Free Consultation: 833-416-8796

Disclosure: We receive compensation if you choose to speak to one our recommended timeshare exit companies. The following information is for educational purposes and is not to be considered professional or legal advice.

July 24, 2021

¿Puede deshacerse de un Tiempo Compartido de Reef Playacar Resort & Spa?

Reef Playacar Resort & Spa forma parte de una empresa más grande que se llama The Reef Resorts y sus tres ubicaciones están en México. Reef Playacar Resort & Spa está en Playacar, Playa del Carmen, y al igual que muchos resorts similares, tiene su propio programa de tiempo compartido. Este programa se llama Leading Vacation Club (“Club de Vacaciones Líder”).

Tal vez usted es una de las muchas personas que compró un tiempo compartido con Reef Playacar Resort & Spa y ahora está buscando salirse de él. Tal vez sea porque el complejo en sí, no es lo que usted imaginaba, o por las estrategias de venta que se utilizaron para que usted lo comprara. Sea cual sea la razón por la que desea cancelar el tiempo compartido de Reef Playacar Resort & Spa, usted no está solo.

Cuando investigamos el Reef Playacar Resort & Spa en línea, encontramos varias reseñas y quejas negativas, incluyendo un total de 2,5 estrellas en Yelp, varias reseñas de 1 y 2 estrellas en TripAdvisor, y algunas calificaciones claramente bajas en Orbitz y Travelocity también. Reef Playacar Resort & Spa no tiene una página en el BBB, ni tampoco el Leading Vacation Club. Los huéspedes y los compradores de tiempo compartido mencionaron como motivos de sus quejas el mal mantenimiento de las propiedades, las estrategias de venta bajo presión, las falsas promesas, las pagos inesperadas y el mal servicio al cliente.

Las siguientes son algunas de las reseñas más destacadas que hemos encontrado en Internet.

De Yelp:

“¡Ellos le dan a usted una pulsera [sic] para que la use durante todo el tiempo que esté allí! No es tan elegante como parece. No nos gustaban las pulseras porque cuando íbamos a la ciudad, nos señalaban como turistas. Nos quitamos las pulseras a la mañana siguiente después del desayuno y fuimos a la playa del hotel durante una hora antes de que llegara nuestro taxi al aeropuerto. Al volver a entrar en la propiedad del hotel, la seguridad nos trató como si fuéramos delincuentes que estaban invadiendo la propiedad. No nos informaron de que teníamos que llevar las pulseras puestas todo el tiempo. La seguridad fue muy grosera e irrespetuosa. También la forma en que el complejo se presenta en línea no refleja la forma en que realmente se ve cuando lo ves en persona. No volveremos a hospedarnos aquí.”

“Me encanta México y la gente es muy amable, pero nunca volveré a este complejo, en primer lugar tienen que sacar la cabeza de su trasero y cuidar de sus clientes en lugar de presionar [sic] a sus clientes para que compren un tiempo compartido. … Cuidado con los anuncios falsos, amigos míos.”

De TripAdvisor:

“Estoy muy contenta de que mi pesadilla haya terminado. Después de meses de lucha con el Club Reef, el proveedor de mi tarjeta de crédito pudo finalmente recuperar mi dinero. También fui engañada por Jerry, de Georgia, y por un hippie cuarentón, Gary, también de la costa este, que nos aseguraba que íbamos a ganar dinero cada año y que íbamos a tener acceso a todos esos grandes descuentos en hoteles y vuelos. En realidad, nunca se refirió a esto como una multipropiedad y continuó animándonos con mentiras. Desgraciadamente, mi esposo y yo nunca habíamos pasado algo así y nos sentimos engañados. Me sentí un poco avergonzada por todo el asunto y totalmente asqueada por este complejo y la gente. No los apoyen. No se queden aquí. Se aprovechan de la gente y luego te ignoran por completo cuando empiezas a hacer preguntas. Si hubiera tenido acceso al Internet mientras estábamos allí, Google me habría informado de esta estafa. Bueno, fue una experiencia de aprendizaje. Tengan en cuenta a la gente. Si se dejan engañar por la membresía del club de viajeros diamante, tomen medidas rápidas para contactar a su compañía de crédito, el resort para cancelar por escrito, PROFECO-el buró mexicano de mejores negocios”.

