits that seem to be taking place at any one time. While it’s common for large businesses to face legal action, the frequency of the legal issues faced by WorldMark and other timeshare companies should make you think twice about a possible purchase. If there are so many unhappy timeshare owners within this system, what reason do you have to believe that your experience will be any different? If you already own a WorldMark timeshare and think you might have a case against the company, it’s advisable to talk with an attorney about the matter.

Start Your Escape Today

For any current timeshare owners who aren’t happy with their experience, there is no time like the present to start working on getting out. Don’t try to do it alone, however, as you’ll be up against a formidable opponent. Go into this process with an ally on your side by calling 833-416-8796, filling out our form, or using our live chat feature. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can look forward to a future that is free from ongoing maintenance fees and other unwanted expenses. We look forward to serving you!

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Wyndham Timeshare Reviews

Table of Contents

When it comes to name recognition in the travel industry, Wyndham has plenty of it to go around. That applies to their various types of properties, including the Club Wyndham division of timeshares. If you are offered an opportunity to purchase a Wyndham timeshare, you might think of it at first as a great opportunity.

But is that really the case? Should you be excited about the chance to own a Wyndham timeshare, or should you think twice before making this kind of purchase? We’d like to help you make an informed decision by going through some important points in the article below. The decision is yours to make in the end, but we want to make sure you have all of the information you need to make a smart choice.

If you happen to be a current timeshare owner who is looking for a way out, we can help on that front, as well. Specifically, we have a resource of the best timeshare exit companies that you are welcome to review. Getting help from experienced industry professionals might be exactly what you need to finally move on from the ongoing expense of a timeshare that you no longer wish to own.

Wyndham Timeshare Pros and Cons

Looking at general pros and cons is a good way to approach any prospective purchase. No matter what it is that you are thinking of buying, weighing the plusses and minuses can help you get your head in the right place to decide if the purchase is worth your money. Rarely is something all good or all bad, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons against each other before deciding how to proceed.


It’s the flexibility of a Wyndham timeshare that is often seen as the primary benefit of going with this brand. As an owner with an allotment of points to use, you’ll have the opportunity to pick from a range of properties each time you head out for a vacation. So, rather than needing to visit the same place over and over, Wyndham gives you the chance to see many different destinations.


Getting to travel to many different places sounds great, but as you might be suspecting, rarely is it actually that easy. Unfortunately, there are some meaningful cons to consider in this situation as well, such as those we’ve highlighted below.

Expensive Travel

It would seem like being an owner of a timeshare would allow you to save money over time on travel expenses. After all, if you don’t have to pay each time you rent a place to stay, the savings should start to add up eventually. That really isn’t how it plays out in the real world, however. First, you have the significant investment you have to make upfront, whatever that number turns out to be. Then, you add in the ongoing maintenance fees that you’ll be required to pay. In the end, it’s unlikely that you’ll save at all, and you may even wind up paying significantly more for vacation experiences that you could have had by just booking one trip at a time as a guest.

Limited Access to Great Properties

The portfolio of properties held by Wyndham and included in their timeshare program is impressive, to be sure. Anyone would love to travel to many of these beautiful locations with friends and family, and it’s easy to see how great memories could be made on such trips. The issue, however, is with the access that you’ll actually have to these destinations. This is something you’ll never hear about during a sales presentation, but it can be quite difficult to secure a desirable reservation at one of the best properties in the portfolio, even if you plan well in advance. Without being able to book a trip at some of the top resorts in the collection, your experience as an owner will be significantly downgraded.

The Commitment

In addition to problems like access to the best properties and the cost of ownership, there is also the long-term commitment that you are taking on that needs to be considered. Becoming an owner gives you some rights – the ability to book vacations through your account – but it also comes with responsibilities. You are required to keep up with the maintenance fees that are required of owners as the years pass, and you won’t have any flexibility on that point. Given the difficulty of selling a timeshare once you decide you’d like to exit, buying a timeshare is a choice with long-term implications.

