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Disclosure: We receive compensation if you choose to speak to one our recommended timeshare exit companies. The following information is for educational purposes and is not to be considered professional or legal advice.


Grand Solmar Timeshare Cancellation

Cabo San Lucas is one of many excellent travel destinations throughout Mexico. One of the properties in Cabo that serves as an annual destination for countless tourists is Grand Solmar. If you are a Grand Solmar timeshare owner, you already know how beautiful the property is and how nice it is to relax on or near the stunning beaches in this part of the world.

You also know, unfortunately, that owning a timeshare can get expensive over time. If you are tired of paying for your timeshare and don’t feel like you are getting a good value for your money at this point, exiting the timeshare might be in your best interest. I’ll offer some advice on this page to help you decide how to move forward.

What is a Grand Solmar Timeshare?

To have access to the incredible beaches of Cabo San Lucas, while also having plenty of things to do away from the beach, staying at Grand Solmar is an appealing choice. There is a beautiful pool, private access to the beach, a variety of room types, and much more. It’s pretty much exactly what you picture when imagining an amazing vacation on the Mexican coast.

So, if staying at Grand Solmar is such an outstanding experience, why is this whole page about canceling your timeshare? Well, if you have landed here, you probably aren’t thrilled about the experience you are having with your timeshare for one reason or another. Maybe the costs are just too high for your budget these days. Maybe you don’t have as much time available to travel as you would like. Whatever the case, you might be feeling like you need to cancel, even if you still love the property itself.

I always like to remind people that leaving one timeshare doesn’t mean you can never travel again, or travel to your favorite destinations. There are many different places to stay in Cabo San Lucas whenever you’d like to go back for another trip. The important thing for now is that you think about how your timeshare is fitting into your life as a whole, and if it isn’t working for you at the moment, consider trying to get out and looking at your vacation options moving forward from a new perspective.

Understanding the Recission Period

Buying a timeshare is a big decision. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment when facing a persistent sales team in a timeshare presentation, people will agree to something that they later regret. This is the idea behind the recission period. It’s a period of time during which buyers have the legal right to cancel their timeshare purchase without penalty. Virtually all jurisdictions have a timeshare recission period in effect, although their duration varies from one location to the next.

If you buy a timeshare in Mexico, you have five business days to change your mind and cancel. So, while this probably doesn’t apply to most of the people who are reading this page – you might have owned your timeshare for years at this point – highlighting the recission period could help someone get out while there’s still time. If the five business days haven’t yet passed, make it a point to cancel by following the relevant procedure so you can get your money back, avoid becoming locked into a contract, and move on with your life.

The Challenge of Executing a Timeshare Sale

With most things you own, the obvious step when you no longer want to own them is to sell them. If the thing has any value at all, you can list it for sale somewhere and try to find a buyer. In fact, even if it doesn’t have any value, you could list it somewhere to give away and hope to find someone to take it off your hands.

This tactic can apply to timeshares, but it gets a little tricky. Not only do most timeshares not carry any real value, but many of them will be seen by potential buyers to actually have negative value. Since they come with an obligation to make payments on things like maintenance fees and assessments, the new owner will be accepting a liability – and that alone makes this a tough sale to make. Even if you are willing to sell your timeshare for just a single dollar, locating a buyer who will sign on the dotted line could prove to be a challenge.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t give it a try. There is little to lose by at least listing your timeshare for sale and seeing who might be interested. If you happen to get some interest and get an offer for the timeshare, be sure to complete the sale properly and get all of the paperwork signed before moving on. You’ll want to have that paperwork to prove that you are no longer the legal owner if the developer tries to come back to you to get payment on maintenance fees or anything else. You will have moved on and the responsibilities of the timeshare deed will now be someone else’s concern.

Consider Contacting Grand Solmar Directly

It’s common for timeshare owners to get more and more frustrated as they start to feel stuck in their position without a reasonable way out. And, as the frustration mounts, you might find that you feel like the timeshare developer is the enemy in this situation – but that approach isn’t productive. Rather, consider reaching out to them directly to discuss your situation and ask about any options they might have to help.

Sometimes, timeshares will have programs available to take back a timeshare deed or otherwise help owners leave. I should note here that there is certainly no guarantee of this kind of outcome, and there is a good chance that the timeshare won’t have anything to offer you at the moment. But there is no harm in asking. In fact, there is no harm in asking a few times – if you are told no at first, continue to follow up to see if the situation changes.

The beauty of getting out of your timeshare by working with the developer is the simplicity of the process. If they have something to offer, like a deed take back program, you’ll probably just have to sign a few things and you can be on your way. That’s an easy, hassle-free way to exit, so it would be a shame to miss out on such an opportunity just because you fail to ask. Be proactive in staying in touch with the developer and you never know what might happen in the end.

Find a Great Exit Company to Be Your Partner

We’ve already been over some different options to get out of your timeshare, but it’s possible that you have tried all of these approaches and still find yourself stuck. Should that be the case, it might be time to talk to a timeshare exit company about getting some help. These are businesses that are designed with the singular purpose of getting timeshare owners out of their contracts so they can move on with life. Of course, you’ll have to pay for these services, but that investment could be more than worth it if you get the results you desire.

What should you be looking for in an exit company? It starts with experience. You want to work with a partner who has been in this business for at least a while and can prove that they have delivered results for other clients. Don’t let your case be the first time they try to get out of a timeshare contract. This job is too important to trust to an unproven partner.

The other key factor I recommend looking for in an exit company is the use of escrow services. When you agree to work with a timeshare exit company, you’ll need to agree on payment terms to retain their services. With escrow, your money can be held between you and the exit company, rather than handing it all over right from the start. This is a valuable layer of protection that you wouldn’t have otherwise, and it could help you rest a lot easier while waiting for the exit company to deliver results.

Start Finding a Way Out Today

Once you have made the decision to try and leave your Grand Solmar timeshare, it’s up to you to get started by exploring some of the possibilities above. You can call 833-416-8796 today to learn more about these steps and how you might be able to proceed successfully. There is also a handy live chat feature available here on the site to get additional information. Whatever path you choose, I wish you the best of luck moving forward. Thanks for stopping by!