En definitiva, parece que tanto el programa de tiempo compartido como el resort dejan mucho que desear. Operan sobre lo que parece ser una base bastante fraudulenta y tenemos que evaluarlos como tal ya que no encontramos evidencia de lo contrario.

Programa de Salida del Tiempo Compartido de Reef Playacar Resort & Spa


Para acceder a una ruta más directa al intentar deshacerse del tiempo compartido de Reef Playacar Resort & Spa, puedes ir a la página web de Reef Playacar y navegar hasta su pie de página, donde se encuentra el enlace a Leading Vacation Club (“LVC Access”). En esta página de aterrizaje, todo lo que usted necesita hacer es ir a la página de Contacto para encontrar donde, “si está buscando comprar, vender o alquilar una propiedad vacacional, o si quiere más información sobre sus opciones”, puede ponerse en contacto. 

Sin embargo, le animamos a que tenga en cuenta que muchas personas también han publicado advertencias sobre su programa de recompra en el Mercado de Tiempo Compartido. Si busca “Mercado de Tiempo Compartido de Reef Playacar” en Google, encontrará quejas sobre su programa de salida de tiempo compartido. Incluso este programa, creado en conjunto con Royal Diamond Resorts y Resort Marketing Solutions, es una estafa – una que estafó a varias personas por su dinero.

Por eso, debe saber que la mejor de sus demás opciones es trabajar con una empresa de salida del tiempo compartido que tenga buena reputación, y que trabaje directamente con el complejo turístico pero que no forme parte de él.

Evite las Estafas de Tiempo Compartido


Lamentablemente, Reef Playacar Resort & Spa no es único en sus prácticas. Las estafas de tiempo compartido son increíblemente comunes. Pero la buena noticia es que también pueden evitarse por completo. Al igual que con cualquier otro tipo de negocio, hay varias señales de alarma a las que puede prestarle atención en las primeras fases para evitar involucrarse más. De este modo, podrá ahorrarse una gran cantidad de tiempo y dinero.

Esté atento a lo siguiente para que evite las estafas de tiempo compartido:

Las promesas que suenan demasiado bien para ser verdad, incluidos los incentivos para hacer una compra inicial que aparentemente no tienen condiciones (porque, es muy probable que las tengan).

Los pagos por adelantado, incluyendo depósitos elevados o cargos “administrativos” que son mucho más altos de lo que usted espera.

Presentaciones de venta insistentes, especialmente las que no le animan a tomarse su tiempo para tomar una decisión o le ofrecen regalos y alcohol para influir en su decisión.

Siempre que usted realice una compra, y especialmente una de gran relevancia como una propiedad vacacional, asegúrese de leer la letra pequeña, tómelo con calma y averigüe lo que quiere, y no lo que otra persona le diga que haga.

Elija una Empresa de Salida del Tiempo Compartido para Abandonar el Tiempo


Mientras que las mismas señales de alarma con el tiempo compartido pueden aplicarse a las empresas de salida de tiempo compartido, también hay varias empresas de salida que utilizan prácticas comerciales honestas. Una empresa de salida de tiempo compartido de buena reputación, en primer lugar, no espera pagos por adelantado, y en cambio, utilizan el depósito en garantía. Esto significa, básicamente, que no se les paga hasta que se cancele el contrato y usted esté satisfecho con su trabajo. Puede obtener más información sobre la importancia del depósito en garantía aquí.

Otras señales de una empresa legítima de salida de tiempo compartido en las que debe fijarse son las siguientes:

Una fuerte calificación con el BBB y pocas (o ninguna) queja(s)

Haber estado en el negocio durante varios años

Una dirección de oficina física, en lugar de un apartado de correos

Un sitio web de aspecto profesional

Uso de contratos escritos para los servicios 

Una vez más, aunque no son lo habitual, existen muchas empresas de este tipo. Usted puede explorar nuestra lista de empresas recomendadas para ver cuál podría ser la adecuada para su situación.



Cuando usted esté listo para salir del tiempo compartido de Reef Playacar Resort & Spa, nos encantaría ayudarle a encontrar la compañía de salida de tiempo compartido adecuada. Este sitio web fue creado para proporcionarles a personas como usted, más opciones a la hora de salir de una propiedad vacacional que no ha sido lo que parecía al principio en el mejor de los casos, y en el peor de los casos, resultó ser una completa estafa. Como recordatorio, puede echarle un vistazo a nuestras empresas de salida de tiempo compartido recomendadas en esta página.

