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Disclosure: We receive compensation if you choose to speak to one our recommended timeshare exit companies. The following information is for educational purposes and is not to be considered professional or legal advice.


Timeshare Advice Centre Review

It’s not often that so many people are dissatisfied with a product or service that an entire new industry pops up as a result. That’s what has happened in recent years with timeshares, however. So many owners want to find a way out, and so many feel stuck in their timeshare, that exit companies have now become a popular way to deal with this issue.

One of those companies is Timeshare Advice Centre. This review page will take a look at what services are offered by this business, why you might want to consider working with them to get away from your timeshare, and what factors should be weighed before you sign on the dotted line. Working with a professional team like this to get away from your timeshare can be a great opportunity, but it’s important that you look at all of the possibilities and move forward with the one that best aligns with your needs.

Exploring Their Website for the Basics

It might go without saying, but one of the best ways to get to know what a company has to offer is to simply look at its website and review what it offers. In this case, we can learn a lot about Timeshare Advice Centre just by browsing around the pages of their site.

For one thing, they offer a form on the site that promises to present you with some options to get out of your timeshare after taking just 30 seconds of your time. By identifying the timeshare group you are a part of, while also providing some personal information, you can get initial guidance on how to move forward.

Also, while the Timeshare Advice Centre has a UK office in Henley-on-Thames, it is able to offer help for timeshare properties around the globe. Importantly, they state that they have no formal connection to the timeshare industry itself, which is not always the case with other exit companies. Without benefitting financially from the fees that you are paying to your timeshare, they claim to be able to give honest, fair advice that will help you decide how to move forward and hopefully get away from the timeshare in the near future.

One other thing that we like to see is the Timeshare Advice Centre is upfront and honest about the realities of trying to sell your timeshare to someone else. They state directly on their site that “any promises made about your timeshare having a resale value are likely to be false”. This is an accurate statement and you shouldn’t expect to receive anything of meaningful value in return for your timeshare – these are “properties” that are largely worthless on the open market.

What Do Others Have to Say?

It’s always an important step to check out what other people have to say about a business before you work with them yourself. When the stakes are low – say, when you are going out to a restaurant – you might not worry too much about it. But when the stakes are as high as something like trying to get out of a timeshare, you should do your research and make sure you’ll be in good hands.

With that in mind, we can start by looking at some reviews for the Timeshare Advice Centre. One place to look is Google Reviews. Of course, anyone can leave a review on this platform without verification, so it’s important to keep that in mind and not put too much stock in any one review. It’s best to look at a collection of reviews to get an idea of the overall tone of the comments and whether or not people are happy with the service they receive.

On the positive side, there are some reviews stating that Timeshare Advice Centre was able to deliver on what they needed. For example, the review below is full of praise for the service that was delivered by a member of the Timeshare Advice Centre team.

There are other five-star reviews to be seen as well, all mentioning that this business was able to help them deal with their timeshare issues properly. Those reviews don’t guarantee that you will wind up getting out of your timeshare successfully at the end of the process, but they at least speak to the fact that some people have been happy with the work.

Of course, as you might expect, there are some negative reviews to be found, as well. This is true for most businesses and it is the case here. Many of the negative reviews have to do with the marketing tactics used by the company rather than with the services they are able to render. For example, the one below represents a relatively common complaint.

This review doesn’t speak of the ability of Timeshare Advice Centre to actually help get you out of a timeshare, but it does bring up concerns about their aggressive marketing tactics if you wind up on their promotional list for one reason or another. If you decide to reach out to this business for potential help, don’t be surprised if you are frequently contacted about their services moving forward.

Ultimately, the reviews you can find on the web about this business are something of a mixed bag. Does that mean you shouldn’t work with them? Not necessarily, but you’ll want to dig deeper and make sure you are getting the whole picture before you decide. And, as we’ll talk about later on this page, make sure your money is protected carefully when you do work with any exit company, to avoid further financial damage from this whole situation.

Finding a Way to Do It Right

It’s important to use a timeshare exit company as you work your way out of an ownership contract because you want to make sure to do it right. If you don’t get out of your contract the right way, in a legal fashion, plenty of trouble could be coming your way.

One of the most common situations for individuals to face in this matter is a hit to their credit rating. Sometimes, timeshare owners will stop paying their fees and assessments when they no longer want to use the timeshare. This might seem like a good idea to save money and work toward getting away, but it typically backfires. Those missed payments will be reported to the credit agencies and your credit score will take a hit. Over time, this can cause some distress in your financial life.

Also, you want to make sure you are exiting your timeshare in a way that is actually going to end your contract officially. Without that assurance, you may wind up getting a bill later from the timeshare company, even after you thought you had canceled. While it’s possible to achieve all of this on your own, working with professionals on the matter is going to be easier, and will put your mind at rest once all is said and done.

Protecting Your Money Throughout the Process

Let’s be honest – owning a timeshare is likely far more expensive than you imagined at first. If that is the case, you don’t want to wind up wasting any more money as you try to get out. The timeshare has already done enough financial damage and you deserve to get away without further harm.

That’s not always how it works with timeshare exit companies, however. Sometimes, they will take the money of a client upfront with no guarantee of what they are going to deliver. Then, if they don’t get the individual out of the timeshare, they keep the money and that person is in an even bigger hole. That’s precisely the outcome you want to avoid in this scenario.

The best way to steer clear of that result is to use escrow services when paying a timeshare exit company. Only work with companies that are willing to use escrow, as this will protect your investment in the service and require the exit company to actually deliver on their promises. It’s not entirely clear on their website if Timeshare Advice Centre is willing to work on an escrow basis, so this would be an important question you ask if you reach out about their services.

Find the Right Partner for Your Needs

Working with an experienced partner to get out of a timeshare can be a great strategy. But picking that partner isn’t always easy. By calling 833-416-8796
today, you can chat with our team and learn more about what options are available to start working on ending your timeshare ownership. As another option, the live chat feature here on our site is easy to use and will enable you to get answers to any questions you may have. We hope to hear from you today!

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Can You Make Money Renting Your Timeshare?

One of the sad realities of owning a timeshare is that the experience tends to be far more expensive than most people expect. It sounds like you are getting a great deal when you are sitting in the sales pitch and hearing about all of the fabulous amenities that you will enjoy, but the ongoing maintenance fees and assessments – in addition to the upfront cost – mean owning a timeshare can be very expensive.

With that in mind, you might be considering trying to make some of your money back through renting the timeshare. This is possible, to be sure, although it might not be the cash cow that you are hoping for when you first list your points or property for rent. This page will walk you through the realities of what renting a timeshare looks like and how it might be able to help improve your experience.

Start by Investigating Your Contract

Without a doubt, this is where you need to start with this process. It’s critical that you take the time to look at your contract and determine what the terms are and whether or not you are permitted to rent it out to other people. Sometimes, renting out the timeshare will be expressly prohibited and you will need to put this idea to the side.

In other cases, renting out the timeshare will be allowed, but with specific stipulations in place. You will need to know these rules in order to avoid running into trouble with both your developer and your potential renters. The last thing you want to do is accept payment from someone who wants to rent your timeshare only to find out later that they aren’t going to be permitted to use that timeshare as expected.

If necessary, it could be helpful to have a lawyer look over the contract and explain to you in simple terms what rules apply to the prospect of renting out the timeshare. Paying for an hour or two of time might not be as expensive as you might think, and the information you gather could be extremely valuable. Also, if you happen to know any other owners within the same company who have rented out their timeshare, talk to them about their experience and ask what you need to know if you are just getting started.