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Vidanta Timeshare Cancellation

Traveling to Mexico is an appealing vacation choice for countless people from the United States and other countries. Visiting Mexico from the U.S. is particularly attractive thanks to the close proximity to beautiful Mexican beaches that is offered from most of the U.S. If you’d like to spend time under the sun eating tasty food and enjoying refreshing water, Mexico is hard to beat.

It is that line of thinking that may have caused you to become a Vidanta timeshare owner in the first place. If you find that the contract you are holding for Vidanta ownership no longer suits your needs, it might be time to think about how you can leave successfully. I will lay out some of the options for that exit on this page so you can calculate your next steps and move forward with confidence.

What is a Vidanta Timeshare?

Vidanta is one of the leading names in the Mexico timeshare space. If you have visited any of the touristy spots along Mexico’s coast, you have probably encountered the Vidanta brand – which might be why you are now on this page looking for a way to leave the ownership stake that you purchased once upon a time.

The Vidanta portfolio includes a number of luxury beach resorts. Not only are these resorts in beautiful locations, but they also offer unique entertainment options to add to the whole experience. Wanting to get out of your Vidanta timeshare doesn’t mean that you haven’t had any enjoyable trips to these properties, or that the destinations aren’t worthwhile. It just means that you don’t feel you are getting good value as an owner and you’d like to manage your travel opportunities in other ways.

The Easiest Way to Leave a Timeshare

If you only recently – within the past week – purchased your Vidanta timeshare, you might be able to cancel that purchase, get your money back, and just walk away. This is called a recission period and there is one in place in virtually any location you might buy a timeshare. Sometimes, you have five business days, where in other places you might have a whole week to cancel. Assuming you purchased your Vidanta timeshare in Mexico, you have five business days under Mexican law to cancel that agreement.

It is not permissible to waive the right to cancel during the recission period, so even if the seller tries to suggest that you don’t have that option, know that you do. As long as the time frame has not passed, and as long as you follow the steps required to officially cancel the sale, you have the law on your side in this matter. You don’t want to miss this opportunity as a way to cancel your timeshare because it is the easiest path to get out. As you’ll see below, some of the other ways to leave a timeshare can be time-consuming, and even costly, so it’s best to leave right away if that’s what you want to do. You’ll be able to breathe easier knowing that you got out of the timeshare before you were locked into a contract, and there is nothing stopping you from reconsidering the timeshare lifestyle later when another opportunity comes around, if you feel so inclined.

Selling a Timeshare is One Way to Exit

For most people, the recission period will have long since passed, and they will need to look for another way to get out of their Vidanta timeshare. I suggest to people in this situation to quickly look first at trying to sell. Selling your timeshare, while not necessarily a likely outcome, is a desirable result because it opens up the potential to get some money back out of this deal. And, even if you don’t really get much money back, it can effectively free you from the obligations of ownership and allow you to move on.

So, what’s so hard about selling a timeshare? I assume you have heard of the concept of supply and demand – it is the foundation of all markets. In this case, the supply is ample and the demand is negligible. That means all of the power in the timeshare market is in the hands of the buyers, and those buyers can be hard to find. When you do locate one who is interested in what you have to sell, they will likely use their market advantage as leverage to make you a very low offer on the deal.

Even low offers should be considered, however. If your goal is to get out of the timeshare and not be obligated to make payments any longer, taking a low offer is far better than getting no offers at all – or holding out for an offer that might not be coming. Closing a deal with someone who wants your timeshare even for a low price could be a great deal and may open up your financial future.

Reach Out to Vidanta For Help

I think that reaching out directly to the timeshare company – in this case, Vidanta – for help is one of the most overlooked tactics by timeshare owners. Sure, it’s not necessarily likely that you are going to get help, but you certainly won’t get help if you don’t ask. Going to the developer to tell them about your situation and that you would like to leave could lead to a surprising offer.

At certain times, timeshare companies will simply take back the deed of ownership in order to have the ability to sell it to someone else. This is an ideal outcome for you, as you’ll be able to just walk away from the timeshare and move on with life. Don’t expect this kind of offer to be openly advertised, and don’t expect it to last very long, either. Most likely, you’ll need to reach out to get the information and you will want to act quickly if this is something you’d like to use to exit the timeshare.

Be sure to document everything that is said between yourself and Vidanta during this process. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t trust them, but you can never be too careful with any kind of financial deal. In the case that something comes up later that doesn’t line up with what you were told initially, it will be helpful to have documentation to turn to in support of your argument. With any luck, you’ll be able to go through a program with Vidanta to leave your ownership by giving it back to them and you can soon move forward with life as a result.

Timeshare Exit Companies Are Ready and Waiting

When you feel like you don’t have anywhere left to turn, or when you simply feel like you need some help with this matter, timeshare exit companies are the solution I recommend. A good exit company will have plenty of experience in this space and will be able to help you work toward a resolution as quickly and easily as possible. You will need to pay for these services, of course, but that investment could prove to be more than worth it in the long run.

You are going to continue to spend money on your timeshare for as long as you own it. I know those costs can add up quickly, and you might be hesitant to spend even more money to try to get out of the timeshare. However, if nothing else has helped, this might be the step that puts you over the edge and allows you to end your ownership relationship with Vidanta once and for all. It will feel awfully good the day you are officially no longer an owner and don’t have to worry about making those payments each time they come around.

As with everything you spend money on, it’s important to be smart with how you pick an exit company. You’ll not only want to look for one that is experienced, but also one that uses escrow services to protect your money until they are finished with the project. That’s a key step and it will prevent you from losing all of your money without getting any results in return. Protect yourself through the use of escrow and you can rest assured that your chosen company will be working hard to make sure you are satisfied in the end.

Are You Ready to Be Done?

If the time has come to look for a way to move on from your Vidanta timeshare, I’d love to help you better understand your options. Getting started is as easy as reaching out at 833-416-8796 to learn more about how leaving a timeshare works and what you can expect along the way. It’s not always easy to get rid of your timeshare, but it is almost always worth it in the end. I have also added a live feature to the site to give you another way to get in touch. Let’s start working on this matter today.

Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here. Or, give us a call at 833-416-8796, initiate live chat, or submit a contact form for your free timeshare exit consultation.