Y si tiene alguna otra pregunta sobre la cancelación de tiempo compartido en general, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Puede llamarnos al 833-416-8796, enviarnos el formulario de contacto que aparece en la parte derecha de esta página o iniciar el chat en vivo para empezar.

Resort Exit Group Review

Resort Exit Group is a timeshare exit service located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. They are placed right smack dab in the middle of where some high yield timeshare resorts are located, and they claim to have been in business since 2002. Even though they claim they have that many years of experience behind them, we don’t believe for a moment that this company is all it claims to be.

Resort Exit Group Website Review


If there were a website to review here we would review it, but unfortunately there isn’t. When you navigate to Resort Exit Group’s website you’ll find the shell of a domain with a link at the top right that asks you to renew now. The real disparity here is that there seems to be at least something of a presence on their Better Business Bureau profile, so it is strange that they’d let their website fall out of service. 

While we don’t exactly have a website to review, we can talk about why a company that has allegedly been in business since 2002 would let its website go down. We can take a look at their reviews to try and puzzle out if this is a scam or just an old company that has gone defunct. It is highly possible that the company used to be legitimate but went out of business during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The strangest thing we can find from their Better Business Bureau page is that while they have apparently been in business for 19 years, all six of their reviews are from 2019. This seems odd to us as you would think a company that’s been around that long would have some sort of following whether that’s good or bad. Both positive and negative reviews are normal for a company that is nearly two decades old and with only six available that are positive from the same year, it looks fishy. 

The fact that all of the reviews are within two months of each other in 2019 and there are none from the years before, we aren’t given much confidence that this supposedly long-standing company actually has the history they claim to. Googling can also tell you that there is a startling lack of any information regarding this company beyond a little bit of info on their Better Business Bureau page and an empty Yelp profile. 

You can’t gauge any legitimacy from this company from anything you’ll find on the internet and if you look up the supposed manager you won’t find much either. There will be a few vague things you’ll find on Google about James Roswell, but there’s nothing definitive to say that it’s actually the man managing the Resort Exit Group. They are also not accredited by the Better Business Bureau, so you’re left to just wonder if the company is a scam or just a poorly managed group that’s gone out of business recently. 

This kind of uncertainty should be enough to convince you that Resort Exit Group isn’t worth your time, but if you want to get an idea of what a timeshare scam looks like you can take a look at what we regard as ‘red flags’. One of which is avoiding companies that lack any sort of online presence. If there is no website and very few reviews to go off of you won’t be able to tell if the company is legitimate or helpful at all. Ratings and reviews tend to be the only thing potential clients can go off of to tell how a company will be before they contact them. 

Companies that aren’t accredited by the Better Business Bureau should also be avoided as the BBB tends to be the gauge for how successful a company is at what they claim to be experts in.

Resort Exit Group Reviews


There are only six reviews available on the Better Business Bureau profile, and those six reviews are all from May and June of 2019. This is alarming as their website isn’t even active anymore so we can’t tell how long they’ve been offline. This makes us question the legitimacy of these most recent reviews, especially paired with the lack of reviews from any year before. This wouldn’t be so bad if this company has only been in business for a few years, but they’ve allegedly been in business for nearly two decades. 

The reviews aren’t too similar in nature, so on that front, we don’t doubt the legitimacy. They are all relatively thorough and vary in length with personal stories added to most of them. Their Better Business Bureau page also mentions their profile was created in 2017, so if we’re going off of that we come to a few conclusions. They have likely only been active since 2017 and the supposed two decades of experience may be due to those who were on their staff when they started. 

In addition to this, we can be led to believe that if they only just started in 2017 and their most recent reviews were in 2019, they were likely a new company still when the pandemic hit. This would make sense as to why their website is shut down and they are lacking any reviews before 2019. Some timeshare contract cancellations take 12 months to two years, so if the reviews are all from 2019 they got started right away with their clients and finished off their contracts in a relatively speedy timeframe. 

Without any website or further reviews, there isn’t likely to be anything left of this company if it ever was legitimate in the first place. We are leaning more towards the company that had once been legitimate but is now defunct, but they could easily have been a scam regardless. With the lack of track record and legitimizing information, it is unlikely that this company is still legitimate if it ever was in the first place. 

They have at least four of the red flags that constitute a timeshare scam, but we can neither confirm nor deny whether they were ever legitimate in the first place. It is best to simply avoid this company, which shouldn’t be hard considering there doesn’t seem to be a way to contact them other than a phone number and an address.