Do Some General Market Research

It will help to think about renting out your timeshare like running a business. In essence, that is what you will be doing – running a (very) small business that attempts to make money by renting out space at a timeshare property. With that in mind, one of the first steps involved in running any business is doing market research, and that’s what you’ll want to do here.

To get started, look around at various places on the web where timeshares can be listed for rent. Some of the many options include RedWeek, Airbnb, Craigslist, and many others. When searching, try to look for properties that are as comparable as possible to what you would be offering. Of course, the asking price doesn’t mean that the owner is actually going to get someone to rent the timeshare at that rate, but it will at least give you a general idea of what it might be worth on the market.

If you are doing this for the first time, consider listing with a price that is a little on the low side, just to test the market and see how it goes. If you quickly book the timeshare at that price, you can always bump the price up a little bit next time. Before long, if you rent the timeshare a few times, you’ll wind up with a pretty good idea of what it is worth to renters and will be able to maximize your return.

Find the Right Place to List

As mentioned above, there are plenty of different places to list a timeshare for rent on the internet. To get started, stick with places that will allow you to list for free or close to free. Spending money upfront to list your timeshare doesn’t make a lot of sense if you don’t know that this will work. You are already spending enough on the timeshare itself, you don’t need to add to your expenses in this way.

Also, remember that there is nothing wrong with casting a wide net with your listing. Find several different places to post the timeshare for rent and see what happens. It shouldn’t take too long for you to determine which sites are going to bring you some interest and which seem to be falling on deaf ears.

Work Hard on the Marketing Side

You will quickly notice that there is a lot of competition online for renting timeshares. That’s a good sign in one sense, as it means that there are potential renters out there who might be interested in your property for a week. However, you’ll need to take steps to stand out from that competition and gather enough interest to find some renters.

For one thing, it will help to write an attractive listing that highlights everything that is good about the property. Do your best to write this from a personal perspective – why do you love visiting this place? When the listing rings true to the potential renter, it will be far more likely that they’ll want to get involved and book a trip for themselves.

In addition to writing an appealing listing, plenty of quality photos are also important. If you have your own photos to use, that’s even better than the generic ones that can be found online. With good pictures and a description that clearly explains what there is to do and see at this place, you’ll be well on your way.

Manage Everything Professionally

Renting out a timeshare is a good way to earn some money back, but this is far from an easy process. There is a lot to do, including screening the renters to make sure they aren’t going to cause trouble when staying at the property, and putting together a rental agreement for them to sign. That agreement should outline all of the basic information that the renters will need, including the times for check-in and check-out, payment terms, and more.

Speaking of payment terms, you can decide if you want to collect the entire payment upfront or require a deposit with the balance due at a date in the future. Whatever path you select, be sure to offer secure payment methods so renters feel comfortable sending their money to you.

Remember, this is a business that you are running, so there are going to be tax implications to think about. Update yourself on the laws that govern renting out a timeshare property in the area of the resort, including whether you need to pay occupancy taxes. Also, this income is going to need to be addressed on your personal taxes at the end of the year. Having to pay taxes is not a reason to skip out on renting your timeshare but it is a factor that needs to be considered when doing the math on how this is all going to work out.

Consider Hiring Help

If the section above has you feeling like renting out a timeshare is a lot of work, you are correct. This is not an easy thing to manage, especially if you have a job and family obligations demanding plenty of your time already. To avoid dealing with all of the hassles of acting as a landlord for the timeshare, you might consider outsourcing the work to a property management service.

The benefit of this approach is as obvious as the drawback. With a property management team on your side, you won’t have to worry about all of the little details or taking care of customer service issues. The management team will do that for you. And, of course, the drawback we mentioned is that these services aren’t free. A large chunk of the rent you receive is going to stay with the property manager, so what you get out of this deal is going to be dramatically reduced. Whether or not that is worth it to you in the end is a personal decision that you’ll have to make.

The Timeshare Life is Expensive

No matter how you look at it, owning a timeshare is expensive, and many people don’t feel like they are getting good value for their money. If you want to just get out of your timeshare contract instead of trying to rent it to make money, contact us at 833-416-8796 to learn more about what that process looks like and what the first steps may be. We also have a convenient live chat feature if you would rather get in touch that way. Don’t let another day pass without getting started on this important move for your financial future.

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15 Steps to Cancel Your Timeshare

If 15 steps sounds like a lot to cancel a timeshare, that’s because it is – and the reality of the situation is that canceling a timeshare is not an easy thing to do. Countless people get into timeshare ownership only to find later that it isn’t working out as they had hoped and they want to cancel. Sadly, many feel like there is no way out, or they just give up because it’s too time-consuming and frustrating.

With this list of steps, we hope to encourage you to keep at it until the job is done. Not all of these steps will apply to your situation necessarily, so read through the list and start to formulate a plan in your mind for how to move forward.

Start with the Contract

The obvious starting point in this process is to bring out your contract and look over it carefully. This is going to be a little boring, of course, but it’s necessary to understand the details that govern the agreement between yourself and the developer. Within the contract, you should find information about cancelation and what that looks like. Don’t give up on this idea even if the contract language doesn’t sound promising – you still might be able to work out a reasonable deal later on, but it’s good to know what the terms are before going any further.

Is Rescission a Possibility?

If you have only recently purchased your timeshare and would like to get out quickly, the rescission period might still be in effect. This is also known as a “cooling-off” period, and it will vary in length from place to place. Generally, you have somewhere between 3-7 days to notify the timeshare officially that you would like to cancel the purchase. Follow all of the necessary steps to make sure you cancel properly and keep documentation of everything in case they come back to you later looking for money.

Have All Relevant Documents

Throughout the process of trying to cancel your timeshare, it’s important to have all of the relevant documentation for your account on hand and ready to go. This will allow you to produce any information that is needed and counter any issues that might come up along the way. For instance, if your developer says one thing but you don’t think it is true based on your contract or previous communications, you want to have everything you need available to prove your case.

Contact the Timeshare Company

With documentation collected, it’s now time to reach out directly to the timeshare company to ask about cancelation options. They might have a program available that allows you to give back your timeshare, or something along those lines. Be direct with your desire to cancel and don’t allow them to get into a sales pitch regarding the many benefits of timeshares and why you should stay.

Draft a Formal Letter

It’s likely that you will need to send a formal letter to the timeshare company that highlights your desire to cancel your membership. This letter should have all of the necessary details about your contract and any other specifics that are relevant. For example, if you were offered a specific cancelation opportunity by one of the employees of the timeshare, reference that person by name, state what you were offered, and even include any documentation you might have to back up that offer.

Send Your Letter

What you don’t want to do in this situation is just place the letter in a random mailbox where it could sit for some time without being picked up. Take it to the post office to have it mailed that day, and ask for a return receipt so you can prove later that the timeshare company received it. You can never be too careful in a situation like this where there is a significant amount of money on the line, so use tracking tools through the mail to make sure the information gets where it needs to go.

Maintain Detailed Records

Speaking of being careful, it’s a good practice to hold onto all documentation that you might acquire throughout this process. Whether you are going to try to cancel through the rescission period, or you are using a program that the developer offers to take back the timeshare, or whatever else you might try, documentation is your friend (in both physical and digital form). The better your record keeping is throughout the process, the more likely you are to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion when all is said and done.