Wyndham Timeshare Complaints

If you take some time to search the web for reviews and comments from people who have previously interacted with Wyndham, you might find a troubling trend. To be fair, this trend seems to apply across the board to timeshare companies, regardless of brand. Complaints are common in the world of timeshares, and a look at the Better Business Bureau page for Wyndham Timeshares can help you get a grasp on what it is that people are upset about.

It’s common for people who have been through a Wyndham sales presentation and then later made a purchase to complain about being deceived in that presentation. They often feel that what they were promised isn’t what they ended up receiving, and some of those complaints are represented on the pages of the BBB website. While there are well over 1,000 reviews on the BBB site alone to review, we’ve grabbed a couple of screenshots below to give you an example of the issues some people are reporting.

Is Wyndham Timeshare a Good Investment?

In addition to the fun that you imagine yourself having on a vacation to one of the many Wyndham properties, you might also be thinking about turning a nice profit on your ownership of this timeshare. If you can have fun along the way and then sell it for more later on, it’s a win all the way around – right?

That would be great, but it’s unlikely to become your reality. Instead, what’s more likely is that you will pay maintenance fees year after year only to use your timeshare sparingly and then find it isn’t worth anything when you want to sell. A Wyndham timeshare is unlikely to be a good investment because you will find the second-hand market flooded with owners trying to offload their timeshare for pennies on the dollar. Many owners will be happy to sell to absolutely anyone who is willing to sign the paperwork and take over the obligation of the maintenance fees.

If you are still thinking of purchasing a timeshare from Wyndham or any other brand, don’t do it for the investment potential. Time and again, timeshares have proven to be a poor investment, so you don’t want to bank on that trend turning around in time to bring you a profit.

Is Wyndham Timeshare Worth It?

There are too many negatives piling up when looking at the experience of owning a Wyndham timeshare to see it as being worth the investment that it requires. You can look at the list of cons from earlier in this article as a starting point, along with the various complaints about the experience of timeshare ownership that comes from others you have been through it. Also, the unlikely nature of this turning into a positive investment only adds to the reasons that you should be hesitant.

When comparing owning a timeshare to simply paying for vacations when you want to travel, taking the one-trip-at-a-time approach tends to offer better value for most people. There is no long-term commitment traveling this way, so there is a flexibility with that approach that just doesn’t exist in the world of timeshares. To avoid being locked into an ownership agreement that might not work out for you in the long run, sticking with this mode of travel could work best.

Wyndham Timeshare Lawsuits

A quick web search will reveal that there is nearly always some type of active litigation against Wyndham Timeshares. Much of this action is on behalf of disgruntled owners who feel they have not received what they were promised when first purchasing their timeshare. The promises made in sales presentations often come up short in the real world, and some people decide to pursue legal action in order to get out of the timeshare or to receive compensation. The volume of lawsuits that are seen against Club Wyndham and other timeshare groups should cause prospective buyers to proceed with considerable caution.

Can We Serve You?

Getting out of a timeshare can be a tricky task, but it isn’t impossible. Fortunately, you don’t have to go into this battle alone. Reach out today at 833-416-8796 to learn more about the services that might be able to get you out of your timeshare once and for all. You can also use our live chat feature or fill out our form to get in touch. Let’s get started on this important task right away!

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Hilton Grand Vacations Timeshare Reviews

The name Hilton carries quite a bit of respect in the travel industry. In fact, there is a good chance that you have stayed at a Hilton property in the past – and perhaps you have done so many times. Plenty of the properties within the Hilton Hotels brand are enjoyable, reliable facilities in excellent locations.

Does the trust that the Hilton name has built up over the years extend to Hilton Grand Vacations timeshares? That’s the question we’ll aim to answer in this article. We’ll take a big-picture look at this timeshare company in order to help you decide if it is a good fit for you and your family. Also, we’ll explore some of the complaints that have been lodged by past customers, so you can factor those opinions into your thinking.