Resort Exit Group Cost


With no website and no way to contact them beyond a phone number, we don’t know how much their services cost. We can get a little bit from the reviews we find on their Better Business Bureau page, but even that isn’t much. The reviews mention the cost of their timeshares and how much that was weighing on them rather than the cost of the exit service itself. 

We also do not recommend services that don’t offer money-back guarantees or escrow payment options because they are the only way to ensure that your case is fully handled without losing out on the money you’ve paid the service. Attorneys can be expensive and we know that timeshare exit services tend to be a little bit more affordable. You won’t get any information about your timeshare exit costs before you go through a consultation, and with this service there’s no way to do even that. 

The reason we recommend escrow payments so heavily is it is the only way to fully hold a company accountable while they are handling your contract. You get the assurance that they will handle your contract in full before they ever get paid for anything they do for you. This may sound like it isn’t fair to the company or service, but it is more important to protect yourself from potential scams that will take your money the same way your resort is doing. With escrow payments you get the full assurance that you won’t be scammed further by an exit service. 

As we see it, there is nothing left of this company beyond a phone number and this isn’t helpful to us in the slightest. They may have once been a good contender in the timeshare exit business but they currently have nothing left of them to be able to work with.



Whether this company was once a legitimate timeshare exit group or whether they were a front for a scam, we can neither confirm nor deny. There isn’t enough information available on the internet or any of their review websites to be able to gauge the full legitimacy of this company. It is unfortunate because it seems that their reviews were at least positive, so we can’t do a fully extensive review of the service without much to go off of. 

Overall we just recommend avoiding this company as they have no online presence, no history, no credibility, and no reviews to go off of. Further than that there is no way to contact the company or hold them accountable for their services. So all in all it is best to simply avoid this company without anything to back them up as a legitimate or even still active timeshare exit service.

Resort Consulting Group Review

Resort Consulting Group is a timeshare exit service located in Van Buren, Missouri. They’ve claimed to have been in business since 2007 but their Better Business Bureau profile states they’ve been around since 2016. They are a veteran-owned firm that allegedly specializes in fixing any of your vacation accommodation troubles, including ending pesky timeshare contracts. Though they claim to tailor-make their solutions for every client, do they hold up to those claims, or do they fall short of the mark?

Resort Consulting Group Website Review


When we think of timeshare exit groups and what they are trying to market to potential clients, we expect professionality, solid credentials, and a website that showcases what they can do for you and how they can do it. Resort Consulting Group’s website doesn’t even fall short, it barely shows up at all. For a business that claims to have been practicing as long as they have, their web design is poor and the structure of the information is severely lacking. 

The overall appearance of their site looks more like a low-budget modeling agency or a salon’s website. There is a single black and white stock photo of a model set as the background and the colors of red, orange, and yellow against the black and white backdrop only cheapens the website further. The use of stock photography and the configuration of the information they provide on the website are sloppy and poorly organized. 

Reaching their ‘services’ page is even worse as the menu of what services they provide is organized like a basic numbered list and some of the services provided are a little bit ridiculous. They are one of the few sites we’ve seen that mentions pricing at all, it is just unfortunate how disorganized the subject matter is. They offer three free services and a few that are priced, but even the prices and services themselves seem off. 

The three services they provide are a ‘Timeshare Advocate Evaluation’ where they will contact any timeshare company that has contacted you to determine their legitimacy. They offer ‘Timeshare Mortgage Relief’, and you can get a free quote for their services and what they think they can do to get you out of those payments. They also of course offer ‘Timeshare Cancellation’, and you can also call for a free quote to discuss your contract and your options. 

The last free service they offer is something called ‘Accommodation Alternatives’, which doesn’t make much sense. It seems to be a way to help you get other accommodations should your timeshare service be insufficient. This doesn’t make much sense to us with the wording, so we don’t think this is a legitimate service, regardless of how it is offered. 

They then break down four other services that they provide which are all marked with prices or price ranges for you to look over. While this is a nice addition, it also doesn’t make a lot of sense. They offer a ‘Simple Contract Review’ for $39.99, which is essentially looking over your timeshare documents and contract so you know what you’ve signed on for. 