Follow Up With the Timeshare Company

Once you have sent a letter and have received proof that the timeshare company got that letter, follow up with them directly to ask about what is next. If you requested cancelation under a program or offer that you were made, make sure they are going to honor that cancelation and find out what steps are coming next. Also, ask about the timeline for the process so you can follow up again if nothing happens when it is supposed to.

Inquire About State or Local Laws

If you aren’t getting anywhere by working with the timeshare company directly, consider looking at local and state laws regarding timeshares to see if anything is in place that could help you get out. Plenty of other consumers have had trouble with their timeshares, so many places have put laws into effect that help people deal with this type of matter successfully.

Work With an Exit Company

Speaking of other consumers who have had trouble with timeshares, many of them wind up contacting timeshare exit companies to find a way out of their contracts as soon as possible. There are many reputable exit companies available today and working with one could make your life a lot easier. Not only would you be putting someone on your side to fight this battle for you, but you’d be gaining access to a lot of industry knowledge and experience.

Retain an Attorney

While a timeshare exit company is a great option, sometimes your case might call for the use of a regular attorney. That’s particularly likely to be the case if you are having a contract dispute with the timeshare where they interpret the reading of the contract in a different manner than you do. Such issues often wind up being debated by attorneys, and you don’t want to go up against the timeshare’s legal team all on your own.

Don’t Book Any Trips

You don’t want to be sending mixed signals about your intentions with the timeshare while you are trying to cancel. If you are actively in the middle of the cancellation process, don’t book trips or go on any vacations utilizing your rights as an owner. This could be seen as an action that indicates your desire to keep the timeshare rather than cancel it. Just leave the account alone and follow along with the process you are using to attempt to get out of the situation once and for all.

Keep Your Payments Current

While it might not be fun to send payments on an account that you are trying to cancel, that’s exactly what you’ll need to do until this process is finished. After all, if you fall behind on payments for things like fees and assessments, you might not be eligible for cancelation programs any longer. Make these payments and look forward to the day when you won’t be on the hook for them any longer.

Beware of Scams

Sadly, there are plenty of people out there who are hoping to take advantage of people trying to get rid of their timeshares. These people might present themselves as timeshare exit companies or as potential partners to help you sell the timeshare. Before you work with anyone on this matter, be sure to independently confirm their qualifications and legitimacy. You have already spent enough money on the purchase and maintenance of your timeshare, you don’t need to see even more money go out the window by falling victim to a scam.

Confirm Cancelation and Retain Copies

If you finally reach the finish line and have your timeshare canceled, congratulations! It can be a long and winding road, but it is certainly worth it. While you are celebrating, make sure to retain copies of everything and confirm directly with the developer or timeshare company that the account has formally been canceled and you have no more responsibilities to it.

How Can We Help?

We love helping timeshare owners get out of this experience if it’s something they would like to be done with as soon as possible. In addition to reviewing the steps above, you can also call us at 833-416-8796 to get assistance or use our live chat feature to ask any questions you may have. Today is the day to start moving toward a future that is free from timeshare obligations. Don’t wait any longer!

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Is It a Good Idea to Refinance Your Timeshare?

When you first purchased your timeshare, did you use a mortgage agreement to make the deal happen? If so, you might be realizing that the mortgage payments are hard to afford on a monthly basis, and refinancing might help you get some relief. But is it even possible to make this kind of financial move, and what will that look like in the end? Let’s take a closer look in the article below.

Before we get into the details regarding refinancing a timeshare, it’s worth noting that you don’t have to remain a timeshare owner forever. If you’d actually prefer to just be done with your timeshare, there are possibilities out there to make that happen, including working with a timeshare exit company. For some owners, simply opting to find a way out will work out better than refinancing and continuing on in the system. That’s a decision that you’ll need to make for yourself, of course, but don’t focus so tightly on refinancing that you lose sight of other possibilities.

The Potential Benefits of Refinancing

Whether it’s a mortgage for a traditional piece of real estate like a home, or something like a timeshare, there can be a variety of benefits to enjoy through refinancing. While it doesn’t always work out in your favor – and we’ll talk about some of the potential drawbacks in a moment – there are situations when refinancing is absolutely the right choice. Let’s look at some of the biggest potential benefits.

  • Lower interest rate. This is the primary reason why many people choose to refinance. If rates were higher when you initially took out the loan, and they have since fallen to a more attractive range, you might want to look into refinancing as a way to save money on interest payments month after month. Depending on the size and term of your loan, even a modest reduction in the interest rate on your mortgage could prove to be more than worth it in the long run.
  • Reduce monthly payments. Another reason to try refinancing your timeshare would be to bring down the monthly payment amount. If you are having trouble making ends meet from month to month and you need to make some adjustments in your budgeting, refinancing might be a workable solution. This will typically involve stretching out the term of the loan so the monthly payment amount will come down as a result. If you happen to be in a position to reduce your interest rate and extend the term at the same time, you might be able to save a lot of money from month to month.
  • Consolidate debts. If you are carrying a few different debts with various interest rates, it might work to your advantage to bring those together into a single note that has a lower rate and one monthly payment for you to make. This is a tactic that is often used by those who are dealing with debt issues and it can be an effective way to get your financial life back on track. Of course, this approach isn’t going to be right for everyone, so it’s important to think it through and you might even want to get the help of a financial advisor to figure out how to move forward.

These aren’t the only reasons that you might have to refinance your timeshare, but they certainly are among the most popular. As with all big financial decisions, you don’t want to rush into this one – take your time, consider what options you have available to you, and act accordingly.

Don’t Ignore These Drawbacks

Speaking of taking your time and considering your options, it’s worth noting that refinancing a timeshare does come with some potential drawbacks. These are the counterpoints to the advantages we highlighted above, and you’ll need to consider both sides of the equation while determining what should come next.

  • Closing costs. Refinancing doesn’t come free. You’ll almost always need to pay closing costs and other fees to make this happen, so those costs wind up eating into your savings from a lower interest rate or lower monthly payment. Don’t overlook the significance of these costs as they can add up quite quickly and might suddenly make the entire refinancing process look a lot less attractive than it did at first.
  • Extending the repayment period. Agreeing to a longer term on your loan when you refinance will make things look better for now, but you will be on the hook to make payments on your timeshare much longer into the future. A few years from now, you might wind up wishing you had stuck with the original loan and just worked on paying it off. And, since the repayment period is extended, that means more time paying interest on the loan, which will make the loan effectively more expensive.
  • Credit score implications. You’ll likely deal with a bit of a hit to your credit when you apply for a refinance. That’s not necessarily a reason to avoid this step – if it makes financial sense to do it, the credit score impact will be a minor issue along the way. Still, it’s something to be aware of so you can factor it into your decision-making.

One other downside to mention here is that it might be difficult to secure a refinancing deal in the first place. Many lenders aren’t crazy about working with timeshares, as they don’t really have any underlying value to protect the loan. So, you might find that you have to look around for a while in order to find a lending partner that is going to offer you a good deal.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Don’t be surprised if your head is spinning a little bit after going through everything that factors into this decision. For example, you might find yourself excited by the possibility of lowering your interest rate and your monthly payment, but you might not like the thought of adding years to the repayment terms. Whatever the specifics may be, there is a lot to think about here, and you might struggle to come to a confident decision.

One way to deal with this matter is just to sit with it for a while. Unless there is some particular reason that you have to make this choice right away, don’t rush into it. Instead, take your time after you have gathered all of the necessary information and just let it sit. Sometimes, tricky decisions will get easier to make after you sit with them for a while, even if you aren’t actively working on a solution.