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Villa Del Palmar Timeshare Cancellation

When you picture the kind of place you’d like to go on vacation, you probably quickly bring up an image of something that looks a lot like Cancun. With incredible beaches and virtually endless sunshine, it’s hard to think of many things you wouldn’t like about bringing your family or friends here to have a great time.

So, why would you want to get out of a timeshare in Cancun? It’s not that the place isn’t great, it’s just that the timeshare ownership experience might not be working out quite as well as you had hoped. There are some difficulties that can come along with owning a timeshare that may cause you to want to leave. If that is the case, I’m here to help with some useful advice below.

What is a Villa Del Palmar timeshare?

As mentioned above, Villa Del Palmar is located in beautiful Cancun. There are many different amenities on the property of the resort, including multiple pools and plenty of other things to do. Between what you can do on the resort property, what is available in the city of Cancun itself, and the stunning coast, this will always be an appealing place to visit.

It’s what happens between the visits that might lead you to think twice about maintaining your Villa Del Palmar timeshare. If you are getting tired of paying the maintenance fees and assessments that come with timeshare ownership, you aren’t alone. Countless other owners have grown tired of those costs and decided that they want to leave. You might find that you simply can’t travel enough to your timeshare to make it worth what you are spending. That doesn’t mean you no longer enjoy Villa Del Palmar, it just means you don’t feel like the value is adding up in your favor.

Remember, getting rid of a timeshare doesn’t mean in any way that you can no longer visit a particular place. Sure, you wouldn’t be a Villa Del Palmar owner any longer, but you would still have the ability to travel to Cancun one trip at a time.

Getting Out Immediately – It Might Not Be Too Late

On the off chance that you have only recently made the purchase of your timeshare at Villa Del Palmar, I want to explain the idea of a recission period and how it can help you in this situation. Basically, a recission period is a timeframe during which you have the legal right to cancel the purchase that you agreed to make. If you have been having second thoughts and would prefer to move on in life without being a timeshare owner, you can get out – but only if you act fast.

In Mexico, the timeshare recission period is only five business days. So, this effectively covers people who agree to purchase a timeshare at a sales pitch and then wake up the next morning feeling like they made a mistake. If you have landed on this page because you just made a purchase at Villa Del Palmar and would like to get out of it, you can do so as long as five business days have not passed.

It’s important to note that this right is protected under Mexican law and there is nothing the resort can do about it. They can’t tell you that you waived the right, because that type of clause isn’t allowed in the contract. If you choose to cancel, and you still have time left in the recission period, you can do just that. Be sure to follow all of the necessary steps to legally cancel the purchase and keep records of the cancellation so you have proof later.

Explore a Direct Sale to Leave Your Timeshare

It might be that the first idea that comes into your head when thinking about leaving your Villa Del Palmar timeshare is simply to sell it and be done with the whole experience. And, to be sure, that’s a possibility – but it might not play out as easily as you expect. If you are imagining the process to play out like the sale of a house, or even a car, you could be in for a big surprise. Not only is it unlikely to sell a timeshare for a big sum, it could be an uphill battle just to sell it at all.

The real issue here is that your timeshare has no obvious, intrinsic value. People aren’t going to be lining up to buy it, for the same reason that you are hoping to sell it – owning a timeshare is expensive and can feel limiting in many ways. There are some plus sides, to be sure, but the good sometimes is outweighed by the bad and that reality will lead many people to think twice about making you an offer.

So, should you ignore the idea of selling your timeshare and just move on to other avenues? Not necessarily. Timeshares do get sold, and you might find that it is worth your time to at least explore what the process would look like and see if anyone might be interested in making the purchase. Note that you are very unlikely to get a meaningful sum of money for the timeshare, but that’s okay. Even if someone were to offer you a single dollar to make the purchase, that might be worth it since they are taking over the responsibilities that you currently bear as an owner. Always make sure any deal that you complete is finished legally with all of the right paperwork so no problems pop up later on.

Contact Villa Del Palmar To Ask for Help

This option is easily the most overlooked way to try and get out of a timeshare. Given the fact that you know timeshare developers don’t like to lose owners, you probably haven’t even thought about asking them directly if you can leave. While doing so isn’t guaranteed to lead to a good result, it’s a question worth asking and you might be surprised at the answer you receive.

There are a couple of potential outcomes that can work in your favor. For one thing, you might learn that the timeshare has a program going on where owners can give back their deeds and walk away. This is sometimes done so they can then turn around and resell your ownership spot to a new buyer. There won’t always be something like this available, but even if you are told no the first time, you can continue to ask periodically to see if something changes. It’s also possible that there will be a program available for owners who want to leave that involves getting help with the situation, exploring a sale, etc. These programs may or may not be of any practical use to you, but it’s always good to get as much information as you can. All it takes is making a phone call or sending an email to at least pursue some information and you can go from there to decide how you want to move forward.

Picking the Right Timeshare Exit Company

You may already be aware of the availability of timeshare exit companies as a way to work on canceling your Villa Del Palmar timeshare and move on. If you aren’t aware of these types of companies, I encourage you to at least learn more about what they offer so you can determine if one is a good fit for your needs.

The best timeshare exit companies are happy to do their work while your money is in escrow. Simply handing over your money at the start of a job to a company you’ve never worked with before is a risk I wouldn’t recommend taking. They could just take that money, do very little – or nothing – about your timeshare, and run away. Use escrow as a form of protection and you’ll be more likely to get the results you deserve in the end.

Also, it’s a good idea to spend time reading some reviews to figure out which company is most likely to deliver good results for your needs. Don’t necessarily be turned away from a given timeshare exit option just because it has one or two bad reviews – instead, look at the overall picture the reviews paint to see if a company has a reputation for getting results.

You Hold the Key to Your Future

It’s up to you to work on shaping the future you want to see in your life. What is that future going to look like? If the vision you have for the rest of your life doesn’t include timeshare ownership, get started today on moving on from Villa Del Palmar by calling 833-416-8796 to discuss the situation. It’s also easy to get in touch by using the live chat feature you see on this page. It would be an honor to serve you!

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What Is Escrow & Why Is It Important?