It seems silly to us that they would charge almost forty bucks to look over your documents and talk them over with you. While you may get a higher price from an attorney who would be looking over your documents, most free consultations cover looking over your contract. They also charge anywhere from $160 to $300 to give you a ‘Presentation Ride Along’, so you don’t have to attend your timeshare update meetings alone. 

We think it is ridiculous to pay up to three hundred dollars to have one of their associates come with you to your next meeting. You also have to shell out another $40 for timeshare cancellation assistance which doesn’t seem right. They don’t further explain what most of these services mean and how exactly they’ll help you in the long run. You can also spend another $40 to have your perpetuity evaluated so you don’t possibly leave an unwanted timeshare to your children. 

All of these services aside from one or two are typical timeshare exit services, but the way they’ve been priced or described doesn’t make sense to the reader. If you’re a potential client, we don’t see you reading into these any easier than we have and that’s the most important part. If your client can’t make sense of what you’re offering, you’re not doing your job. They do make it clear they are not attorneys and can’t offer legal advice, so you should take everything they are saying with a grain of salt. 

The only further information they offer is their contact information and a sheet for you to fill out to get in touch with them. If we’re gauging their legitimacy by the website alone, this looks like either a poorly structured business or an absolute scam. It lacks any sort of professionalism in its design and the list of their services and costs makes little sense to anyone trying to read through. 

There is little information available to the potential client to get a feel for who Resort Consulting Group is and what they offer to clients. We know what the red flags for scams look like and this has a few of them right away, but we would still like to take into account the reviews before we make our final verdict.

Resort Consulting Group Reviews


If you head on over to their Better Business Bureau profile, you’ll find three reviews for their services. They have no complaints and only three reviews available. Though they have a 5 out of 5 stars for their services, they don’t even have a rating from the Better Business Bureau as they are not considered an accredited business 

The first name of the owner isn’t even spelled correctly on their profile, making it difficult to find much about him. When we searched him we found a Gerald W. Stracke who lives in Springfield, Missouri who we believe might be the individual tied to this business. Though further than where he lives and his age we weren’t able to find much else about him. 

The three reviews you can find on their Better Business Bureau profile are all 5 stars. They are all from just last month and they have the same structure and similar words. All of them are short and sweet, mentioning how helpful the associates were and how much they recommend the company. 

These reviews being legitimate does not seem likely as the similarities, when they were posted, and the choices of names seem too convenient to consider. You won’t find any other reviews floating around the internet either, which really leads us towards believing that this company is either the most poorly managed timeshare exit service in the world, or it is a scam. For more information on how to spot scams and avoid them, check out our blog.

Resort Consulting Group Costs


The only thing they seem to be somewhat upfront about is their costs. The four services they offer outright costs for tend to be roughly $40 each, but for one it varies between about $160 and $300. We don’t believe for a second that these are the only costs you’ll incur using their services and hidden fees or extra costs seem to be lurking around the corner. 

This is why we strongly advise against using any service that doesn’t offer information about their payment plans and the full costs of their services. Clients deserve to know what they are getting into before they get into it and unfortunately not many timeshare exit companies are transparent enough to do this before the no-cost consultation. The consultation itself is problematic as well as it gives them the power to contact you even if you don’t wish to use their services. 

We also strongly advise against companies that don’t offer escrow payment options. Using escrow payment means that you have the ability to get your service done before your money is even released to the party involved. This is important as it keeps timeshare exit companies honest and ensures that you know exactly what you’re getting into before you get into it. 

If you want to learn more about escrow payments and why they are important, check out our blog post on how to spot a scam. Though it doesn’t have all of the telltale signs it does deliver on being underwhelming and downright lacking communication.



All in all, if you’re looking for a trustworthy timeshare exit company, you’re not likely to find it here. Their website isn’t even suited for their needs and is lacking any relevant information to make your timeshare exit journey any easier. The company is contradictory and doesn’t offer any legitimate insight into their business practices or offer any helpful reviews. 

You’d be better off with a more well-known company that can provide you with more information upfront about their services. But if Resort Consulting Group falls severely short of the mark on all accounts.


Our goal is to help timeshare owners find a reputable timeshare exit company to work with. We like to recommend timeshare exit companies that offer a low up front fee escrow payment option, so you are protected from scams. Contact us to receive a free timeshare exit consultation.


Always contact your resort or timeshare developer first before contacting a timeshare exit company. Some have exit programs of their own that can assist you with a timeshare cancellation

Privacy Policy is not a law firm.

Free Consultation: 833-416-8796