As we mentioned earlier on this page, it might also help to talk to a professional about the matter. A professional who helps people with financial issues day after day will be able to go over the pros and cons of refinancing with you and help you to see the big picture. Making an appointment with such a professional to pay them for an hour or two of their time won’t be particularly expensive and might put your mind at ease.

Does This Really Solve the Problem?

What might get lost in the process of thinking about the pros and cons of refinancing is whether or not this really solves the problem you are facing in the first place. Why do you need to refinance your timeshare? If it’s because you can’t really afford to keep owning it, refinancing is only moving the problem down the line rather than addressing it directly. What might be better is just getting rid of the timeshare entirely so you can save that money and put it toward other needs.

Or, as an alternative to getting out of the timeshare, you might be able to rent out some time at the property to make some money back and help to cover your obligations. This is another somewhat short-term solution, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. Maybe you wind up renting out your timeshare for a year or two until your financial situation improves or you finally decide to get out for good. Either way, the rental income can be a big help and could take away some of the burden of being a timeshare owner.

Is It Time to Get Out Completely?

While you are thinking about the option of refinancing your timeshare to make this experience more affordable, it’s also worth considering trying to cancel and get out of the timeshare life entirely. For that, you can call 833-416-8796
to get more information about timeshare exit services and how they can help you move on. You are also welcome to try our live chat feature to immediately collect more information. Thank you for taking the time to visit and we hope to work with you soon!

Is It a Good Idea to Refinance Your Timeshare? Read More »

Soleil Management Timeshare Cancellation

When you think of the best states in the U.S. to visit for a vacation, the first four to come to mind are likely to be those available within Soleil Management. With properties in Nevada, Hawaii, California, and Florida, there is plenty of sunshine to be enjoyed wherever you happen to travel in this portfolio.

It’s those beautiful sunny locales that can somewhat obscure the problems inherent with timeshare ownership. Being a timeshare owner doesn’t mean worry-free travel to great places – it means having to pay ongoing fees and assessments, battling with other owners for the best dates on the calendar, and other issues. If you have been an owner with Soleil Management for some time and this experience has gone on long enough, use the information on this page to see about how you might be able to leave.

What is Soleil Management?

This is a management service that is responsible for a portfolio of timeshare properties in locations that were mentioned above. Soleil Management is associated with well-known names in the timeshare space such as RCI, Interval International, and ARDA. Whether you dream of taking regular trips to the shores of the ocean in Hawaii or want to be in the middle of the action on the Las Vegas Strip, this is a property in this portfolio for you to enjoy.

As you have likely become aware, however, owning a timeshare isn’t necessarily the best way to enjoy such types of vacations. Rather, you might find that you wind up spending more than you expect to take these trips, and the trips may not be as enjoyable as you would like because you have to book them at times that are available within the system. Making a move to get out of the timeshare lifestyle and into a less restricted form of travel is a great decision and one that you might be able to achieve with the information below.

Trying to Cancel Quickly

Because so many people wind up regretting the purchase of a timeshare shortly after they sign the papers, most places have a rescission rule in place that allows buyers to back out for up to a few days after the papers are signed. The exact duration of this “cooling-off” period will vary from place to place, so be sure to check on the rule where you made the purchase to understand the law and how it might be able to protect you.

If it so happens that the rescission period is still active where you purchased a timeshare, think carefully about using that opportunity to get out now. Follow the steps that are outlined in the law and keep documentation to prove everything that happened along the way. It’s hard to overstate the importance of canceling during this period, as your life as a timeshare owner is going to get much more complicated if you move forward without taking action and let the rescission period lapse. There will always be another opportunity to buy a timeshare down the line if you decide to do so – but there are only a few days at the start to get out of a deal that you may already regret.

Understanding the Process of Selling a Timeshare

One way for Soleil Management timeshare owners to get out of their contracts is to sell the contract to another party. If there is someone out there who you can locate and is interested in making a purchase, you could close a deal and be out from under this ongoing obligation.

Selling a timeshare might be trickier than you expect, however. Plenty of people have listed their timeshare online for sale only to hear crickets back in return. Potential timeshare buyers understand that there are some heavy obligations that come with being an owner, so they aren’t necessarily jumping at the chance to take on the duties that you have currently hovering over your head. And, if they decide that it is worth it to take on the obligation of the timeshare contract, they are only going to do so when paying next to nothing for the sale.

It’s easy enough to list your timeshare for sale in various places online, so you might as well give it a try. With that said, don’t have high expectations for this process, and certainly don’t plan on getting much money back in return. If you simply can find a buyer – any buyer – be happy with that outcome when they sign on the dotted line.

Dealing Directly with the Developer to End a Contract

Perhaps the best place to turn with the hopes of ending your timeshare contract is the same place that contract started – directly with Soleil Management. When you make it known that you aren’t happy with your timeshare any longer and would like to cancel, you might be met with an offer that is good enough to take and move on. These kinds of programs have become relatively common across the timeshare industry in recent years. Faced with the prospect of a long and drawn-out process to hopefully get out of your contract, being able to exit in this way would be ideal if it is possible.

This outcome is only going to come about if you are proactive and take the initiative on this matter to contact the developer yourself. They certainly aren’t going to come to you and ask about taking back your deed. Whether you have heard from others about Soleil Management making this available or you are just hoping to get lucky, it all starts with a call or email to the company to see what they have to say.

Pay Attention to the Smallest Details

Getting out of a timeshare contract isn’t something that usually comes easy. It’s possible, and the methods that we are discussing on this page can help, but it’s a struggle for many people. If you are working on this process on your own, one of the biggest pieces of advice you can receive is that even the smallest details matter.

What counts as a small detail? Something like an email that you get from a representative of the timeshare mentioning the possibility of them taking back deeds from owners who aren’t happy and want to get out. Keep that message and reference it later when reaching out for more information. Or, if you have the framework of a deal in place to end your contract, keep all messages and don’t just assume that you’ll be dealt with honestly. In other words, you need to think and act like a lawyer or even a detective – you want to be able to prove everything, just in case.

As you go through the cancelation process, you are probably going to learn more about timeshares than you ever cared to know. Just remember that this isn’t going to be a permanent chore on your to-do list – eventually, you’ll get through it and can move on with your life.

Place Your Trust in a Timeshare Exit Company

Many people, even those who own timeshares, aren’t familiar with timeshare exit companies and the increasingly large role they play in this industry. If you are trying to get away from your timeshare contract and haven’t had much success just yet, turning to one of these proven companies is a good move.

As you might imagine, a timeshare exit company is a business that specializes in helping timeshare owners get out. While they are able to get good results in many cases, you don’t want to take that for granted. Instead, you want to protect yourself in this situation by only working with an exit company that holds your money in escrow while they work. If the company wants to have access to your entire payment right from the start, think twice about agreeing to that arrangement.

Ultimately, hiring an exit company can feel like a big weight off of your shoulders. Knowing that someone else is going to be working actively on this matter for you will feel great, and hopefully, you’ll see results sooner rather than later. Regardless of who does the work, the goal is to get out of the timeshare, and you might be able to arrive at that reality sometime soon with a professional team on your side.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed by the Task

There’s no doubt that getting out of a timeshare can feel like a major challenge, but don’t let that get you down. Like any other challenge, making progress on this task comes down to taking it one step at a time. Your first step is using our live chat feature or calling 833-416-8796 now to get more information about how you can move forward. It will feel good to have an ally on your side, and you might be surprised to find just how quickly you can get started trying to cancel. We hope to hear from you soon!