Before we get started, it should be noted that help is available if you are already in a timeshare and would like to find a way out. We’ve collected a list of the five best timeshare exit companies, so feel free to check that out if you are a current owner and have been unsatisfied with your experience. Let’s get started!

Hilton Grand Vacations Timeshare Pros and Cons

To lay the groundwork for this article, we’ll take a look at some of the pros and cons that you might find with Hilton Grand Vacations. Of course, what constitutes a “pro”  or “con” for one customer might not be such a positive or negative for another, so there is always some room for interpretation within these points.


The most notable advantage of Hilton Grand Vacations is the collection of impressive destinations that are included within the network. There are locations in some attractive vacation destinations like Las Vegas, New York, Hawaii, and many more. So, timeshare owners in this system may have the flexibility to visit alternative destinations rather than the one location that they purchased initially.


While the size of the network of properties that fall under the Hilton Grand Vacations umbrella is quite impressive, there are unfortunately plenty of downsides to note when talking about this timeshare. Among the drawbacks include the points listed below.

Availability Issues

Although there are plenty of great destinations included in the program, owners may have difficulty booking time at those destinations. This is a common problem across most timeshares and it seems to be an issue with Hilton Grand Vacations, as well. The collection of attractive destinations that owners theoretically have access to is not valuable if availability is hard to come by.

Misleading Sales Process

If you agree to sit for a sales presentation from Hilton Grand Vacations, you can expect it to be a lengthy affair, and you can expect to be made a bunch of promises that may or may not come true later on. Whether it’s a promise to buy back the timeshare later if you want to sell it, or a grand vision of luxurious amenities that you’ll never actually be able to enjoy, the sales promises frequently fall flat in reality.

Rising Costs

The upfront purchase price of a Hilton Grand Vacations timeshare is not the end of your financial commitment. By agreeing to become an owner, you’ll also be responsible for ongoing maintenance fees – and those fees aren’t fixed. They are going to increase as time passes, making your experience as a timeshare owner more and more expensive as the years move on.

How you view the pros and cons of Hilton Grand Vacations timeshares will depend on what you want to get out of the experience, but it’s safe to say that there are plenty of drawbacks to note for anyone who is considering buying into this program.


Hilton Grand Vacations Timeshare Complaints

You don’t have to spend much time looking around the web to find complaints about Hilton Grand Vacations timeshares. This is the case for most timeshare companies and the story is the same with this brand. If you have been thinking about buying a timeshare from HGV, or even going to a sales presentation, it would be wise to take a bit of time to review some of these complaints so you have a clear picture of the situation.

The Better Business Bureau page for Hilton Grand Vacations, Inc. is a good place to start your search. When you land on this page, you’ll find that nearly 2,000 complaints have been lodged with the BBB in just the last three years. While the specifics of the complaints will vary from one to the next, they often revolve around the theme of being made promises that never did come true. The screenshots below capture just a couple of many examples –


It would be easy to spend hours – or days – scrolling through the hundreds of hundreds of complaints that have been filed with the BBB. And, of course, these are just customers and owners that have taken the time to file a complaint on this platform. There are certainly others who have had issues with their experience but did not choose to contact the BBB.


Is Hilton Grand Vacations Timeshare a Good Investment?

As a general rule of thumb, timeshares should not be considered a good investment, including Hilton Grand Vacations Timeshares. A timeshare is a poor investment for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the price you pay for the timeshare at the time of purchase is almost certainly more than it is worth on the open market. In fact, it’s likely that what you buy has no value at all.

For proof of this concept, you can simply look at the many timeshares that are available for sale from current owners in the Hilton Grand Vacations system. If you were to buy an existing timeshare from a current owner, you might not have to pay anything at all – just by agreeing to take over the ownership of the timeshare, and the responsibilities that come with ownership, the previous owner would be willing to sign it away.

So, with the open market demonstrating that many timeshares have no real value, it’s almost certain that the money you spend on a new timeshare with Hilton Grand Vacations will not be returned to you when it’s time to sell. You’ll be fortunate if you are even able to sell at all when you wish to get rid of it, as many owners are stuck for years with something they’d rather be done with.