Escrow is a third-party holding account that keeps your money safe while the timeshare exit service is being completed. If the timeshare exit service is not completed as promised, you can get your money back directly from the escrow account company. This is important because it holds the timeshare exit company accountable. The company must complete the cancellation of your timeshare successfully before it’s paid. This gives the timeshare exit company incentive to complete the task it was hired to do.

To learn more about timeshare exit companies that can cancel your timeshare, use live chat in the bottom right corner of the screen or submit a contact form on the right side of the page for a free consultation.

When you pay up-front, you don’t know if the timeshare exit company is going to do what it says it is going to do. The company could take your money and never cancel your timeshare. This is why we recommend only working with timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option.

Top Three Exit Companies With Escrow

Timeshare Exit Company

BBB Rating

Escrow or Money-Back

Satisfaction Guarantee


Low Up-Front Fee Escrow vs 100% Money Back Guarantee

A timeshare exit company can go out of business at any time. If the timeshare exit company goes out of business, you will most likely not receive your “100% money back guarantee” that the company promised. A recent example of this can be found with a timeshare exit company by the name of Aconsumercredit. This was a timeshare exit company that offered a “100% money back guarantee”, but when it went out of business in Sept. 2018, timeshare owners did not get their money back. The timeshare owners that hired Aconsumercredit still own their timeshare and lost all money paid to the company for a timeshare cancellation service that never happened. Have a look at Aconsumercredit’s recent reviews here.

Many timeshare exit companies offer a “100% money-back guarantee,” but that doesn’t really mean anything at all. Any company can make big promises and then fall through on them later. This is why you should always work with a timeshare exit company that offers an escrow payment option. The escrow company is separate from the timeshare exit company.

An escrow service protects both the timeshare owner and the timeshare exit company. The timeshare owner is protected by knowing their money is only released to the timeshare exit company after their timeshare is cancelled. The timeshare exit company is protected by knowing the timeshare owner will pay for the timeshare cancellation service after the timeshare has been cancelled.

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Mexico Timeshare Scams & Complaints

There are several different types of Mexico timeshare scams and complaints to be aware of. Some scams happen before you buy a timeshare in Mexico and other scams happen after you buy the timeshare.

Mexico Timeshare Scams Before You Buy a Timeshare

To start, most timeshares can be considered a poor value when bought from a resort developer directly. It doesn’t matter if the timeshare is in Mexico, Canada or the United States. When you buy a timeshare from a resort developer directly, it almost always decreases in value by 50% or more the second it is purchased. This happens because a significant portion of the purchase price goes towards paying the sales staff commission, the sales facilities and the free gifts used to lure vacationers into the timeshare tour. There are not many products on earth that immediately decrease in value by several thousand dollars the second they are purchased. While this might not be considered a scam, it is certainly a poor value.

If you finance the timeshare through the resort developer directly, there is a good chance you’ll be paying a very high interest rate above 10% as well. Again, this isn’t necessarily a scam because it is disclosed to you in the timeshare documents, but it is certainly not a good value.

A timeshare becomes a scam when a sales agent chooses to lie to you about what a timeshare is and how it can be used. For example, a timeshare is not an investment, and if a sales agent chooses to tell you that it is, they are attempting to scam you because that is simply not true. Almost all timeshares do not go up in value after being purchased from a resort developer directly.

We’ve heard of some timeshare sales agents in Mexico telling current timeshare owners that they will buy their current timeshare if they buy a Mexico timeshare instead. The current timeshare owners believe this and buy the Mexico timeshare, and later find out that they still own their current timeshare. Any time a timeshare sales agent lies, it can be considered a scam, so watch out for this one.

If you really want to buy a timeshare in Mexico, a resale timeshare from a current owner will almost always be a better value. Timeshare resales in Mexico can be found on Ebay for as little as $1. Some sellers are even offering to pay the first year’s maintenance fees just so they can get rid of the timeshare, which would mean a free vacation for you the first year.

Mexico Timeshare Scams After You Buy a Timeshare

Mexico timeshare scams after you already own a timeshare have been popping up recently. A company by the name of Global Business Consultants is calling many Mexican timeshare owners and offering them a ridiculously high price for their timeshare. The company calls timeshare owners out of the blue and says they will buy your timeshare at a high price, but you will need to wire them a few thousand dollars for a “transfer fee” or “closing fee” first. When you wire them the money, they will not buy your timeshare and will instead pocket your money and disappear. This is one of the oldest scams in the book and it takes a variety of forms.

Another form of this Meixco timeshare scam is often performed by “listing” or “advertising” companies that offer to “advertise” your Mexican timeshare for you in exchange for an up-front advertising fee. You’ll pay the up-front advertising fee, and your timeshare will likely not sell. Again, many Mexican timeshares can be found on Ebay for as little as $1, so paying several hundred dollars in an attempt to sell your Mexican timeshare for more than $1 is not a good idea. Advertising your timeshare for sale on Ebay is only a few dollars.

If you’d like to get rid of your Mexican timeshare and are unable to sell it, you may want to contact your resort to see if they will take it back. If the Mexican resort won’t take the timeshare back, you may want to speak with a timeshare exit company. Timeshare exit companies work with lawyers to get your timeshare cancelled.

If you choose to speak with a timeshare exit company to cancel your timeshare, we typically recommend choosing one that offers an escrow payment option for extra piece of mind. When you pay with escrow, the timeshare exit company does not get paid in full until after your timeshare has been cancelled. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

For a free timeshare exit consultation, give us a call, submit a contact form or initiate live chat on the right side of the page.

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Legitimate Companies That Buy Timeshares

If you own a timeshare that you no longer want, you may be looking for reputable and legitimate companies that buy timeshares. Your search will be very difficult because very few companies want to buy a timeshare. Most charities won’t even want your timeshare if you were to offer it to them for free.

The reason for this is that timeshare is not an investment like traditional real estate. It typically does not go up in value after you purchase it. It’s more like a new car where it loses value the second it is purchased. Unlike a new car that retains some of its value, a timeshare often doesn’t much value at all unless it is a Disney Vacation Club or a high value timeshare in Hawaii. Need some proof? Head over to Ebay and do a search for “timeshare.” You will likely see many timeshares being advertised for sale for as little as a $1 with no bids. If all these timeshares are advertised for a dollar and no one is buying them on the resale market, why would a company want to buy one from you? Charities don’t want them for free because they don’t want to be on the hook for the rising maintenance fees.