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Blue Tree Timeshare Cancellation

The greater Orlando area is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Of course, the presence of the Walt Disney World Resort is a big part of that popularity, but there are plenty of other attractions and activities in the area, as well. If you have traveled to Orlando regularly and loved your experiences, you may have come across Blue Tree Resort and decided to become an owner to have your own place to stay on future trips.

Being part of Blue Tree Resort as an owner might prove to be something that sounds better than it is in the end. Owners not only have some rights – like the ability to stay at the resort for a certain number of nights per year – but there are also responsibilities such as paying maintenance fees and assessments. For many people, the responsibilities start to outweigh the rights quite quickly, and they want to get out. If that situation sounds familiar, read on.

What is Blue Tree Resort?

This property at Lake Buena Vista in the Orlando area is officially part of the Good Neighbor Hotels program with Walk Disney World Resort. For those who want to experience all that Walt Disney World has to offer but don’t want to stay directly on the property, one of these Good Neighbor hotels is a great alternative.

Not only is the fun of Disney close by, but there are also many things to do without leaving Blue Tree Resort at all. Those activities include swimming in the beautiful pool, playing some miniature golf, heading to the game room, or working out in the fitness center. It’s not hard to see the appeal of this place and understand why so many people have visited this property throughout the years.

With that said, it might not work out for you to remain an owner over the long run. The costs of timeshare ownership tend to rise over time, and if you don’t travel as often as you would like – or can’t get the prime dates on the calendar – you might grow weary of the ownership experience. Fortunately, with some patience and a good plan, it might be possible to get out of your contract and move on with life in the near future.

Knowing the Law in Florida

For those who have only recently purchased a Blue Tree timeshare, there is good news – the state of Florida has one of the most generous rescission periods in the country, so you still might have time to get out without losing any money. In Florida, the rescission period is 10 days, meaning you have 10 days after signing the contract to purchase your timeshare to reverse that decision and cancel the deal.

It’s often the case that people start to see things a little more clearly after they get out of the sales office and realize that buying a timeshare isn’t such a great deal after all. If those feelings have come over you in the few days since you agreed to make a purchase, you certainly don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to escape. Things will get much trickier – and likely, more expensive – after the 10 days have passed and you can no longer cancel without penalties or other issues.

Does Someone Want to Buy Your Timeshare?

When you think about trying to sell a timeshare, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, you want to be selling something attractive – and on that point, you are in good shape. Simply telling potential buyers that the property is close to Walt Disney World will go a long way toward getting them interested in what you are selling. If someone wants to have access to the park and a comfortable, enjoyable place to stay, they might want to think about purchasing your Blue Tree timeshare.

So, what’s the other thing you should know about timeshares on the resale market? They are largely worthless. That’s the harsh truth for countless timeshare owners who have tried to sell their deeds and get a decent return on the “investment” they made. In reality, timeshares aren’t an investment, and you shouldn’t expect to get anything back on the money you spent.

With an attractive property in a market that doesn’t really value timeshares, where does that leave you? Somewhere in the middle. It’s not impossible to sell your timeshare to get out of the contract, but there is no guarantee that you’ll find anyone who is interested, and they probably won’t offer you much if they are. Feel free to try to sell as a way to escape, and it might work out, but be patient and know that you might need to take another path.

Getting Help from Blue Tree to Exit Cleanly

Even a resort like Blue Tree which is located in a desirable place is going to have plenty of owners who would like to cancel. In the face of growing unhappiness with many timeshare properties, it’s common for resorts to have programs in place that will allow owners to cancel and leave relatively quickly and without any additional cost. If Blue Tree is willing to offer you such a deal on the way out, you would be wise to strongly consider it. As mentioned above, it’s tough to sell a timeshare for much anyway, so getting out for free and just giving it back might be as good as you are going to do.

Don’t expect Blue Tree to send you an email or a flyer in the mail promoting the option to give back your deed. This isn’t something they are going to promote, as they’ll generally want to keep owners around for as long as possible so they keep paying maintenance fees and assessments. Just because they don’t promote it doesn’t mean it’s not available, however, so reach out to Blue Tree consistently and keep asking about this option.

Stick With It Until the Job is Done

One of the reasons that so many people just wind up stuck in timeshares with no plan to get out is that they give up after only a short time. Perhaps they tried one or two tactics and then just got frustrated and decided it wasn’t worth it to keep going. That’s a shame, but it’s the reality of the situation for plenty of people. You can do better. If you are determined to live a timeshare-free life as soon as possible, it’s important that you stay committed to the process to see it out.

Frustration and anger are common emotions in this situation but they aren’t going to do you much good. Instead, you’ll want to remain as calm and relaxed as you can be, taking it one step at a time and always remaining focused on your goal. If you do find yourself in a situation where you have an opportunity to get out of the contract, keep all documentation related to that opportunity so you have it to point to later. There are bound to be twists and turns along the way but the only thing that matters is reaching a point where you are no longer responsible for the timeshare and can move on with a clear mind and excitement for the future.

Who is Fighting for You?

Working on getting out of a timeshare contract can feel like a full-time job. The problem is that you likely have one of those already, in addition to plenty of other obligations in your daily life. Working on this timeshare problem might be draining whatever free time you did have available and the whole thing could quickly wear you out. When that happens, or when you run out of ideas on your own and need an outside party to take a fresh look at the situation and find a solution, a timeshare exit company would be the right call.

Good timeshare exit companies have served many previous clients and helped them get away from their timeshares quickly. The money you have to invest in this service is likely to be well worth it if you are able to end the contract and stop making payments on your account. Try to find a good exit company that uses an escrow service to protect your money while the work is underway so you don’t have to hand over all of the payment right from the start.

You’ll Thank Yourself for Starting Today

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking about canceling your timeshare but never actually doing anything about it. Don’t let yourself end up in that spot. Put the ball in motion by calling 833-416-8796 right now to learn more about canceling your Blue Tree timeshare, or use our live chat feature to get help online. However you choose to move forward, the most important thing is that you do something – and do it now. We are ready to help!

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Festiva Timeshare Cancellation

As a Festiva timeshare owner, you have a variety of travel options at your disposal. You can choose to remain an owner at just a single location where you purchased your timeshare – there are spots to pick from throughout the Midwest and Southeast, along with the Caribbean – or you could go for the Festiva Adventure Club membership to have access to them all.

The sales pitch is a strong one, which is why so many members have bought in over the years. Of course, the problem is that timeshare ownership doesn’t often work out as well for the owners as it does for the developers. You may wind up spending a lot of money for something that you don’t actually use very often, and in the end, many people wish they had never made the purchase. If you are feeling that way about your Festiva timeshare and want to find a way out, explore the ideas below.

What is Festiva Resorts?

This is a collection of timeshare properties with locations in many attractive tourist spots. If you are a part of the Festiva Adventure Club ownership level, you can use points to take trips at any of the various resorts, and you can also take part in the exchange with Interval International. This is a relatively standard setup for timeshares and plenty of owners are able to take annual vacations through this system.

The reasons you might want to get out of this timeshare as soon as possible are many, however. It might be that the maintenance fees are just too expensive to justify staying an owner, or maybe you keep getting hit with assessments that are adding up. Also, it could be that a life event – like having a child – has meant you are cutting back on travel for a while and won’t be able to take advantage of the opportunities the timeshare brings. Whatever your reason for wanting or needing to get out of your Festiva Resorts contact, it’s important to start right away on this process.

Did You Just Buy Your Festiva Resorts Timeshare?