Is Hilton Grand Vacations Timeshare Worth It?

Given the many potential drawbacks and the long list of complaints, it’s pretty easy to determine that purchasing a Hilton Grand Vacations timeshare is not going to be worth it in the long run.

There are a couple of ways to look at this question, and both of those perspectives come back to the decision of steering clear of a timeshare purchase. First, there is the lack of investment value that we’ve already discussed. Without any real hope of this purchase turning into a positive investment in the long run, you will need to get your money’s worth out of ownership just in terms of the time you spend at these properties with family and friends.

Toward that end, the math just isn’t going to work out. When you consider how much you have to pay to buy in, plus the ongoing fees that come out of your pocket, the trips you take will prove to be extremely expensive. Rather than using a Hilton Grand Vacations timeshare to visit popular destinations, you could simply find lodging in those areas when you want to take a trip. Places like Hawaii, Florida, Las Vegas, and others are some of the most popular spots in the world, so lodging options abound. This way, you’ll just pay a one-off price for each trip, you won’t be on the hook for anything, and you can pick the exact type of property that fits the needs of each unique vacation.


Hilton Grand Vacations Lawsuits

If you are looking for information on lawsuits faced by Hilton Grand Vacations, you’ll find that various cases are typically ongoing at any given time. The reason for these suits can be varied, including deceptive sales practices, failing to provide required disclosures, and more. Some of these legal actions will be pursued by an individual plaintiff, while other cases will wind up being combined into a class-action suit. Those who feel they have been treated unfairly under the law by Hilton Grand Vacations may wish to speak with an attorney to consider the possibility of legal action.


Let Us Help

Is it time to finally get out of your timeshare? If you have been feeling like that’s a goal you simply can’t accomplish, give us a call at 833-416-8796 to learn more about your options. You are also welcome to fill out our form or use the live feature here on our site. No matter how you reach out, we are ready to help you move forward with exiting your timeshare ownership as soon as possible.

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Why Are Timeshares a Bad Investment?

Whether you are considering purchasing a timeshare, or you already own one, you may have heard along the way that timeshares are typically a bad investment. But why would that be? Real estate is typically considered to be one of the better investment options available, so why would timeshares be so different? On the surface, it seems like this might be a good place to put some of your money.

This article will dive into the issues with timeshares as an investment and why you should proceed with caution. There is never anything certain in the world of investments, of course, but there are enough red flags here for most people to decide that other options are a better way to see their money grow over the coming years.

Of course, if you are already a timeshare owner and you are feeling the reality of how this “investment” hasn’t panned out for you, the only remaining option may be to simply exit as soon as possible. To help with that, we have a list of the best timeshare exit companies that you are welcome to explore.

The Problems Start Early

If you want to gain a clear understanding of why timeshares are usually a bad investment, you can start where the experience starts for most owners – in a sales presentation. These are the sessions that are booked by salespeople looking to secure a commission by getting you to sign on the dotted line. Just to get you into the session, you might have been offered some kind of free bonus, like a short trip or giveaway item.

It’s common for people attending these presentations to find themselves regretting that decision soon after. What starts as a friendly, relaxed presentation, that is billed to only last an hour, quickly picks up in intensity and often drags on for far longer. Soon enough, aggressive sales tactics are used as a variety of offers are presented in the hopes of making a sale.

Along the way, you may notice that the price of what you are being offered keeps changing. The asking price early in the session will likely drop later on, if you stick around and keep saying no. While you might be tempted to think that you are getting a great deal at a lower price, that moving target should actually tell you something more concerning about the underlying value of what you are being sold. More specifically, it should tell you that the underlying offer has no real value at all.

The salespeople who work these presentations are often given latitude by their bosses to offer a range of prices because there is no firm, clear-cut value for the timeshare. It’s worth only what you are willing to pay, in other words. When you buy traditional real estate, you’ll wind up paying close to the known market value, in part because the property will go through an inspection and appraisal process to make sure the price is reasonable. That doesn’t happen with a timeshare, so there is no way to know if the price you pay has anything at all to do with what it would be worth on the open market.