An old timeshare resale scam involves a random person / company calling you out of the blue and offering you a high amount to purchase your timeshare. This person will usually offer you more than the amount that you originally paid for your timeshare to get you excited. Once you’ve agreed to sell your timeshare to them, they will ask for a bogus fee to cover a “transfer fee” or a “paperwork fee”. You’ll pay this bogus fee and the company will disappear with your money and never buy your timeshare. A company by the name of Global Business Consultants is currently running this scam as of 11/25/19.

Many timeshare resale scams operate the same way. Timeshare resale companies will make you believe that your timeshare has value, and all you need to do is pay them an up-front “listing” or “advertising” fee to sell the timeshare. Once you pay the up-front “listing” or “advertising” fee, there is a very good chance that no one will ever buy the timeshare and you will be out the “listing” or “advertising” fee.

The safest way to sell your timeshare is through a licensed real estate broker because brokers are not allowed to charge an up-front fee to sell your timeshare. However, timeshare brokers work on commission, so if your timeshare has no value, as many do not, a timeshare broker will not have an incentive to sell your timeshare.

So, rather than looking for reputable companies that buy timeshares, you may want to reach out to a timeshare exit company instead if your resort won’t take the timeshare back. Timeshare exit companies work with lawyers to cancel your timeshare and stop your future fees. These companies do not buy timeshares or advertise your timeshare for sale.

We typically like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer an escrow payment option, so the timeshare exit company does not get paid in full until after your timeshare has been cancelled. Learn more about escrow and why it’s important here.

Before working with a timeshare exit company, give your resort a call and see if they will take it back. Sometimes a resort developer will take the timeshare back if you agree to pay them the equivalent of one- or two-year’s maintenance fees and are current on maintenance fees and don’t owe a mortgage. Giving the timeshare back to the resort will always be cheaper than working with a timeshare exit company. Typically, a timeshare exit company will charge more than $2,000 for its services. Be careful when talking to your resort developer because they will likely try to sell you more timeshare rather than help you cancel your current timeshare.

For a free timeshare exit consultation, give us a call, submit a contact form or initiate live chat on the right side of the page.

Legitimate Companies That Buy Timeshares Read More »

What Is The Average Cost To Get Out of a Timeshare

The average cost to get out of a timeshare will depend on the method you choose to use to get rid of it. There are about seven different methods you can use to get out of a timeshare. These include:

Timeshare Exit Method
Rescission (give back) Most states have timeshare rescission laws that allow you to return the timeshare directly to the developer for a full refund.
The time available to rescind a timeshare differs depending on the state in which the timeshare was purchased. Usually, new timeshare owners have between 3 – 14 days to rescind.
Deedback directly to the timeshare resort developer.
Usually a fee involved between $500 – $2000.
This is the best option available if you don’t want to try and sell your timeshare. Most of the time you will need to pay the timeshare developer to take the timeshare back. The fee varies depending on the timeshare developer.

This option is not available to all timeshare owners because not all timeshare developers offer a deedback program. You will usually need to be current on maintenance fees and have the timeshare paid in full to use a deedback program.
Selling the timeshare on your own.

$50 – $125 to advertise the timeshare for sale on the following websites:
  • Craigslist (free)
  • Ebay ($50)
  • ($34.95)
  • ($15/year membership)
  • ($59.99 – $125)

Do not pay a high up-front fee more than $150 to advertise your timeshare for sale on the Internet. This is almost always a scam.

Very High
Can take years of advertising to find someone willing to buy your timeshare.
Most timeshares are extremely difficult to sell, even for $1. Most timeshares decrease in value significantly after purchase.
Selling the timeshare with the help of a timeshare broker.

About 50% of the final sales price.

Timeshare brokers work on commission. It is illegal for a timeshare broker to charge an up-front fee in most states.
This option is great if your timeshare has value. Disney timeshares typically hold their value well as well as timeshares on Hawaii. Unfortunately, most timeshares are difficult to give away for as low as $1. Timeshare brokers work on commission so they won’t have an incentive to sell a low value timeshare.
Timeshare Transfer Company

Sometimes the timeshare developer will pay you to take the timeshare back if they are in need of inventory. The timeshare developer won’t pay much, but you can usually expect to receive between $1,000 – $2,000 depending on the timeshare, number of points, week number etc.

Other times you’ll need to pay a fee. The fee can be anywhere from $500 – $3000, but it is usually less than a timeshare exit company or law firm.

This is another great option if your timeshare developer is in need of inventory. Sometimes this is referred to as “Inventory recovery.”

Sometimes timeshare developers work with third party timeshare transfer companies and timeshare real estate brokers to collect inventory. This is usually done behind closed doors because the timeshare developers don’t like to advertise that they are taking back weeks because they don’t want their members to exit their timeshares and stop paying maintenance fees.

To use this option, you’ll need to find a reputable timeshare transfer company with a lot of experience and connections within the industry to use this option.
Timeshare Exit Companies that Work with Lawyers.
$4,000 – $15,000. If you owe a mortgage on the timeshare, the fee can go up considerably.

Although this can be an effective way to get rid of your timeshare, it’s usually the most expensive option. You will also likely need to write a statement describing your situation and how you feel you were lied to or misled during the sales presentation, so there is some work involved on your part.

This is usually one of the only options available to those who owe a mortgage because selling a timeshare with a mortgage is next to impossible. Most timeshare developers won’t allow you to use their deedback program if you owe a mortgage as well.
Timeshare Exit Companies that Do Not Work with Lawyers.
$2,000 – $15,000. If you owe a mortgage on the timeshare, the fee can go up considerably.

This option can be cheaper and faster than working with a timeshare exit attorney, but it doesn’t always work. You will also need to put some work in by writing various letters describing your situation and how you feel you were lied to or misled during the sales presentation. You will likely need to write more than one letter.

Again, this is usually one of the only options available to those who owe a mortgage because selling a timeshare with a mortgage is next to impossible. Most timeshare developers won’t allow you to use their deedback program if you owe a mortgage as well.