There can be no debate over the best way to cancel a timeshare purchase, and that is to use the rescission period that is available in most places shortly after you make the deal. A rescission period – or “cooling-off” period – is a length of time during which you can decide that you want to cancel your purchase and move forward without any penalties. The time you have to make this decision varies from one place to another but it generally around five days or so.

Why is using the rescission period such a great option? Because there is nothing the timeshare can do about it. They aren’t able to deny your cancelation, impose restrictive terms, or do anything else to otherwise impact the outcome. You are protected by the law, and if it is your choice to cancel, that’s exactly what you’ll be able to do. If there is even a little bit of doubt in your mind as to whether or not you want to be a Festiva Resorts timeshare owner, and you are still within the rescission period in the area where you made the purchase, get out while you can.

Sell – or Even Rent – Your Timeshare

If you can’t cancel your timeshare purchase within the rescission period, one of the next steps is to think about selling it. There is a possibility – although not a strong possibility – that your Festiva timeshare will have some value on the open market. If you can find a buyer who is willing to take over your ownership responsibilities so you can get out, that’s a deal to strongly consider.

At this point, it doesn’t particularly matter if they are only offering you a single dollar for the timeshare. The point is to get out of the contract once and for all. Leaving your timeshare behind would be a great relief even if you don’t get anything out of the sale financially. Timeshares are notoriously worthless on the open market in most cases, so simply getting rid of it is a win and cause for celebration.

As an alternative option, while you consider your future with the timeshare, you might want to list it for rent. Many timeshares can be rented out but you will need to check your contract for specifics to be sure that it is allowed. If you can manage to rent out some or all of your time at the resort, that will go a long way toward offsetting the costs that you have incurred.

Work with Festiva Resorts to Find a Solution

You already know that many timeshare properties have a reputation for being a little less than helpful when it comes to problems encountered by their owners. To many people, it seems like the only time a timeshare developer is helpful is when they are making a sales pitch – after that, the customer service tends to go downhill dramatically.

With that said, you shouldn’t just assume that Festiva Resorts won’t work with you when the time comes to cancel. They might not, and if that’s the case you’ll need to look for other options, but they may make you an offer that helps you get away without much trouble. The only way you’ll know what is available is by reaching out directly to ask. Programs to take back deeds from owners tend to not be advertised openly, but they might exist if you are persistent and ask in the right places. If you don’t get an answer that you like from one person, try to reach out to someone else, or move up the ladder to someone in a higher position. If you can get the resort to offer you a way out, take it and never look back.

Understand That It Will Take Some Time and Effort

It would make for a great section of this article if we were able to tell you that canceling your Festiva Resorts timeshare is going to be quick and easy. That’s simply not the truth, however. There is no way to know how this process is going to play out, and while it’s possible that it will go pretty easily from start to finish, that’s far from guaranteed. So many people wouldn’t be struggling with their timeshares if it was always easy to get out of these contracts.

The best advice we can give on this point is to prepare yourself for a long battle. Go into this process thinking that it’s going to take some time and you are going to need to be patient. If that’s not how it works out, and it ends up being pretty easy, all the better. While you are dealing with various people and trying to get your contract canceled or taken back by Festiva Resorts, be sure to record everything and keep those records in case you need them later.

Put a Professional In Your Corner

It might put your mind at rest to know that you don’t have to go through this entire process on your own. It’s fine to start on your own, and it probably makes sense to do so. However, if that isn’t getting anywhere, or if you find that you don’t have the time available in your schedule to work on it by yourself, hiring a timeshare exit company to represent you in this matter makes a lot of sense. Through the use of an exit company, you’ll be able to tap into the expertise of people who do this kind of work day in and day out and have a variety of techniques and tactics available to get their clients out of timeshare contracts.

When considering the use of a timeshare exit company, it’s necessary to weigh the costs of these services against the benefits they can deliver. Sure, you are tired of paying for your timeshare and probably aren’t too excited by the prospect of paying for a service to get rid of that timeshare. However, if the exit company can deliver results and get you out, the benefits will likely outweigh the costs soon enough. In fact, after just the first couple of maintenance fee payments that you no longer have to make because you aren’t an owner any longer, it’s likely that the exit company fees will have more than paid for themselves.

A Long Process Starts with One Step

We can’t promise that it will be quick or easy to get out of your Festiva timeshare, but nothing will happen without you taking the first step. Our team is available at 833-416-8796 to help you understand the options you have available and to go over the timeshare exit companies that could be able to serve you. It also works to explore our live chat feature to get more information right here on the site. Whatever you choose, starting down the road toward no longer owning a timeshare is an exciting time. Good luck!

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Oak n’ Spruce Timeshare Cancellation

The Berkshires have been a beloved Massachusetts vacation destination for generations. With natural beauty found everywhere and plenty of things to do with your friends and family, visiting this part of New England never disappoints. As one of the highlight properties in the area. The Oak n’ Spruce Resort is a popular spot that offers timeshare ownership opportunities.

Did you recently – or maybe long ago – purchase a timeshare at the Oak n’ Spruce Resort that you no longer want to own? This page is going to be an ideal resource for you to figure out how to get away from this timeshare and improve your financial life immediately. We’ll go over a variety of important points below, so take a minute to read through the page and start to think about your next steps.

What is the Oak n’ Spruce Resort?

When talking about timeshare cancellation, it’s important to make the distinction that wanting to cancel a timeshare doesn’t mean that you no longer like a particular place. The issue is with the realities of a timeshare, not the place itself. The Oak n’ Spruce Resort is a perfect example of that concept. This is a great place to visit, especially with a family. There are swimming pools to enjoy, recreational activities like mini-golf and tennis courts, plenty of dining and entertainment, and on and on. You could easily visit here over and over again and have fun on every visit.

But all of those positives don’t mean that owning a timeshare at Oak n’ Spruce is the right way to go. The costs of being a timeshare owner, and some of the restrictions in terms of things like when you can make reservations, might prove to be too much to handle. Canceling your contract successfully would enable you to start to visit other places more freely, or come back to Oak n’ Spruce on your terms.

Trying for a Quick Escape

Most likely, you aren’t going to be able to take advantage of this first option we are going to present for getting out of your timeshare. If you can, however, you should absolutely think about doing so. Getting out of a timeshare shortly after you have signed the papers is possible through something known as the rescission period. This is a period of time when you are legally allowed to reverse your decision without any penalties. The timeshare owners might not like your choice, but they will be obligated to respect it.

In Massachusetts, however, the rescission period is quite short. You only get three business days to formally notify the timeshare of your decision to walk away from the deal. If that time frame has passed, keep reading for other ideas on how you can get out of the contract and move forward. Of course, if you happen to have just signed the papers and now want to change your mind, follow all of the necessary steps and make sure to notify the timeshare right away before time runs out.

The Big Challenge of Selling a Timeshare

When you purchased your Oak n’ Spruce timeshare, you may have viewed it as an investment. You might have thought you could use it for a while and then sell it for some kind of return when you were done with it. That’s how traditional real estate works, and you might have even been led to believe that you were buying something valuable when you made the purchase in the first place.

Unfortunately, such visions of this turning into a reasonable investment are not grounded in reality. The truth of the matter is that most timeshares are virtually worthless almost immediately after they are purchased. Because of the responsibilities that come with being an owner – things like paying maintenance fees and assessments – the value of the timeshare itself on the open market is typically close to zero. In fact, in many cases, it would be difficult or impossible to give away your ownership even if you wanted nothing in return.