Costs Keep Coming

As mentioned above, the upfront cost of purchasing your timeshare is going to vary from one person to the next. In fact, two people buying the same thing on the same day could wind up paying wildly different prices. If you agree to make the purchase, you will effectively invest whatever amount you agree to on the date that you sign the papers.

However, your investment will not be done there. There are other costs that are going to come up that will almost certainly add to what you have to spend, and in turn, change the math on how this investment works out over the long run. For one thing, there are the maintenance fees that all timeshare owners are required to pay. These fees will keep going for as long as you own the timeshare, and they will increase over time. At first, these fees might not seem like a big deal, but they could prove to be a significant drain on your budget as the years go by.

Maintenance fees aren’t the only issue to consider. Another problem can come in the form of financing costs for the purchase of the timeshare. If you don’t have enough cash available to make the purchase outright, you’ll need to finance the purchase – meaning interest costs are going to come into the equation. Those interest costs add to what you’ll have to spend and will significantly increase the total amount of your investment when all is said and done.

The Value of Your Experiences

Let’s take a moment to put the idea of an investment into context and get a handle on what that means with regard to timeshares. Some investments are purely financial, and you can evaluate them only in terms of what they return to your bank account. Buying a stock is a good example of such an investment. If you buy shares of a given stock and then sell those shares one year later, your investment will be evaluated on whether you gained or lost money. There is no other metric to consider – it’s all about making money.

With a timeshare, things are a little cloudier. The idea of a timeshare isn’t primarily focused on the investment side of the ledger, as there is also the matter of the trips and experiences you get to enjoy along the way. If you are able to have tons of fun with family and friends through your timeshare, and then eventually sell it for a decent return, you might view that overall investment as having been well worth it.

Unfortunately, even when viewed through this type of investment lens, timeshares still fall flat. The attractive images of people relaxing on beaches at beautiful resorts in the middle of summer rarely become your reality, as availability may be limited and reservations at the top properties hard to come by during the peak season. So, many people wind up paying ongoing maintenance fees, in addition to their initial investment, to own a timeshare that they either don’t use often or aren’t able to use when they want. Without a strong return in the way of great experiences, the financial picture is even bleaker.

Simply Put, Timeshares Are Hard to Sell

The end of an investment occurs when the owner of that investment sells it to another party. It could be a physical real estate property, a stock like we discussed earlier, or just about anything else. The purchase date marks the start of the investment, and the sale date marks the end. For timeshare owners, however, that sale date can be surprisingly hard to reach.

If you decide to sell a timeshare that you own, you can put it up for sale in any of a number of different places. The problem is finding a buyer. You may not know how much to ask, since timeshares don’t really have a firm value, and no matter what you ask, interest is likely to be minimal. In fact, it’s common to find timeshares listed for sale for a single dollar, as the owners are just hoping to get someone to take ownership and responsibility for the ongoing maintenance fees.

Obviously, none of this sounds good for your investment. If you can’t sell the timeshare, or you can only sell it for a nominal amount as a way to get rid of it, there won’t be a positive return on your investment in the end. Even if you feel like you got a good deal initially on the purchase price, the realities of the market for selling an existing timeshare can be a harsh reality check.

So Many Other Options

Beyond the many points that we’ve highlighted above, there is also the reality that there are just so many other ways to invest your money in the modern economy. While no investment is guaranteed to bring a positive return, there are countless options with a solid track record where you have a reasonable expectation of seeing your money grow over time. Timeshares are not a proven vehicle for investment success, so it only makes sense to look elsewhere when you want to create or expand an investment portfolio.

Get Started Today

Tired of making maintenance fee payments on your account without getting much value in return? Don’t wait any longer to look for a way out of your timeshare. It all starts with a phone call to us at 833-416-8796. You can also use our form or live chat feature to get in touch. If you’ve been putting off this task for too long, today is the day to get started!

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