Still wondering “how much does it cost to get out of a timeshare?”

Generally, the more effort you put in to cancel your timeshare the cheaper the exit will be. This can ring true for many things in life. For example, you could cut your own grass for free or hire a company to do it for you.

See Your Timeshare Exit Cost Now!

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We hope this information was helpful to you. For those wondering how much lawyers charge to get out of a timeshare, now you know! If you’d like to learn more about how to cancel your timeshare, initiate live chat, give us a call at 833-416-8796 or submit a contact form on the right side of the page.

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Orange Lake Timeshare Cancellation

Central Florida is one of the prime vacation destinations throughout the entire country. Millions and millions of people travel here each year to enjoy the many attractions, including world-famous theme parks, great golf courses, and many other activities. Owning an Orange Lake timeshare is one way to have access to this popular destination year after year.

If you are an Orange Lake timeshare owner who is ready to be done with your ownership responsibilities, this page will discuss the cancellation process. I understand that you may be frustrated at the moment and unsure if there is a viable way to get out of your timeshare. Each situation is different, but the best starting point is to gather as much information as possible so you can make informed decisions. Let’s get started!

What is an Orange Lake Timeshare?

It would probably be faster to list all of the things that you can’t do in and around the Orange Lake property than trying to cover everything you can do. There are the theme parks, of course, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll also find plenty of other activities including great golf courses, water parks, shopping, entertainment, and on and on.

There is no doubt that you could travel to Orange Lake over and over again for years and never get bored of the experience. It’s a wonderful place to spend some time with family and friends. So, why would anyone want to cancel their timeshare at this property? It comes down to what it’s like to own a timeshare and the restrictions it can put on your life. You are stuck making the payments for maintenance fees and any assessments that come up, even if you can’t travel that year for some reason. Also, the property might not have availability precisely when you’d like to travel, so you have to work around the schedule that is in place and perhaps take a trip at a time that is less than ideal.

For these reasons and others, you might come to the decision that moving on from your Orange Lake timeshare is the right way to go. If that’s your choice, the next step is to figure out how to make it happen. Read on for some ideas on this task.

Using the Recission Period to Your Advantage

Anyone who has recently purchased a timeshare at Orange Lake and quickly came to regret it might be able to find a way out. That’s because Florida offers one of the most generous timeshare recission periods in the entire country – buyers have a full 10 calendar days to decide that they no longer want to make the purchase. If you have purchased an Orange Lake timeshare less than 10 days ago and you’ve changed your mind about becoming an owner, notify the seller in writing as soon as possible with your desire to cancel.

This is the ideal way to get out of a timeshare because there are no penalties attached to the cancellation – it’s like it never even happened. There won’t be another chance to get out so easily in the future, most likely, so think carefully about whether you want to stay an owner if you happen to still be within this window. If you decide to cancel, keep all of the documentation that you have regarding this whole experience so you can prove your side of the case if the developer tries to dispute your cancelation later.

Also, if you reach out to inform the seller that you want to cancel, don’t be talked out of your choice by any of their tactics. Even if they try to make you a better offer to keep you in the fold, hold firm and be confident in your choice. This law is in place to protect your rights and you shouldn’t feel bad about taking advantage of the protection that it provides.

Finding a Buyer for Your Orange Lake Timeshare

One possible way to get out of an Orange Lake timeshare is simply to sell it to someone else. You can list timeshares for sale in many different places on the web, and if you manage to find someone who wants to buy your Orange Lake deed, you could be out of it in the near future.

I’d like to temper your expectations a bit right now, however, before you even get started. There are a couple of things to know about this process, and the first is that it’s hard to sell a timeshare. There are tons of them listed for sale and most just sit there in their spot on the web without attracting much attention. It’s entirely possible that you could list yours and have it not elicit any responses for weeks or even months.

The other thing to know is that you are unlikely to be able to sell it for much if you do get an offer. With so little demand for timeshare resales, the prices are very low and most owners are happy to sell for basically nothing as long as they can get out of the contract. You aren’t going to get any kind of exciting return on what you initially spent on the timeshare, but if you are just able to sell it and move on with your life, that might wind up feeling like a big win.

Orange Lake May Have an Offer Available For You to Consider

Did you know that it’s possible that you could be able to cancel your Orange Lake timeshare simply by asking? That’s not to say that it is likely that such a situation will play out, but it is possible. You’ll never know what is available to owners who would like to exit their timeshares unless you ask, so make it a point to reach out directly to the developer early in this process.

What happens from time to time is that timeshare developers run low on inventory within their property and would like to have more deeds to sell to new owners. They know that some of their current owners want to get out anyway, so they offer to take back a certain number of deeds that can be resold to new buyers. This is a golden opportunity to get out of your timeshare if you are ready to leave, so don’t let the chance pass. And, if you call or send an email and are told that nothing of this sort is currently available, don’t give up hope – you can keep checking in from time to time to see if the story changes.

Learn More About Timeshare Exit Companies

If you have gotten to a point in this process where everything else has come up short and you are still a timeshare owner despite your wishes, it might be time to hire an exit company to approach this matter for you. With the help of an exit company, you’ll be able to explore various strategies for canceling your timeshare that you might not be familiar with otherwise.

It’s tempting to think that just hiring any timeshare exit company is automatically going to end your worries in this area, but sadly that’s not the case. There are still plenty of ways for this to go wrong, particularly if you hire the wrong exit company and don’t get the kind of service you deserve. It’s important to do thorough homework and research on the company you select so you can be sure to get one that is going to work hard for your needs and deliver results in the end.

There is some risk here because you’ll be spending your money on this service. The idea is that you will save money in the long run by getting out of the timeshare and no longer having to pay things like maintenance fees and assessments. But in the short term, you’ll need to spend money on the service being offered by the exit company. One important way to keep your money safe in this process is to insist on using an escrow service to hold your money while the exit company works. This way, you will have some protection and could try to recover your money if they don’t deliver.