Does this mean that it’s completely impossible to sell a timeshare at Oak n’ Spruce? Not necessarily. This is an attractive property, of course, and it only takes one interested buyer for you to put together a deal. With that said, you shouldn’t bank on being able to sell it to a third party, and you should look into other options along the way to hopefully find a path out.

Contact the Developer for Help

Did you know that it’s possible that Oak n’ Spruce will work with you to cancel the timeshare in a relatively easy manner? Saying that it’s “possible” is not the same thing as saying that it will happen, but there is the potential for it to work out nicely. If they have a program going on that is designed to take back the deeds from timeshare owners who want to leave, you could get in on that program and escape without any more financial damage.

To get started, just reach out to the customer service department and let them know that you would like to cancel your contract. They aren’t going to be surprised to hear this, as many timeshare owners are dissatisfied and want to leave. They’ll likely have a standard line that they can give you, and they might even go right into a sales pitch about why you should want to remain an owner. If you are committed to getting out, feel free to ignore the sales pitch and just continue to press them about what programs or offers might be available to move on. Whether something is offered currently or you might have to wait a while for an option to become available again, your best course of action is to get as much information as possible directly from the source.

This is Not the Time for Trust

If you consider yourself a trusting person and you take people at their word in most cases, you might be inclined to just believe whatever you are told in the timeshare cancelation process. Unfortunately, that trust might come back to hurt you, and that would be a shame. While trust is valuable in other areas of life, this situation needs to be treated like a business transaction – meaning you trust no one, get everything in writing, and keep all documentation in case you need it later.

The problem here isn’t so much outright deceit as it is confusion among parts of the same organizing. You can’t just assume that everyone in the timeshare company is going to be on the same page regarding what is available to owners who want to cancel. If one member of their team makes you an offer that another member won’t honor, you need to have proof at the ready to confirm your side of the story.

In the digital age, it’s easier than ever to keep proof of communications. Even something as simple as an email folder where you save all messages related to this process will do the job. Hopefully, you’ll never need to turn to these documents to prove your case, but if you do, you’ll know right where to find them.

Working with a Professional is a Relief

All of this timeshare contract stuff is a lot to put on your plate. You initially purchased a timeshare to have fun with family and friends, not deal with legal issues and fight over maintenance fee payments. If you would like to get out without having to feel like you are stuck in the mud in the middle of this battle, try using a timeshare exit company to resolve the matter.

The best timeshare exit companies in the business will know how to read carefully through your contract, scanning it for ways to get out easily. There won’t always be an obvious path, but a good partner on this project is going to be willing to stick it out and fight for your rights along the way. While you will need to pay for this service, of course, the cost of the service could wind up being well worth it if you don’t have to pay maintenance fees and other ongoing costs any longer. Should you decide to hire an exit company, make sure to pick one that uses escrow to protect your money while they work. You can never be too careful!

Are You Ready to Get Started?

It’s great to explore the web and look for information and resources about getting out of your timeshare, but eventually, you’ll need to jump into action. For that, it can start with a simple phone call to
833-416-8796 to speak with our team about some of the best timeshare exit company options on the market today. There is also a live chat feature offered here on our site that you can use, if you prefer. Either way, now is the time to take the big first step toward officially ending your timeshare experience. Thank you for stopping by!

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Vacation Internationale Timeshare Cancellation

One of the longest-standing players in the timeshare industry, Vacation Internationale – often referred to simply as “VI”, has tens of thousands of owners and many properties to explore. Like all timeshare programs, however, there are some problems you might encounter as a VI owner that will cause you to question whether or not you want to continue being part of the system.

On this page, we’ll talk about how you can go about canceling a Vacation Internationale timeshare. Maybe you have already been trying to cancel without any luck, or perhaps you just now decided that you’d like to get out. Either way, the information below should be helpful as you get started.

Understanding Vacation Internationale

Without a doubt, one of the big appeals of a VI timeshare is the diverse collection of properties that are available. With locations throughout North America, owners are far from stuck with just one or two types of trips that they can take. Properties are offered throughout the American West, in Hawaii, Canada, and Mexico. One quick look at the map of properties available might have been all it took to convince you that this membership was going to be a great fit for your family.

The problem is that you can travel to these places in many different ways without being a timeshare owner. In fact, owning a timeshare is probably one of the most expensive ways to visit such great places, as you are locked into your contract and don’t have flexibility from year to year. So, you may have come to realize that even though there are some great places to see through Vacation Internationale, you’d rather not be an owner any longer. What’s next? That’s what we will highlight below.

A Quick Exit Might Still Be Possible

If you happen to be in a situation where you just purchased this timeshare within the last week or so, you might be in luck. Depending on exactly where you made the purchase, a rescission period may still be active for you to cancel without any penalties. The exact length of this period of time varies from one place to the next but is usually around a week.

Getting out of a timeshare contract this way is pretty much the best possible scenario. When you exit using the rescission period, you are able to walk away with no financial damage done and you won’t be stuck in a contract for years to come. Even if you are just a little bit unsure about the purchase you have made, it’s better to get out now while you still can. Remember, there will always be timeshares available to purchase later if you change your mind and do want to get involved, so you won’t be missing out on anything important if you back out of the deal and walk away.

Ask If You Can Leave

While it might be a little bit surprising to think of this as a strategy, it’s possible that you will simply be able to ask to leave your timeshare and have that request granted. To be clear from the start, there is no guarantee that this will be a successful path and more than likely, you won’t get a good offer from the developer when you want to leave. With that said, it’s worth your time to try, as you never quite know what the answer will be.

There are some reasons for developers to be willing to take back timeshares from owners in their resorts. If the resort has been sold up to the limit, taking back some ownership stakes would allow the developer to sell those again and potentially make more money. So, it’s possible that they’ll let you out of your contract in order to take the ownership back and sell it again, but you might have to get a little lucky on your timing for this to work out.

If no program is available to take back or buy back your timeshare, you can check in again from time to time with the developer to see if anything becomes available. Remember when you are trying to get out of your Vacation Internationale timeshare that the goal is just to get out from under the responsibilities of the contract however you can. If that means just giving the deed back to the seller and calling it a day, you should feel like that is a win.

Pursuing a Sale of Your Timeshare

One possible path out of your Vacation Internationale timeshare is to sell it to someone else. Just as you might look to sell your house when you want to move, you could try to sell your timeshare to pass on the responsibilities that it comes with to someone else. Unfortunately, unlike a traditional house, timeshares typically don’t have a strong market, and you might struggle to find a buyer who is interested enough to make an offer.

While it’s important to know the reality of the situation going into it, that doesn’t mean that you can’t try to sell the timeshare and see what happens. If you don’t spend any money on the endeavor, and only invest a bit of your time, there really isn’t anything lost. Even if you could find someone to make you an offer for $1, that would be a great deal – you could sign over the obligations that you have as a timeshare owner and be done with the whole experience.

Use the internet to your advantage when trying to sell a timeshare by looking for various places to put up a listing. Also, you can take a traditional approach by asking around to friends and neighbors who might be interested in taking the contract from you. Of course, you should always be upfront and honest about what fees and other costs you incur as a timeshare owner. If a deal works out, your experience with VI will be over and you can move on at long last.

Stick With It

Canceling a timeshare isn’t for the faint of heart. You are going to need to be stubborn in this process – unless you get very lucky – and you’ll need to have the patience to see it through even when it seems like it’s not going to work out. If you can maintain your patience and keep working at this week after week, or sometimes day after day, it will pay off eventually.