The Sooner You Start, the Sooner It’s Resolved

Working on canceling your timeshare at Orange Lake might not be the most exciting or enjoyable thing you can put on your to-do list, but it is important. If you have decided that you would like to cancel, there is no time like now to get started on that process. I have made it easy for you to get in touch by either using the live chat here on our site or by calling us at 833-416-8796. Either way, we’d love to help you move forward and figure out your next steps. Thank you for visiting!

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Vistana Timeshare Cancellation

No one buys a timeshare while thinking about the process of canceling. At the start of your timeshare journey, you are only thinking about the fun you are going to have and the memories that will be made. And, to be sure, plenty of people have had great vacations traveling to timeshare locations and spending time with family and friends.

If, however, your Vistana timeshare experience is no longer what you had in mind, I understand. I’ve talked with many timeshare owners over the years who wanted to get out and weren’t exactly sure how to make that happen. This page will discuss the realities of owning a Vistana timeshare and what to do next if you would like to move on.

What is a Vistana Timeshare?

Vistana Signature Experiences provides owners with access to properties in some particularly attractive destinations. Like many timeshare companies, Vistana presents its owners with locations in sunny, warm locations like Mexico and the Caribbean, along with options in the United States. If you have been a Vistana owner for years, you’ve probably had your share of memorable vacations, but that doesn’t mean that remaining an owner is the right choice for your needs.

Like all timeshares, owning with Vistana comes with some notable drawbacks to consider. Those include the ongoing maintenance fees that you are responsible for paying, along with the potential assessments that you may need to pay, as well. Other common timeshare issues include the difficulty that you may have booking trips during desirable times, or at the best results. When you add it all up, it might feel like the right move is to get out of your timeshare and move on, so I’ll discuss how that might work below.

Could You Still Cancel the Purchase?

There is no debate about the easiest way to cancel a timeshare. When talking with people who recently purchased a timeshare, I always ask them to first check on the recission period in the location where they made the purchase. What is a recission period? It’s simply a window of time in which you have the right to cancel your timeshare with no questions asked. You are allowed to contact the developer to tell them you want to cancel, and that is the end of it.

This is obviously an ideal escape as there is nothing else to do or pay. Of course, the downside is that this only applies for people who very recently purchased a timeshare – usually within the past week. The timeframe will vary based on where you made the purchase, so you’ll want to check the regulations in that area to know if you still have a chance.

If you are within the window to cancel your purchase, don’t drag your feet – act immediately and follow all of the relevant instructions to complete the cancellation. This is the best way to get out and you don’t want to miss the opportunity if it is still available. Once you have submitted your request to cancel, be sure to keep all relevant documentation so you can prove that you did cancel if any dispute comes up later.

Explore the Possibility of a Sale

If you are a Vistana timeshare owner at this time, remember that being an owner means you have the right to sell what you own. So, if you would like, you can list your Vistana timeshare for sale in any of a number of areas and hope to find a willing buyer. While this sounds like perhaps an ideal way to get out of a timeshare, you’ll soon find that the situation isn’t quite what you expected.

Sadly, there just isn’t much of a market for timeshare resales. For buyers who are interested in a timeshare, the second-hand market is flooded with options and all of the power rests in the hands of the buyer. Those buyers know that owners are desperate to get out of their deals and just want to be free from the obligations of the maintenance fees and assessments. So, if someone does want to buy your timeshare, you shouldn’t expect them to offer much of anything for it.

That doesn’t mean that a sale isn’t a good option – it can be a great option in the right situation. It’s possible that you wind up accepting an offer for literally one dollar, and you may be happy to get it. The sale of a timeshare isn’t so much about the amount of money you get as it is the money you save in the future by not owning it anymore. Each year that goes by without you needing to make maintenance fee payments is another year that you have saved money by not being a timeshare owner.

Make it a point to do everything carefully when completing a timeshare sale to confirm that ownership has been transferred to the new party. Save all documentation for the sale and double-check everything before you consider this matter closed.

Asking for Direct Help

You might be surprised to find that help could be available directly from Vistana. Timeshare companies don’t necessarily have a reputation for being helpful toward owners who want to leave, but don’t make the mistake of assuming they won’t be available to assist. You never know what might be available until you ask, so make it a point to reach out to Vistana directly to let them know you’d like to exit the timeshare.

In the best-case scenario, they will inform you of a program to give back your timeshare and walk away. Companies do this when they are short on inventory and would like to have more timeshares to sell to new owners. So, they aren’t doing you a favor as much as they are trying to maximize profits, but their motivations are no concern to you – if this kind of offer is available, be sure to get all of the information about how you can take advantage.

It’s entirely possible – and even likely – that any offer they have available will only be on the table for a limited time. So, if you do hear of something from the developer and you want to use it to exit your timeshare, don’t wait around. The possibility of getting out of your Vistana timeshare by giving it back to them isn’t going to be available forever and it might even be gone within a matter of days.

Consider Using an Exit Company to Move Forward

Unfortunately, it’s a reality of this situation that many people are going to go through the ideas above and find that they still own a timeshare. At this point, you might feel like there is no way out, and I understand the frustration that comes with this experience. You’d just like to move on and no longer make payments on something you don’t want to own, but getting to that point might not be as simple as you had hoped.

When everything else has come up short, a timeshare exit company might be able to come to the rescue. An exit company is a service that exists specifically to help you end your ownership experience and move on with life. Companies in this space are experienced at working with sellers like Vistana to explain the position of the owner and figure out how to work out a deal. There are many different potential approaches that can be used and a good exit company will customize its tactics based on the situation at hand.

You do need to be careful to protect yourself when working with an exit company on this matter. Not all exit companies are actually going to be able to deliver the results you expect, and you could wind up spending money on this service only to get nothing in return. That’s why using an exit company that is willing to utilize an escrow service is so important. With escrow, your upfront money is put into an account that can’t be accessed by either side of the deal. Once escrow is funded, the exit company will get to work for you, and they’ll only be paid in full when the job is done. That’s the kind of protection you deserve and it makes sure that the exit company is motivated to deliver on their promises.

Don’t Wait Even One More Day

Saying that it is never too soon to start looking for a way out of your Vistana timeshare is not a cliché – it’s the truth. If you have decided that exiting your timeshare is the right decision for your personal situation, I would love to be able to help. Reach out today at 833-416-8796 or take a moment to use the live chat feature I have added to the site to get help. This process likely won’t be completed in a single day – or even particularly soon – but things can only happen when you take action. I hope to hear from you right away!

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Pueblo Bonito Timeshare Cancellation

Few places in the world have as many attractive timeshare destinations as the coasts of Mexico. Given the countless hours of sunshine, warm temperatures, friendly people, blue waters, and great food, it’s not hard to understand why these places are so popular. A timeshare sales pitch in this part of the world can be very persuasive, given the kinds of vacations that can be had here.

As a Pueblo Bonito timeshare owner, you may have enjoyed your share of such trips – but you also may be ready to be done with the experience. I know that many timeshare owners think about canceling but aren’t sure how to proceed, so this page will offer some helpful advice. Take a moment to read through the page and be sure to reach out if you need any assistance.

What is a Pueblo Bonito Timeshare?

Owning a timeshare that offers you access to just one resort on the coast of Mexico could provide plenty of great travel memories – but having access to eight resorts takes the experience to a higher level. That’s what Pueblo Bonito provides, as it offers owners the use of a total of eight properties between Cabo San Lucas and Mazatlan. No matter which location you select, plenty of sunshine and beautiful beaches are sure to be on the menu.

If you are thinking about canceling a Pueblo Bonito timeshare that you purchased recently, that choice probably has nothing at all to do with the location itself. These are beautiful places and offer many great memories on vacations. It’s just that owning a timeshare isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be at first. You could find that it’s more expensive than you expected, and that the costs keep rising year after year. And, if something about your lifestyle has changed to where you can’t travel as regularly as you would like, the choice to get out becomes clear.

At that point, your attention will need to turn toward figuring out how to get away from your timeshare effectively. This can be a notoriously difficult task, although it is certainly not impossible. Patience will be required, and you’ll want to be stubborn enough to keep trying different options – or, perhaps, trying the same option again and again – until it finally works out and you can move on from your ownership for good.

If You Recently Purchased, You Have Rights

When you walk out of a timeshare sales office having signed paperwork on a purchase, you might feel like the deal is done at that point. Technically, it is done, but it can still be undone. The recission period is a timeframe during which you can still cancel your purchase, get your money back, and erase the whole experience. For those who have only recently purchased a timeshare with Pueblo Bonito and now no longer want to be owners, taking advantage of the recission period would be a smart move.

In Mexico, this period lasts for just five business days. So, you don’t have long to act if you want to use this law to your benefit. If you decide to go this route, you need to make sure to notify the seller in writing and keep copies of what you send to them so the case can be proven later on, if necessary. Also, if you still have a couple of days until the five business day limit is up, don’t wait until the final moment – do it as soon as possible so you have a little wiggle room.

Understanding the recission period law is important because you don’t want to find yourself tied to a contract for years that you wish you never would have signed. If there is any doubt in your mind about owning a timeshare, using this chance is the best way to get out without dealing with complications later on.

The Task of Selling Your Pueblo Bonito Timeshare

Is it possible to sell a timeshare as a way to both exit the timeshare and get some of your money back? Yes and on. First, on the positive side, yes – it is possible to sell a timeshare. You have that right as an owner, as presuming you can find a buyer, you could opt to sell it and move on. That would be an excellent way to leave the timeshare and plenty of people certainly that this approach. As long as the paperwork is done correctly and ownership is officially transferred with the timeshare developer, you’ll be all set.

So, why did we say “yes and no”? Well, selling a timeshare isn’t quite as easy as you might like to believe. In fact, it can be downright difficult to find a buyer, and if you do find someone who will sign on the dotted line, they probably won’t offer to pay much for the exchange. You shouldn’t be expecting to get much money back out of this deal, but you could find your way out of the contract, which would be a win in its own right.

There are plenty of reputable places online to list timeshares for sale. You can use those platforms, or even speak to friends and family members about the possibility of buying it from you. Whatever the case, you should know that it can be a long and slow process to try selling a timeshare, and there is no guarantee that you will ever find a buyer – but if you do, this could serve as a desirable exit strategy.

Check In with Pueblo Bonito to Explore Options

For the timeshare owner who is pretty frustrated with their situation and just wants to get out, calling the developer directly might not be something you feel like doing. You expect that they are just going to hold you to your contract and continue to make you pay every maintenance fee and assessment for as long as possible.

And yes, it’s possible that the situation will play out that way. But not necessarily. Sometimes, timeshares are willing to take back deeds from owners who would like to leave. You won’t get any money back if you take this kind of offer, but you also will be able to leave and stop spending money on something you no longer want to own.

To find out if any kind of take-back program is available from the timeshare, simply call or send an email to ask. In fact, don’t just call or email once – get in the habit of checking in regularly to see if anything is offered. You might be told no a few times before you finally get an opportunity to cancel directly. This is a great way to leave if it becomes available and you’ll love the relief that comes from being able to walk away without any further obligations.

Timeshare Exit Companies Can Help – If You Find the Right One

If you have been working on finding a way out of your timeshare for a while now, you probably have thought at least a few times that it would be nice to have someone on your side in this journey. After all, it can feel like you are up against a big corporation and you have no resources on your side to stand up for your interests. That’s where a timeshare exit company can enter the picture. Exit companies exist solely for the purpose of helping timeshare owners get out of their contracts and move on. With a good exit company on your side – one that has a lot of experience in the industry and understands the nuances of timeshare contracts – you’ll stand a good chance of success.

I always advise people who are going to hire a timeshare exit company to be sure to use an escrow service. When you hire the company, your money goes into an escrow account – rather than directly to the company – and they get to work before getting the money paid out. This protects both sides nicely and helps you feel confident that the exit company is actually going to give this project their best effort.

Does a timeshare exit company mean that you are guaranteed to get out of your timeshare in the near future? No – but it is a good start and could be the step that you’ve been missing up until this point.

The Cancellation Process Can Start Today

There is no reason to wait any longer on canceling your Pueblo Bonito timeshare. If you have decided that you would like to cancel, the next step is to think about your situation, understand your contract, and determine how to move forward. Toward that end, I invite you to give us a call at 833-416-8796 for more information or to use the live chat feature we have here on the site. Thank you for taking a moment to stop by!

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