While you are going through the process, be sure to keep track of all communications that you have along the way. There are times when you will be told something by one person only to get another story from someone else. If that happens, you’ll want to have documentation to turn to as proof of your side of the story. When you talk to someone on the phone and receive an offer, for example, ask for it in writing so you can save it. You might feel a bit paranoid while documenting everything along the way, but there is a chance that those documents will wind up saving you at some point down the line.

Hiring a Professional Timeshare Exit Company

It simply might not be possible to do all of this timeshare cancelation work on your own. You probably have plenty going on in your life other than wrestling with a timeshare, and it could easily take up far more of your time than you would have ever believed. If that is the case, or if you do have the time but just aren’t comfortable dealing with this situation on your own, timeshare exit companies can come to the rescue.

These are companies that have been formed specifically to help people leave the timeshare life behind. They will have knowledge in this field, have a range of tactics they can use to work on getting you out of your contract, and will fight hard for your rights in this matter. If you go in this direction, opt for an exit company that uses escrow to hold your money so you have some protection while they work. There are no guarantees, but with a good exit company working on the situation you might be able to get out in the near future.

Try to Cancel As Soon As Possible

Every day that passes is another day that your timeshare ownership experience gets more expensive. You might not be able to get out of it right away, but you can take the first step today and move closer to being free of this obligation. To learn more about what timeshare exit companies might be a good fit for your needs, give us a call now at 833-416-8796, or use our live chat feature to get in touch. It would be an honor to help you hopefully get out of this burdensome contract and move on with your life!

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Branson Nantucket Timeshare Cancellation

When you think of the New England lifestyle, you certainly don’t think first of Missouri – but that’s exactly what has come to life at this unique property. A visit to Branson Nantucket is all it takes for some people to fall in love with the area and its people. If you have become a timeshare owner at Branson Nantucket and are finding that you don’t enjoy being an owner as much as you had hoped, now is the time to think about finding a way out.

On this page, we are going to dive into the details of what it might take to cancel your timeshare at this property. That doesn’t mean you can never return, of course – you might find that you fall back in love with the area once you are no longer obligated as an owner and can just book trips when you desire. Read on to see what timeshare cancellation looks like and how you might want to move forward.

What is Branson Nantucket?

The whole Branson, Missouri area is famous as a fun, family-oriented tourist destination. It’s an incredibly pretty area with scenery around every corner, and there are plenty of things to do and see at the many attractions in the region. Whether you like to see shows, play golf, shop, go to amusement parks, hike in the woods, or just about anything else, Branson can deliver.

At Branson Nantucket, you get to combine everything that is so appealing about Branson with the charm and tradition of New England. The look of the property will transport you to Nantucket without ever having to leave Missouri. It’s only when you become an owner of a Branson Nantucket timeshare that the whole experience starts to go south. Rather than enjoying worry-free vacations with family and friends, you wind up dealing with ongoing fees, difficulties booking good times for trips, surprise assessments, and more. As those issues start to wear on your patience and you decide that enough is enough, finding a way out may become the only thing you think about day after day.

Trying to Execute a Quick Exit

On the off chance that you just purchased your timeshare at Branson Nantucket within the last few days, it’s possible that you can get out now and move on with your life without any damage. The way to escape your new timeshare is through the rescission law that is in place in the state of Missouri. If you have only purchased this timeshare within the last five days, the law says you have the right to get out of the contract without any penalties.

This cancellation notice needs to be provided in writing and it needs to get into the mail and postmarked within the five-day period. Go to the counter at the post office rather than just dropping it into a mailbox to make sure it gets moving right away and gets that postmark. Also, check into the specifics of the law for any other details that you might need to know before sending off your letter.

Of course, it’s important to keep documentation of what you have done and how you have notified the developer of your cancelation. If anything should go wrong, or the seller should dispute the fact that you canceled on time, it’s important to have proof on your side.

Reach Out and Ask for Help

You might be surprised to find that help may be available in this matter directly from Branson Nantucket. They likely aren’t obligated to offer you any way out based on the terms of your contract, but there could be a deal available that lets owners who want to leave get out of their contract immediately. If you hear about this type of program from other owners, be sure to ask about it quickly because these types of things tend to come and go in terms of availability.

If you aren’t offered any kind of program right away when you first ask about leaving Branson Nantucket, follow up to find out if any offers are ever available and when something might come back around. From there, you’ll want to be persistent in checking in periodically to find out when a program is offered and what the terms will look like to negotiate your exit.

Approach This Project Like a Professional

Whether you wind up being able to give your timeshare back to the developer, or you have to move on to utilize some of the other strategies we’ll talk about below, the key is to manage this process carefully and track everything in detail. There are plenty of stories of timeshare owners who thought they were going to be able to get out of their timeshare – or thought they already had – only to have the developer come back to them later with another story. Avoiding that nightmare scenario comes down to having documentation for everything that happens so you can always prove your side of a dispute.

One of the problems that comes up in these situations is that different people working for the timeshare might tell you different things. If they aren’t all on the same page, you could wind up confused as to what your options are and might be told by one person that you can’t cancel even though someone else said you can. This is frustrating to deal with, of course, but having documentation is the key to the whole thing. With proof on your side, suddenly it will become much easier to sort out the confusion and prove exactly what you were offered along the way.

The Uphill Battle of Selling a Timeshare

We talked earlier about how there are plenty of positive features to mention when discussing Branson Nantucket. It’s not that this isn’t a desirable place to visit – it is. The problem comes in when looking at how timeshare ownership works and the many costs that come with it. If you are tired of paying those costs and don’t feel like you are getting a good deal, other people would probably view the situation similarly. So, in the end, trying to sell your timeshare might be tough – but that’s not to say that it isn’t worth a try.

If you decide to attempt to sell your Branson Nantucket timeshare, there are a couple of tips to keep in mind. First, try to find free places to list your timeshare and attract potential buyers – you certainly don’t want to spend even more money just to find out that nobody wants to purchase this from you. Also, don’t be looking for much money in return, as the main goal here is to get out of your ownership situation. If a legitimate buyer is willing to give you a dollar for the purchase and will sign the paperwork to take over ownership, that’s a deal that still might be worth your while in the end.

Where to Go for Qualified Help

One of the hardest things about timeshare ownership is how you will feel like you are out on your own in this experience. It often seems like no one wants to help you, and you might even feel a little embarrassed about the situation you find yourself in and how urgently you need to get out. Despite these feelings, there is hope for the future if you decide to team up with a timeshare exit company to assist.

Timeshare exit companies are exactly what they sound like – services that are designed to help unhappy timeshare owners get out of their contracts through a variety of means. If you haven’t had any luck making progress on this matter on your own, going with an exit company is going to be your best bet.

There are many to pick from, so as a starting point when sorting through the options, go with one that has escrow services for your money. Escrow will protect you, as it is a layer of security between your money and the exit company. Ideally, they’ll need to provide actual results before gaining access to all of your payment. This can help to keep your money safe and prevent you from losing even more on this whole timeshare endeavor.

The Sooner You Start, the Sooner It’s Over

There is no slowing down the pace of the bills that you will receive for being a timeshare owner. The maintenance fees just continue to come, and they usually climb over time. Also, you will likely be hit with the occasional assessment, and those can make budgeting a challenge. To stop this flow of expenses right away, and to move your life in a better financial direction, get in touch with us at
833-416-8796 today to go over your options for help. We can also assist you through the live chat feature on our site. Let’s get started now!

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